You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 906: Xiao Qiao, where are you? (5)

Song Yuanxi thought that it was he and Mo Wuxin who wanted to help Qiao Lian pay the penalty, so he died in a car accident and became angry with Qiao Lian ...

But only he knew that there were some things that he didn't tell Song Yuanxi.

At that time, Qiao Lian suddenly withdrew from the club.

After he was depressed, he wanted to team up with Mo Wuxin.

However, the staff of the club asked Xiao Qiao for a high penalty because of Xiao Qiao's withdrawal.


For him before, it was only a small amount.

But for those who had just left the family at the time, were self-reliant, and had just barely been able to eat enough food, it was a sky-high price.

What kind of work can bring 200,000 in one breath?

He and Mo Wuxin were in poverty at the time.

Just then, Xiao Qiao was in the game one day, but suddenly he sent a message:

[Little Qiao: Zichuan, I give you 100,000, can you return it to me? I'm in a hurry. 】

She gave him 100,000 ...

Before setting up the club, she gave them funds to rent a house and handle various things.

Shen Liangchuan couldn't open his mouth at once, and asked for 200,000 more.

She said there was something urgent, and it must be urgent, right?

Therefore, he said to Mo Wuxin that the money came out of them.

There are few ways to make money fast.

Just at this time, there was a gamer who wanted a certain equipment in a game.

And this equipment requires customs clearance.

He had no intention with Mo, and was in the network for a week, just to clear the customs quickly and sell equipment to compensate for liquidated damages.


They played the game and came out.

He didn't see the car and was pushed away by Mo inadvertently.

Mo was unconsciously rushed to the hospital.

At first, the doctors just checked him, and nothing happened.

Mo's heart hurt in his chest, but he didn't take it seriously, even joking with him.

Later ... He thought of that day as the better date to meet Xiao Qiao.

So he made an excuse, left the hospital and ran over to find Xiao Qiao.

But at the time, he didn't expect that he just heard Xiao Qiao's phone call ...

She called her girlfriend again, a bag, 100,000 yuan, and bought it without blinking her eyes.

It turned out that what she called urgently needed 100,000 yuan was to buy a bag?

But did she know that, for this bag, his good brother was lying in the hospital.

And he died a lifetime!

Just at this time, Song Yuanxi sent a text message, Mo Moxin suddenly became ill!

He left the cafe and rushed to the hospital.

Mo inadvertent rescue was invalid and died.



Song Yuanxi said eloquently that Qiao Lian killed her brother.

He never knew how to refute.

Mo Wuxin died to save him.

And they were in trouble because of the 200,000.

All of this is because Qiao Lian gave up without any explanation, all because of Qiao Lian, in order to buy a bag!

Shen Liangchuan thought of this, and then bowed his head.

He knew that Qiao Lian was innocent.

Mo's unintentional death was not caused directly by her.

But he couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart.

He never dared to tell the truth about Qiao Lian, because he was afraid that Qiao Lian would not be able to bear the pain and guilt after he knew it.

In the past eight years, she has been living so hard, and she must have understood how difficult it is for them to pay 100,000 yuan.

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