You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 877: The truth eight years ago! (25)

This remark ended, and Qiao Lian hurriedly rushed to his cell phone.

The video opens.

It's in the underground parking lot.

The light was a bit dim, but it was still clear that Shen Liangchuan was standing close to the exit. He was wearing a sunglasses mask and was waiting for Song Cheng to drive over.

Just then, Xiao Tang's white car drove out and headed for the exit.

Everything works fine.

But when Xiao Tang's car was going through the place where Shen Liangchuan was standing, Shen Liangchuan was suddenly stunned by a ghost, and suddenly got up!

He suddenly shouted something and rushed to Xiao Tang's car!

He held out his hand, as if to push something away ...


In front of Shen Liangchuan, there was obviously nothing.

Xiao Tang braked abruptly, but even so, the car hit Shen Liangchuan's leg, bumping him up and flying, and finally fell to the ground.

Everyone who watched this video froze.

This looks like Shen Liangchuan committed suicide, inexplicably rushing to the car.

Xiao Tang has no responsibility at all.

Xia Yehua was anxious, "What is Liangchuan doing ?! It's too dangerous! Doesn't he want to live?"

Song Cheng was surprised, "I, I didn't expect it to be like this."

Xiao Tang had a bitter face, "That's it, I really don't know why Shen Yingdi suddenly rushed out ... I ..."

All three were guessing what happened to Shen Liangchuan.

Qiao Lian watched the video and suddenly realized.

She felt her heart hold tightly by an invisible big hand, so painful that her tears were about to shed.

She definitely looked at the video, looked up, and asked Xiao Tang, "Your car, is it Xiali?"

Xiao Tang nodded, "Yes, I have driven this car for many years ..."

Qiao Lian did not continue to look at him, but turned to Song Cheng. She knew that Song Cheng had been working for Shen Liangchuan, and he knew much more than himself.

She bit her lip and slowly said, "Did you run into Mo's heartless car many years ago, Xiali?"

In a word, reminded Song Cheng.

He widened his eyes stupidly and looked at the video suddenly, "Yeah, yeah, that car is the same model as this car ... Xiao Tang, the car that was popular eight years ago, why are you still driving! "

But Qiao Lian felt that the whole person was like an ice cellar.

Xia Yehua felt strange, "What happened to Xiali?"

what happened again?

Qiao Lian lowered her head, and her eyes became wet all of a sudden.

When Shen Liangchuan rushed to Xiaotang's car, he waved his hands and shouted a word.

That sentence, looking at his mouth, did not originally know what it was, but at this moment, she understood.

The sentence was: Mo Wuxin, be careful!

Unintentional, be careful!

His long insomnia has caused hallucinations!

At that moment, he thought back to eight years ago.

Thought I was back at the scene of the accident!

The familiar Bentley sedan made him think about it, so he rushed up and wanted to push Mo away unconsciously!

He would rather be the one who was killed at the time!

Qiao Lian clenched his fists.

She turned her head again and looked at Shen Liangchuan in the ward.

His symptoms of insomnia have become heavier.

The words of the psychiatrist poured directly into her mind.

"... If this goes on, it will affect his life!"

Now she finally understood the meaning of this sentence.

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