You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 931: The true face of Mei Feng! !! (20)

Tears rolled down, and she just felt full of grievance, as if she finally found a breakthrough!

She stretched out her hand, grasped his hand, and choked when she was about to speak, but Shen Zihao suddenly asked, "Child, who is it?"

Xia Nuannuan felt that all the grievances and choked throats seemed to be blocked in his throat by such a sentence.

She stared at Shen Zihao in disbelief, as if she never thought that he would say such a word ...

She stared at him stupidly, clenching her fists and biting her lips.

He swallowed all the grievances that came to his mouth.

She stared at him, then spoke after half a ring: "Zihao, don't you believe me?"

Shen Zihao frowned, "I'm a bit messy now ... warm, I believe you, but they all say you ..."

He couldn't tell the rest.

But that look made Xia Nuannuo feel ashamed.

She bit her lip and slowly said, "Zihao, you have to believe me ... I have nothing with him, not like you think, Zihao ..."

Without finishing talking, the door of the ward was suddenly opened!

Liu Haiyang rushed in and stood directly in front of Shen Zihao: "Whatever you do, come to me! It has nothing to do with Nuan Nuan!"

He stared at Shen Zihao and said after half a while: "How much aggrieved Nuan Nuan followed you? How bitter is Nuan Nuan's heart, do you know?"

"You don't know! You are always selfish and you never consider the feelings of others!"

"You only have your father, your stepmother! What do you think of Nuan Nuan?"

"Give you the tools to have a baby?"

"You can bring warmth, only pain!"

"Shen Zihao, Nuan Nuan said long ago that you are a small child. She lives with you and is very tired!"

"I beg you, how can you let us go? The two of us just want to be together!"

Shen Zihao was directly told by these words and stood still.

Little boy growing up ...

Selfishness, regardless of others' feelings ...

It turned out that he was such a person in Xia Nuannuan's heart?

An indescribable emotion lingered in my heart.

He clenched his fists and looked at Xia Nuan Nuan.

Xia Nuanan was so anxious that he was about to get out of the bed, "Liu Haiyang, what are you talking about? I don't ... not me! Zihao, you have to believe me, I have nothing at all with him!"

She is going to cry.

But at this time, Xia's dad came in at this time, and he stared coldly, staring at Shen Zihao, "Liu Haiyang is right, what can you bring to the warm? Where is she when she needs you most? ! "

Shen Zihao was questioned.

He stayed still and couldn't say a word.

He stared at the people in front of him, suddenly feeling guilty.

He turned sharply, "I, I'll see Nuan Nuan another day!"

Then he said nothing and rushed out!

He didn't know how long he had been on the street. When he finally returned to the Shen family, it was already midnight.

Entered, but found that Mei Feng had not slept.

Seeing him in, he immediately stretched out his hand and handed him an agreement. "This was sent back by the Xia family."

Shen Zihao looked over and found out that it was a divorce agreement.

At the position of the woman's name, she said: Xia Nuannuan.

Shen Zihao's eyes narrowed, this ... impossible!

PS: Ah, everyone may continue to scold me ~~ Don't worry, the true face of Mei Feng will be revealed! !! I don't dare to ask for a monthly ticket when I feel guilty ~~ See you tomorrow at noon!

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