You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 909: Xiao Qiao, where are you? (8)

The driver stood respectfully, and the two bodyguards stood there, motionless.

Lu Nanze stared deeply into the graveyard ahead, and finally lowered his eyes.

He stepped forward and went inside the cemetery.


Qiao Lian didn't know how long he had stayed here, but finally stood up and looked at the cemetery slowly and said, "Parents, I'm not coming back to Beijing this time. I will look up the truth of the event in Suzhou. I'm leaving today, I'm looking for a place to stay, and after two days, I'll see you again. "

Having said that, she stood up, lifted her suitcase, and walked towards the gate in the other direction of the cemetery.

Just when her figure disappeared around the corner, Lu Nanze finally came over.

He stood standing in front of Joe's and Joe's tombstones, staring at their eyes with deepness.

But he came slowly, but suddenly hesitated.

The familiar atmosphere in the air ...

He tried hard to show a sip and sniffed carefully, but a gust of wind blew.

The breath in the air disappeared without a trace.

Lu Nanze could not help but smile a bitterly.

People who have always been arrogant, at the moment, said a little helplessly: "Uncle and aunt, I actually felt that I smelled love. I must be crazy ..."

"Uncle and aunt, how are you doing recently?"


Qiao Lian came out of the cemetery and stopped a taxi outside.

It's getting late today, so she just found a hotel and stayed there.

Then started looking for renting information online.

This time I went back to Suzhou and planned to live for a long time.

She was eating instant noodles while watching the internet.

I was eating, and suddenly the feeling of nausea and nausea reappeared!

She got up sharply, rushed into the bathroom, and vomited again.

When I vomited everything in my stomach, I felt more comfortable.

Qiao Lian sat idly on the sofa, staring ahead.

Is she stomach sick or is she pregnant?

And if pregnant, does this child want or not?

Qiao Lian frowned as she thought of it.

Forget it, let's figure out the situation first.

She thought of it, put on her clothes, went downstairs, went to the nearby drug store, and bought a pregnancy test stick.

Back at the hotel, she threw the pregnancy test aside.

Then continue to look for rental information, and recruitment information.

She didn't bring much money with her from the Shen family.

Now that you have chosen a divorce, you can no longer take away a penny from Shen Liangchuan.

I have a lot of money, so I continued to find a livelihood first.

Thinking, I suddenly saw that there was an additional email in my mailbox.

She froze slightly, and after opening it, she discovered that the email was from Gao Youming.

Gao Youming has rarely contacted her since her identity was forgotten and Mrs. Shen was forgotten.

The two of them used to explain the game match, think about it, it has not been explained for a long time.

Is Gao Youming looking for her?

Thinking of this, Qiao Lian opened the email.

However, it was found that the content of the e-mail said that she had time, and called him back, because Gao Youming called her and could not get through.

Qiao Lian, thinking of unplugging his calling card in Beijing today, quickly picked up the phone in the hotel and called Gao Youming.

Qiao Lian said, "Hey, it's me."

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