You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 866: The truth eight years ago! (14)

This time Mei Feng's confrontation with Xia Nuannuan can only be said as a tie.

After dinner, Xia Nuannuo and Shen Zihao went upstairs.

Shen Zihao looked at Xia Nuannuan and said: "Aunt Mei has not been easy in the past eight years. I will respect her more in the future."

Xia Nuannu immediately nodded.

Shen Zihao looked at her well-behaved, and added: "However, if Aunt Mei still lets you work, you can directly refuse. It is mainly your body."

Xia Nuanyuan's eyes brightened and he nodded immediately.

Then she took his pajamas for him, and when Shen Zihao changed his clothes, the two lay on the bed.

Even if they are married, in fact, there is nothing particularly intimate between them.

After all, Xia Nuannun is pregnant. For the first three months, pay attention to safety.

After working all afternoon downstairs, he finally went upstairs.

Xia Nuannu noticed that there were two missed calls on his mobile phone.

It's Joe's.

She hurriedly picked up her phone and dialed in.

Soon, Qiao Lian answered.

At this moment, Qiao Lian has returned to the villa.

Seeing Xia Nuannu's phone, she took her cell phone and walked to the balcony.

Xia Nuannun said, "Love, do you have anything to do with me?"

Qiao Lianning's eyebrows, "Warm, can you do me a favor?"


"You try to help me get the words out of Mei Feng's mouth and see if I can ask, what happened when Shen Liangchuan set up the club eight years ago."

Xia Nuannuan's voice quickly passed over, "Okay. But she has a tight mouth, I'm afraid it's a bit difficult."

"Well, trouble you."

After hanging up the phone, Qiao Lian turned her head and looked into the empty bedroom.

Today, Shen Liangchuan did not return home.

After the meeting in the company was over, he followed the group and had dinner together.

Qiao Lian thought of this, her eyes lightened and went downstairs.

Xia Yehua Suxuan: "If Shen Liangchuan drinks some wine, will he not lose sleep?"

Sleeping pills don't work, can drinking alcohol work?

Moreover, if the drunkard is really drunk, it is not good for the body.

Qiao Lian and Xia Yehua talked downstairs for a while, then she went upstairs and entered the master bedroom.

Lying on the bed, she felt that she could not wait any longer.

She must take action.

Qiao Lian took a deep breath, picked up her mobile phone, and found out the previous number of Song Yuanxi in her. She paused before calling.

The phone rang for a long time, but still nobody answered.

But the phone was still on.

Qiao Lian frowned and called again.

This time, the call was cut off directly.

Qiao Lian couldn't be reconciled, so he continued to fight.

This time, the call was finally connected.

Song Yuanxi had some unstable voice, and came over, "Hey, who?"

Qiao Lian paused for a moment, this voice ...

She frowned, before she said, "Song Yuanxi, I am Qiao Lian."

The voice across from me.

Qiao Lian knew that Song Yuanxi would definitely not like her, and maybe cut off the phone directly.

But I didn't expect to hear a muted hum the next second.

Then, an ambiguous voice came over.

Even if Song Yuanxi clenched her teeth and lowered her voice, there were still a lot of movements coming from the cell phone.

Qiao Lian stunned.

Directly dumbfounded!

She shouted into the phone, "Song Yuanxi, I have something about Shen Liangchuan, and I want to ask you! Wait a moment, you are free, can you call me back?"

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