You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 950: The rise of Emperor Shen Ying! (9)

The events of the Shen family, Shen Liangchuan and Shen Zihao who left the Shen family, are unknown.

They were sitting in the nanny car of Shen Liangchuan at this moment.

Shen Zihao was disheartened and confused.

Shen Liangchuan frowned when he saw him, and asked, "Where are you going now?"

"Hospital, I want to stay warm."

Shen Zihao's words made Shen Liangchuan slightly relieved.

He told the driver to go to the hospital, and then he leaned on the back seat and closed his eyes.

Shen Zihao looked at Shen Liangchuan who had been thin for a few days, and suddenly felt that he couldn't catch up with him.

Joe is gone, he is depressed.

But when his loved ones needed him, he was able to stand up immediately.

And yourself?

No wonder Nuan Nuan commits suicide.

He is a man without responsibility!

Shen Zihao's eyes accumulated mist again, he choked and slowly said: "Brother ..."

"Why cry?" Shen Liangchuan said angrily. "Are you a man?"

Shen Zihao immediately put down the grievances, and tried to squeeze back the tears, and saw that Shen Liangchuan opened his sharp and clear eyes and looked at him, "My own happiness, you must fight for it! Even more, you must safeguard it! You, Do you understand me?"

Shen Zihao nodded fiercely.

He understands.

What else does he not understand until now?


"Brother, what about you?"

When Shen Liangchuan heard this, his pupils narrowed and his eyes narrowed.

Right, what about him?

Shen Liangchuan twitched his lips and smiled ironically.


The nanny car quickly arrived at the hospital. Shen Zihao jumped out of the car and rushed into Xia Nuannu's ward.

But the father Xia who was standing at the door, but when he saw Shen Zihao, his face was somber and gloomy, "You stop me!"

Shen Zi paused, "Dad, did you wake up?"

Dad Xia's eyes were red because he stayed up late, making the whole person even more embarrassed.

He stared at Shen Zihao, and said after a while, "No."

Shen Zihao froze, "Why haven't you woke up yet?"

Xia's blood-stained eyes showed a pain in his eyes. "The doctor said that if Nuan Nuan wakes up, he will become a vegetable."

In a word, let Shen Zihao stay in place.

He stared at Father Xia in disbelief, "What?"

Father Xia frowned, "Master Shen, my daughter is already so miserable! I beg you! Let's go, don't bother her again, okay? I want to stay with her for such a lifetime ... ... "

Shen Zihao heard his words and clenched his fists.

He "banged" and knelt down in front of Xia's father!

Dad Xia was stunned and stepped back, "You, what are you doing?"

Shen Zihao's eyes were determined. "Dad, I won't go. I want to stay with you ..."

"Accompany her? Master Shen, what's your face to say this! When she was pregnant and miscarried, where were you? When she was vilified, where were you? When she was helpless and committed suicide, you were again Where? Shen Zihao! When you got married, you promised me to love her forever! But now? "

A questioning sounded like a hammer hitting Shen Zihao's heart.

He lowered his head, his eyes flushed. "Dad, I know I used to do poorly, so now I can't leave her."

"But Nuan Nuan ... maybe she won't wake up in a lifetime!"

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