You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 885: Not her ... (4)

Things touched Xia Nuannun, everyone's eyes were dark.

Mei Feng's voice suddenly weakened. "What are you talking about? How could young grandma get money?"

The nanny said directly, "Why not? Grandma is also very poor at home! If the wife really says so much money, why can't she look down?"

Xia Nuannan clenched his fist when he heard this.

The family is poor ... it was so accused.

She just felt hot on her cheeks.

The babysitter was afraid of being caught and was involved in the police station, so he stood up and said, "I'm willing to let my wife find someone to search my room and search my body. I will prove that I didn't steal money at all!"

Mei Feng heard this and glanced at Shen Xiu.

Shen Xiu's skeptical eyes had fallen on Xia Nuanuan.

Xia Nuannuo bit her lip. She looked at Shen Xiu. "Dad, I don't."

Shen Xiu frowned, and spoke after half a ring. "Find some people and search in the nanny's room!"

After this remark, the housekeeper immediately ordered a few people and entered the nanny's room together.

Five minutes later, several people came out.

The housekeeper glanced at Xia Nuannuan and shook his head, "Nothing was found."

The babysitter was relieved, sitting on the ground with one buttock, she cried and said, "It's really not me!"

Having said that, she turned her head sharply and looked at Xia Nuannuan, "Little grandma, why did you steal your wife's money, and it almost affected me!"

As soon as this word came out, Mei Feng reprimanded her, "What are you talking about? How could young grandma steal money! Even if ... that's what I gave her!"

This obvious move to protect Xia Nuannuan made the nanny around them show a thoughtful expression.

Everyone looked at Xia Nuannu's eyes, as if looking at a thief, which made people particularly uncomfortable.

Xia Nuannuan looked so calm, she looked at Mei Feng and Shen Xiu: "Dad, Aunt Mei, I always have a bright and honest job, I don't have any money."

Mei Feng said, "Yes, I shouted to the room where I went, and told her about Zihao's pocket money. It was impossible for her to steal it."

The little nanny did not spare, and she knew that if she did not catch the killer today, she would still be a suspect and she might be fired by the Shen family!

The big family like the Shen family, of course, the salary given is certainly not comparable elsewhere! And living in such a house, she is also very fulfilled, how can she leave?

Therefore, the little nanny directly and aggressively asked: "Ma'am, are you with grandma all the time? Did you watch grandma enter all the way and watch grandma come out?"

When Mei Feng heard this, she apparently froze, as if thinking of something, frowned, looked at Xia Nuannu, and then she coughed, apparently she was covering up something, "Yeah, yeah ... "

But her appearance immediately made Shen Xiu frown, "To be honest!"

Mei Feng poked Shen Xiu, "Forget it, isn't it 50,000 yuan? Don't check it ..."



Shen Xiu and Xia Nuannu spoke at the same time, saying this sentence.

Then, Shen Xiu looked at Xia Nuannuan, and his eyes were profound, "This matter must be checked clearly, we Shen family, we must not have a daughter-in-law with dirty hands and feet!"

Having said that, he looked directly at the housekeeper and ordered in an unquestionable tone: "Go to the grandma's room!"

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