You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 933: The true face of Mei Feng! !! (twenty two)

Shen Zihao frowned, "Dad, how are you feeling?"

Father Xia has never seen such a battle.

He tightened his chin, and then spoke after half a ring: "Zihao, I beg you, let our home be warm."

He pointed to the reporters outside, "Look, Nuan Nuan has been in the newspaper, her reputation has been ruined! How can you let her live the rest of her life?"

He lowered his head and shed tears, "Zihao, we are just ordinary girls, we cannot accept the blessings of your Shen family!"

A man in his 50s, so old, was crying like a child in front of Shen Zihao at the moment.

Shen Zihao looked at Dad Xia and suddenly didn't know what to say.

He paused after half a ring, "Warm?"

Dad Xia said, "It's such a point! What else can Nuan Nuan do?"

He cried and said, "Wan Nuan can no longer be the young lady of your Shen family. She will live well with Liu Haiyang, and Liu Haiyang will treat her well ..."

Liu Haiyang ... again Liu Haiyang!

When Shen Zihao heard the name, he felt an anger in his heart.

He clenched his fists tightly, not knowing why, the words of the reporters came to his mind:

"Master Shen, wearing a green hat, how do you feel now?"

What's it like?

He felt like he was about to explode!

Shen Zihao worked hard to suppress his anger, so that he did not send out to Xia Dad, and then spoke after half a ring: "Good!"

Then he left without looking back.


Xia Nuannuo was in the hospital, staring blankly at the ceiling.

She didn't know what to say. She had looked at the ceiling like this since she was awake, without saying a word.

After a while, she suddenly heard the voice of Father Xia outside:

"Don't listen to the nonsense in the news! My home is not that kind!"

"Lao Zhang, what do you say? Ah? I have known you for so many years. What kind of person is Nuan Nuan? Can you not know?"

"You get out! Get out!"

Dad's angrily, hissing voice made her smile bitterly.

She didn't understand how things suddenly turned into this picture.

Obviously still expecting the birth of a child in the womb, but suddenly, she became a **** everyone shouted.

And Shen Zihao?

Why don't you come see her?

Is it because you don't trust her?

She bit her lip and clenched her quilt tightly, only to feel an inexplicable pain that made her despair.

She closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

I don't know how long it took before Dad Xia came in. She opened her eyes and saw her dad look ten years old overnight.

Dad has always loved his face, and now this matter is making a lot of noise, he must be mad.

But in front of himself, he still suppressed those anger.

Xia Nuannuan was thinking, and Xia Dad suddenly said, "Mei Feng is here."

Xia Nuannuo didn't speak.

Mei Feng stepped out from behind Xia's father.

She has a divorce agreement in her hand. "Zihao has signed the divorce agreement. When will you sign it?"

In a word, it was like the last straw that overwhelmed the camel.

Her eyes narrowed.

Shen Zihao signed the divorce agreement?

So, did Shen Zihao give up on them?

She clenched her fists tightly, and then spoke after half a ring. "Okay, I'll sign."

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