You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 955: The rise of Emperor Shen Ying! (14)

[Shen Yingdi comes from a giant! Now returning as CEO of Shen Group! 】

[Shen Yingdi suspects accepting the Shen Group! 】

Shen Liangchuan's news has always been a hot search in minutes.

Therefore, the news that Shen Liangchuan became the CEO of Shen's Group spread throughout the network as soon as possible.

Since Shen Liangchuan's debut, he has featured his noble gas field, which has always made people curious about his identity. Many people have guessed that he is from the rich second generation.

Later, the identity of Emperor Shen Ying broke out.

Now, there is such a heavy news in Shen Liangchuan, and it is mixed with vigorous media reports and photos of Shen Liangchuan when he was CEO. As soon as the news came out, it became the hottest first!


As far away as Suzhou, half a month later, Qiao Lian was staring at his news on his mobile phone at this moment.

In the photo, Shen Liangchuan looked a bit more energetic than when she left, and her cheeks were not so thin.

Of course, most people look fat on the photo.

But Qiao Lian still felt that Shen Liangchuan finally found his spirit.

He came alive.

In the past half month, although she stood still in Suzhou and started to gain a certain reputation on the live broadcast platform, in fact, she has been watching the news of Shen Liangchuan.

No news, for her, not good news.

And now, as soon as he releases the news, he goes directly to the blockbuster news!

Looking at the spirited Shen Liangchuan, Qiao Lian's heart finally let go.

He recovered, just fine.

Thinking of this, Qiao Lian stared at the phone.

She thought she was anxious and anxious because she hadn't heard from him.

But at this moment, with his news, she found out ...

She missed him.

I really want to miss.

In these half months, almost all the time, not thinking about him.

She stared at the phone screen almost obsessively, with sadness in her gaze.

On the Internet, they fell in love for two years.

Later he became a big star, and she became one of his many little fans.

Now, she is obviously his wife, but she wants to know his news through the Internet.

Thinking of this, Qiao Lian closed Weibo and logged out.

She took a deep breath and suppressed the bitterness in her heart, only to find that among the WeChat group, one group exploded!

That's Shen Liangchuan's fan base.

At this moment, someone in the fan group has shouted: "Ah, ah, tomorrow, Emperor Shen Ying is coming to Suzhou! 】

In a word, Qiao Lian shrinks his eyes and eyes!

Shen Liangchuan is coming?

He came to Suzhou ... was he looking for her?

He knows she's here?

Just thinking about it, I saw someone explaining: [Shen Yingdi came to Suzhou to sign a contract for a project of the Shen family. but! Just now Shen Yingdi's agent informed us that it is possible to hold a fan meeting! Be a reward to our fans in Suzhou, ah ah ah ah! I'm going to get excited! 】

[Come, who is in Suzhou, come to register! 】

[I'm in Shanghai, can I pass, it's close! 】

[Why not say it earlier! tomorrow! I'm in Hainan, and it's too late to catch the plane! 】

[Suzhou Suzhou Suzhou! I wanna go! 】

This is, the owner spoke:

[Unstoppable stream: Due to the limited number of events, only 20 people can come. We plan to screen in accordance with the order of membership, so everyone has no opinion? 】

Everyone expressed no opinion.

As soon as Qiao Lian planned to put down his cell phone, a steady stream of private messages came over: "Are you coming?"

PS: Do you want Xiao Qiao to meet with Zichuan? Monthly pass! Haha ~~ Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

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