You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 953: The rise of Emperor Shen Ying! (12)

Having said that, he headed for the conference room upstairs.

There are more and more shareholders in the company, and in the end, almost all of them are here.

Shen Xi greeted them one by one and sat in the forefront.

Above him, there is an empty place, which is the old man's.

Even if he didn't come to the company, no one had ever sat in that position during the meeting.

Shen Xiu stared at that position, thinking when he could sit up, and a sudden agitation came from the door.

Shen Xiu frowned, and heard someone say:

"Why is Shen Yingdi here?"

"Yeah, what does the young master come to the company?"

"Well, my daughter loves his movie. Sign her name and take it home. She must be happy!"

After hearing this, Shen Xiu looked at the door and saw that Shen Liangchuan was coming from a distance, step by step.

He was wearing a black suit today, and Junyi's face was expressionless.

Shen Xiu's eyes narrowed suddenly, and he stood up, watching him soon enter the conference room, walked directly over, blocked him at the door, "What are you doing?"

The words fell away, and suddenly I thought of something, and snorted coldly, "Are you coming to me to discuss Zihao's matter? Why, did he know what was wrong?"

"Know what's wrong, just come back yourself! Come to talk to you, you think, you have face with me?"

Listening to Shen Xiu's self-righteous words, Shen Liangchuan's eyes lightened, and after a while, he said, "No."

"No?" Shen Xiu said for a moment, then said again, "What are you doing to me?"

Shen Liangchuan looked down, "I'm not here to find you."

Shen Xiu Lengheng, "Don't come to me, is it to come to your grandpa?"

Thinking of this, Shen Xiu's eyes narrowed, "This is the Shen Family Group! This is not a place where you can break in, just get me out!"

At this point, he looked at his assistant, "Please ask Emperor Shen to go out. If he doesn't cooperate, let the security guard come up and ask him to go out!"

"Yes." The assistant nodded and walked to Shen Liangchuan. "Shen Yingdi, please ..."

This awkward scene!

The shareholders in the meeting room pretended not to see one by one.

Seeing their appearance, Shen Xi felt a sense of refreshment.

This group of shareholders respected him one by one. In fact, he looked down on him very much. He knew that.

But today, he told them who the true master of the Shen family was.

But it happened, and the assistant's words dropped, and he heard the voice of Father Shen, "Who dares to drive my grandson away?"

In a word, everyone in the conference room stood up all together!

They looked respectfully at the door.

Father Shen strode over and saw Shen Liangchuan smiled, "Liangchuan, you are here."

Shen Liangchuan was neither humble nor humble, standing there, lowering his head, "Grandpa."

Master Shen smiled and wrinkled a chrysanthemum.

But when looking at Shen Xiu, a face was suddenly solemn and full of contempt. "Liangchuan was called by someone. Why, if you call me, do you dare to drive away?"

Who do you dare to chase away?

This remark was like a slap, hitting Shen Xiu's face fiercely.

Make him look blue and white.

In the presence of so many shareholders, Shen Xiu feels that today's face is simply lost!

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