You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 920: The true face of Mei Feng! !! (9)

Xia Nuannuar heard this, and suddenly hesitated. She asked in surprise: "Dad, what do you say?"

Father Xia continued to say, "I said, I hit! I talked to your aunt Mei for two more words. I said that she would let you tell us we are safe and she agreed.

Xia Nuan Nuan held her back.

Dad Xia called Mei Feng?

"When did you hit?"

"After the typhoon report came out, I knew you would worry about us, and I called you right away!"

Xia Nuannuan clenched his fist.

She bit her lip. "Dad, I see."

Hanging up the phone, the more Xia Nuannu thought in the room, the more angry he became.

She was anxious because of the whereabouts of her parents. She went home and asked if Meifeng's parents had called. How did she answer?

She said slowly no!

Is this what she calls no? !!

Xia Nuannu took a few deep breaths, but still couldn't swallow the breath, and rushed out.

In the living room, Mei Feng is watching a TV show.

Xia Nuanuan came to her in a breath, staring at her, "Aunt Mei."

Mei Feng raised her head, glanced at her, and continued to land on the TV: "Warm and warm, what's wrong?"

"Aunt Mei, has my father ever called the family?"

Mei Feng finally shifted her eyes.

At this moment, there was no one in the entire living room, only the housekeeper was standing by.

Mei Fengxi smiled, "No."

Xia Nuannu saw her look, and said directly: "Why not? My parents called you and asked me to tell you, Aunt Mei, why didn't you tell me?"

When Mei Feng saw her, she suddenly flashed the words of the doctor.

Her threatened miscarriage is the most taboo mood change now.

There was a hint of yin in Mei Feng's eyes, and she turned her head stupidly, raised Erlang's legs, and just sat on the sofa, watching her: "Oh, I forgot."


Xia Nuannuan only felt the upsurge of fire.

She slowly said, "How could you forget it? How could you forget it! Aunt Mei, you ..."

"Well, your parents are safe now. Is it still interesting to investigate these?" Mei Feng said lightly, as if it was nothing to do with herself.

Yeah, it really doesn't matter.

Her parents, of course, she would not worry about safety!

Xia Nuannon gritted his teeth. "Aunt Mei, you're wrong. You know I worry about my parents ..."

"No? This family doesn't seem to be able to teach you what to do?"

Mei Feng's toes opened up, "Xia Nuan Nuan, I advise you to identify yourself!"

"You are just a pheasant who climbed up to our Shen family and tried to marry our Shen family! Unfortunately, the pheasant flew on a branch and it will not become a phoenix!"

Xia Nuannuan listened to the accusation and stared at Mei Feng, "Do you have any opinions on me?"

Mei Feng nodded, "Yes, I just have an opinion on you, what happened?"

Xia Nuannan immediately clenched his fists, "Why? It's because our family is not a giant?"

Mei Feng sneered, "Yes."

Xia Nuannuan suddenly turned his lips back, "Well, what about Aunt Mei? What is your origin ?!"

In a word, it was like slapping Mei Feng face to face.

Let her squint her eyes and stand up!

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