You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 891: Not her ... (10)

After Xia Nuannu had finished this sentence, he pushed open the door and left.

Shen Zihao stood in place and looked at her back.

Obviously so thin, it seems like they can't carry anything at all.

But at this moment, the straight back is so stubborn.

Shen Zihao looked at it and did not understand.

What happened, he really believed in Xia Nuannuan.

But when the money was taken out of her suitcase, he thought of the 2,000 yuan that year.

She slept with him overnight, took him 2,000 yuan, and later told him that he was not responsible.

Money and goods cleared.

Isn't that how she arranged her life?

Now, Father Xia and Mother Xia are in distress, and he did not give her money. He understood that she took Mei Feng's money, wanted to help her parents, and even covered her.

Isn't he the person who should be angry most now?

It was she who lost him, but why did she run away from home? !!

When Shen Zihao thought of it, he felt so angry!

Especially the babysitters downstairs, when he saw Xia Nuannuo dragging the suitcase away, the kind of pointing gesture suddenly made him feel inexplicable irritability!

He went straight downstairs, picked up his coat, and chased out.

But when he rushed outside, he saw that Xia Nuannu had disappeared.

He went to the garage, drove out his car, and walked out of the villa.

Not far and close followed the figure in front.

Watching her get in a taxi, watching her go to the house she rented and Shen Zihao was relieved.

But at the same time I feel really cheap!

How could she be so tolerant of her?

If someone had stolen the money, he would have slapped it!


Shen Zihao drove around Beijing.

Upset, he didn't want to go home.

Without knowing it, I came to the Shen family villa.

He stopped the car and wanted to go upstairs, but suddenly thought that Shen Liangchuan and Xia Yehua were in the hospital.

Shen Zihao started the car again and went to the entrance of the private hospital.

I parked the car at the door and suddenly didn't want to go upstairs.

He wandered a few times outside and suddenly saw a bar not far away.

That bar, he still remembers that he was drunk last time here. Later, it was Xia Nuannu who took him back ... On that day, he had a relationship with Xia Nuannu.

He parked the car by the road and entered the bar.

At the bar, ordered a glass of hard liquor.

I took a sip and coughed.

The bartender at the bar looked over and saw him, his eyes suddenly flashed, "Oh, sir, you!"

Shen Zihao froze, "Do you know me?"

"Yes, why don't you know? The drunk you drunk with us last time, your girlfriend came to pick you up in the end! I also used your wallet to help you pay two thousand dollars! Our bar is lively at night You came here in the morning, so I was particularly impressed. "

Shen Zihao nodded when he heard this.

He lowered his head and wanted to take another sip of wine, but suddenly realized something, suddenly raised his head, and looked at the bartender in shock: "You, what do you say ?!"

That two thousand dollars is the alcohol? !!

And if the 2,000 yuan was not Xia Nuannu, then you misunderstood that Xia Nuannu was all about money ...

That being said, the 50,000 today is indeed not stolen by her! !!

PS: Eighty chapters! !! I have been writing for a whole year ~ I spend every day in the archive ~ Now I am finished, relieved! !! Announce the VIP group. VIP groups are fans with a value of over 5,000. You can enter Ha ~ If you are not full, do n’t worry. It ’s the same when you are full. VIP group number: 431144535. Finally, get a monthly pass! Recommended tickets! leave a message! Give a reward! Come more violently! !!

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