You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 887: Not her ... (6)

Xia Nuanan stared at the housekeeper in surprise.

She frowned, wondering how the money ran into her room.

The money was definitely not hers.

Her room was not accessible to ordinary people.

So what is going on now?

She was thinking, but suddenly met Shen Zihao's eyes.

In Xia Nuannu's heart, he struck immediately.

Shen Zihao's eyes ... doubting her?

How can he doubt her? !!

Xia Nuannuan felt his eyes look like a sharp blade, stuck in her heart, and let her clenched her fist tightly.

Shen Xiu doubted her, she just felt shame.

Mei Feng slandered her, and she just felt shame.

But Shen Zihao's skeptical eyes made her feel her heart hurt.

She looked at them shyly and heard Shen Zihao asking, "Where did the money come from?"

The steward lowered her head. "Willn't Madam have a suitcase? The money is in her suitcase."

The money is in the suitcase ...

How could money be in the trunk!

Xia Nuannon gritted his teeth.

Shen Xiu already looked at her and yelled: "It's really a small door and a small family, so there is no tutoring! Things like stealing things can be done! Our Shen family is short of you, or you don't wear it ?! "

Xia Nuannuan heard this and looked directly at Shen Xiu.

She stood weakly, in a pair of water eyes, but at the moment with stubbornness that others could not understand, she slowly said, "Dad, you are right. The Shen family does not lack me to eat, I do not lack me to wear, There is no shortage of me. So why should I steal money? "

Shen Xiu took a moment.

Yes, why does Xia Nuannu steal money?

This sentence fell, and Mei Feng next to him sighed deeply, "I'm fair, but I already knew that my in-laws were not doing well. They could marry into our home for the sake of warmth, The house was sold, and I still owed tens of thousands of dollars in foreign debts ... But it's warm, you say, you say, how can the family help you, after all, it is in-laws! "

In a word, let everyone in the room suddenly realize!

I sold my house just to marry my daughter into a wealthy man. What kind of a good person can such a person be?

All the babysitters in the room looked at Xia Nuannuan's eyes for a moment, all changed.

Xia Nuannuan looked at Mei Feng steadily.

She just felt like the whole person was stripped of clothes and surrounded by people around.

The pride hidden in the deepest place is so broken now.

She turned her head and looked at Shen Xiu. In Shen Xi's eyes, she saw a deep contempt for herself.

Finally, she looked at Shen Zihao and saw him frowning.

Xia Nuannuo bit his lips tightly. "Our family is poor, but I won't steal money! This money ..."

"I gave it to her."

In a word, he said lightly from Shen Zihao's mouth.

Summer warmed for a while.

Mei Feng froze.

Shen Xiu was even more surprised.

Shen Zihao smiled suddenly, "I gave it to her. What's wrong? Aunt Mei, this 50,000 is not your 50,000, this is what I gave Xia Nuanuan."

"Xia Nuanuan is not a thief."

Suddenly Shen Zihao held out his hand, and the landlord held Xia Nuannu's waist. "This is Shen's money, Xia Nuannu is my wife, and this money is hers!"

In a word, the floor was loud.

But with a right to swear.

Mei Feng was said to be stunned, and there was a jealousy in her eyes.

This summer is warm, why can you still be sheltered by Shen Zihao at this stage?

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