You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 895: Not her ... (14)

A Huang was anxious. "Master, I really don't!"


Shen Zihao sneered, looked at the small bag, and immediately said: "The small bag said, you opened the box."

"Who will hide the money in the suitcase. Since you chose to open the suitcase, it must be because you already knew that there was money in it!"

A Huang was crying anxiously, "Master, I really don't! I opened the trunk because it was because the housekeeper let me open it! If it was for this reason, it must be the housekeeper who framed Grandma!"


Shen Zihao's eyes narrowed and he looked at the housekeeper.

When I saw the steward frowning, he suddenly yelled, "A Huang, why are you spurting blood? I asked you to open the suitcase, but I didn't approach the suitcase at all. From beginning to end, I stood at the door and directed you, Can I still put money in the trunk? "

A Huang waved her hands in shock, "No, I didn't mean it ... steward, I ..."

Later words, but could not say.

Shen Zihao narrowed his eyes and stood up.

He stared at A Huang, and then slowly said, "In fact, if you want to know whether you put it in, it's very simple, I have a way!"

A Huang Yiyi, "What is it?"

"Check your fingerprint!"

A Huang froze, "Ah?"

Shen Zihao said, "Do you think about it, haven't you touched the fifty thousand dollars all the way?"

A Huang nodded.

"Then if the money was not put in by you, then there must be no fingerprint on your money! Now I will call the police and ask the police to check it! The truth will be revealed at that time!"

When Huang heard this, he nodded suddenly, "Okay, master, if you let the police come, you can give me innocence!"

Shen Zihao frowned when he saw him.

He picked up the phone after half a ring, and when he was about to make a call, he saw the housekeeper suddenly take a step forward: "Master, this thing is not suitable for trouble, have you forgotten it?"


How could I forget!

Shen Zihao frowned. "But if you don't let the police come over, how can you find out the truth?"

The steward sighed, "The 50,000 yuan was found after all. The meaning of the wife and the sir are all quiet. If you have to make a noise, it will be an ugly thing to take out."

Butler said here, "Master, you must think twice before you go!"

Shen Zihao frowned, and nodded after a while, "You're right. Moreover, the money has been touched by many people, and with just a fingerprint, it can't be determined who put it in the suitcase."

Speaking of this, Shen Zihao sighed, "You go out first! Don't be found out by me, otherwise, I will certainly not spare you!"

All three breathed a sigh of relief before walking out of Shen Zihao's study.

Shen Zihao stood up, walked into the bedroom, and lay down.

The night was getting dark.

He suddenly heard downstairs, and there was a slight movement.

He sat up and went straight downstairs, and saw a figure slowly moving in the dark.

Shen Zihao's eyes narrowed and he followed.

He had known for a long time that he would fight the grass today, and the real killer would not sit idly by, and would definitely show clues. As long as he followed this person, he could see who directed it and framed Xia Nuannuan!

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