You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 863: The truth eight years ago! (11)

Qiao Lian suddenly said, "You said."

The captain tangled, and finally said: "Do you know Mo Wuxin, like you?"

Qiao Lian stayed in his seat and said staggeredly, "Ah?"

Mo heartless, like her?

The captain must be joking with her again?

But ... looking at the captain's seriousness, and thinking about Mo Wuxin's death, the captain won't make a joke of the dead ... She was stunned.

Do you like her?

The one who likes to scold her the most and oppose her, even if she later played a game, even better than him, who carelessly liked her?

The captain scratched his head. "In fact, many of us at the time liked yours."

The game is good, even if there are no photos, but you can feel a lively and lovely girl when you listen to the sound.

With the pride of the girl, Xiao Qiao never knew how popular she was in the team.

Most of the men in the team like her.

At first, I liked to play games with her.

But this girl was too clever, and she quickly learned all the operations. She was born to play for a game, and left them a little bit ... Until later, in the entire team, the only people who could stand next to Zichuan were she was!

Even Mo inadvertently cannot compare with them.

Such a person is born with the focus, and the proud of heaven should be admired by others.

The captain didn't say that he had liked her too, and she was also his dream lover.

But these words, at this moment, there is no need to say.


When leaving the cemetery, Qiao Lian was a little shy.

Mo was unwilling to like her, would this be the source of their misunderstanding at that time?

When she thought about it, she lowered her head, and bit her lip after half a ring.

Things seemed to be more confusing.

Qiao Lian sighed with a headache. How could it be so difficult to trace the truth eight years ago?

Is it possible to know exactly what happened, except Song Liangchuan, only Song Yuanxi?

But since Song Yuanxi left the Shen family, she couldn't reach her at all!

She seemed to have evaporated and never appeared again.

Qiao Lian thought of this and lowered her head, what should I do? Who else to look for?

Just thinking of it, she rang suddenly!

Last time, when dining with Xia Nuannuan's parents, Mei Feng seemed to have colluded with Song Yuanxi!

Mei Feng!

Mei Feng knew the truth eight years ago.

Thinking of this, her eyes lighted up, she immediately picked up her cell phone and called Xia Nuannon.

But the phone dialed out, and it rang for a long time, but no one answered.

Qiao Lian froze and called again.


The phone was shaking on the red sheets, but there was no one in the bright room.

Xia Nuannun at this moment was working in the living room under the command of Mei Feng.

Today Shen Zihao went to the company and officially began to contact the Shen family.

The main members of the family are Mei Feng and Xia Nuannuan.

Mei Feng pointed to the clothes in the dirty clothes basket and said to Xia Nuannuan: "Wannun, these are Zihao's clothes, which cannot be machine-washed. When you weren't married, I washed them all. Now do you help Zihao wash your hands? "

Hand wash?

Shen Zihao prefers cleanliness, basically changing the rhythm of two sets of clothes a day, and this is winter.

When the sweaters weren't mentioned, they said the coats they were wearing ... a total of seven. When will she wash them?

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