You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 880: The truth eight years ago! (28)

A game of games, playing the **** Pembe.

After the game, Qiao Lian and Shen Liangchuan were a little excited.

Qiao Lian couldn't help shouting, "One more round!"


"Zichuan, don't go there, you come and help me!"

"Up, up, you can fight!"

"After I go around, you cooperate with me from the front! Kill the other's output first!"


The ward was filled with this voice.

Qiao Lian's voice sounded pleasant.

The smile on Shen Liangchuan's lips gradually enlarged.

Only in the game are there no noisy minds and no sad feelings.

After a few games, he was more relaxed than ever.

Just spend the day.

In the evening, Xia Yehua came to see Liangliang River and asked Qiao Lian to go home for a meal and take a break by the way.

Qiao Lian agreed.

After saying goodbye to Shen Liangchuan, the moment she walked out of the ward, all smiles on her face melted away in an instant.


Pushing the door of Shen's villa open, Li Yan greeted him, "Mrs., the food is ready. Do you eat now, or do you take a shower?"

Qiao Lian said, "Don't worry."

She changed her shoes and looked in the living room. "What about Joey?"

"Master Xiao Yi is reading a book upstairs!"

Qiao Lian nodded when he heard this.

She went upstairs first, and came to the door of Qiao Yi's room. After ringing the door, she pushed in.

Qiao Yi is reading IELTS English and wants to study abroad.

Qiao Lian glanced at him and sat on the sofa next to him, staring at his face.

Qiao Yi's legs were okay, and his walking returned to normal.

When the younger brother stood up, she realized that her younger brother had grown up, half a head taller than her, and became a man.

Qiao Lian stared at his face.

That face has lost its childish innocence, and now it is a little more stable, and the eyes of people are no longer as simple and wise as before.

She was staring at Qiao Yi and heard Qiao Yi say: "Sister, there is something, I want to discuss it with you."

Joe fell in love and stared at him. "You said."

Qiao Yi looked down and thought for a moment before he said, "Sister, I want to go abroad now."

Qiao Lian was stiff, and her heart was touched.

She didn't expect that Qiao Yi would say what she didn't say.

She didn't expect that Qiao Yi would be so intimate and captured her thoughts sensitively.

She stared at Joey. "What then?"

Qiao Yi smiled and said, "Sister, I have grown up. I can take charge of my life. I am 22 years old this year. Although I have delayed my studies, I do not want to be a parasite. I can go abroad and myself Find a temporary worker, earn money by working, and earn tuition while studying at the school while waiting for recruitment information. "

This is what Qiao Lian thought.

But she always felt that it was too cruel.

Qiao Yi said, "Sister, you have raised me for eight years, and I don't want to be a waste. Now, I can't give you back, but I can support myself."

Qiao Lian clenched his fists, "But after all, you haven't contacted the outside world for eight years ..."

"That's why I should have more contact!" Qiao Yi laughed. "Are you afraid that I will be fascinated by the outside world? But how many glorious and wealthy have I never seen? Our family has not been wealthy. You can rest assured Right. "

Qiao Lian bit her lip and finally said, "OK."

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