You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 869: The truth eight years ago! (17)

In appearance, Shen Liangchuan definitely does not look sick.

Good looks and good mood, he has a strong self-control, making people can't tell whether he has fallen asleep or not.

Only when there is no one will he show his vulnerability.

Qiao Lian clenched her fist when she thought of it.

The more he did, the more distressed she was.

She deliberately kept herself asleep last night.

It was so dry lying on the bed until dawn.

The feeling that you are living like a year for a minute and a second is simply terrifying.

He only suffered from insomnia all night, but he has been for more than half a month.


Qiao Lian and Song Yuanxi agreed to meet at the psychiatrist at 5 pm.

At 4 o'clock, Qiao Lian ran and waited for two hours outside the room. Song Yuanxi still didn't arrive.

The psychologist was a little worried: "Ms. Song, won't you come?"

Qiao Lian clenched his fist when he thought of it.

Song Yuanxi hated her.

So, as long as it makes her feel bad, she is willing to do it.

Actually, she also knew that it was a little too much for Song Yuanxi to help.

Now, will Song Yuanxi really not come again?

Qiao Lian thought of this, so she picked up her mobile phone and dialed Song Yuanxi's phone number.

Qiao Lian breathed a sigh of relief, "Yuan Xi, where have you been?"

As soon as this word came out, a low laugh came from the opposite man: "I also want to know, where has she gone?"

Joe loved a moment, "Who are you?"

"I'm her boyfriend, according to her."

Qiao Lian opened her eyes again, "What about Song Yuanxi?"

"do not know."

"Since her phone is in your hand, why don't you know?"

"Oh, she ran away this morning."

Run away?

Where have you been?

Qiao Lian was thinking and heard a voice from the end of the corridor.

She turned her head and saw Song Yuanxi step forward!

Qiao Lian finally breathed a sigh of relief and cut off the phone directly.

Song Yuanxi's face was cold and explained lightly, "coming from the airport, there is a traffic jam."

Qiao Lian nodded, expressing understanding.

Then, she pointed to the psychiatrist's office. "You don't want to tell me anything. Would you please tell the psychologist?"

Only by letting the doctor know the crux of the problem, can we prescribe the right medicine.

Song Yuanxi nodded when he heard this.

Qiao Lian is sitting outside the office.

She felt like a cat scratching herself, scratching her heart.

She wanted to know exactly what happened eight years ago. She wanted to know how Mo Moxin died.

But at this moment, she had to control herself.

Outside the door, I didn't know how long to wait, the door of the psychiatrist's office finally opened.

Qiao Lianxi stood up.

She stared at Song Yuanxi, "Is there a result?"

Song Yuanxi lowered his eyes, and slowly spoke after half a ring: "Come in."

Qiao Lian frowned and followed Song Yuanxi into the psychiatrist's office.

The psychologist lifted his glasses, then pointed at the opposite chair and nodded at Joe: "Please sit down."

Qiao Lian sat down, "Doctor, did you find the crux?"

The doctor nodded. "I found it."

Qiao Lianding looked at her, "So, what now?"

When the doctor heard this, he frowned and looked at Song Yuanxi.

Then the doctor stood up, "I'll go out for a while and you two talk."

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