You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 947: The rise of Emperor Shen Ying! (6)

Shen Liangchuan was obviously surprised by his performance. He froze slightly, but felt the strength coming from his back. After a while, he slowly said, "Well."

The bodyguards around did not dare to step forward without being ordered by Shen Liangchuan.

Shen Liangchuan and Shen Zihao back to back, watching the bodyguards who came up, he said directly: "Go!"

The two brothers took the lead in punching!

One because of the warmth, suppressed the pain of the heart.

One because of Qiao Lian, don't be bored with grievances.

Both men need a full vent at this moment!

Six or seven bodyguards came up, it was not enough for their desperate play!

Shen Xiu looked at the situation, took a step back, and said, "Hit his leg! His leg was injured!"

In a word, there was a bodyguard, who took a kick and stepped back when Shen Liangchuan didn't notice.

At this moment, Shen Zihao turned around and pulled away the Shenliang River, taking a kick himself!

He grinned achingly, but looked at Shen Liangchuan with a happy smile.

Shen Liangchuan narrowed his eyes and spoke after half a ring: "Go!"

In the end the room was still a bit small and it couldn't be opened.

Although there are a lot of bodyguards, there are more people who fall in front of them. Coupled with this group of bodyguards, in the end, they have scruples about the identity of Shen Liangchuan and Shen Zihao. As a result, they will not be hurt at all.

After a while of fighting, the bodyguards lay on the ground one by one, exclaiming.

However, Shen Zihao and Shen Liangchuan looked at Shen Xiu.

Shen Xiu frowned, "Do you think you can go out if you knock these down? I tell you, I have some bodyguards in the Shen family! If you have the skills, you can beat everyone down!"

Shen Zihao stared at him, "Dad, you, we are your son, why are you so **** your brother!"

Shen Xiu hesitated for a while and didn't speak.

Shen Liangchuan suddenly said, "Because, he is inferior to me."

Shen Xiu was furious. "Shen Liangchuan, shut up for me!"

"Why did you say that I was in your heart?" Shen Liangchuan's tone was mixed with a touch of irony and explained to Shen Zihao, "In the past, my mother was always reluctant to let me tell you the true face of this so-called father, I am afraid that after you know, you look down on him and you are not happy. But now, it is time to tell you some truth. "

Shen Zihao frowned.

Shen Liangchuan slowly said: "Before I was five years old, he was also very good to me. But when we were five years old, we went to say goodbye to grandpa, and grandpa said a word."


"He scolded Shen Xiu at the time, you are not even as good as a five-year-old! The Shen family simply passed over you and handed it directly to Liangchuan!"

Shen Zihao froze, "Then?"

"Then he became angry and indifferent to me. Other children took a hundred points on the exam, and their parents would praise it, but he said coldly, what would you do besides studying?"

"He is inferior to others, so others are guilty. Shen Xiu, am I right?"

Shen Xiuqi's face turned red.

The surrounding bodyguards and babysitters bowed their heads one by one, the atmosphere did not dare to pant!

But even so, he felt complacent!


That's it.

He is jealous of a five-year-old! That's why I hate him!

When this sentence fell, I heard Shen Liangchuan continue to say, "I went away with my mother back then, and now I realize that the biggest revenge against you is to take what you want."

A word fell, and Shen Xiu's eyes narrowed, "What do you mean?"

PS: In this chapter, I briefly explain the reasons why Shen Xiu hates Shen Liangchuan in particular! What does Shenliangchuan do? Monthly pass! !!

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