You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 958: Shen Yingdi is here! (3)

Qiao Lian ate breakfast and looked at the time before leaving.

The place where Shenliangchuan came for activities was in a hotel.

Because Shen's enterprise is here to sign any project, the fan reception is also held here.

When Qiao Lian arrived, the entire hotel, because of the arrival of Shen Liangchuan, added a lot of security personnel.

Everything around it became clear.

A lot of journalists are surrounded and trying to capture useful news.

And some fans who have heard the wind have formed a long line. In the cold winter, one by one, they are in full swing, holding banners: Shen Yingdi, I love you!

Qiao Lian stood in the crowd, stretched his neck, and wanted to see Shen Liangchuan with his own eyes.

With too many people, everyone couldn't help crowding forward.

The security guards came to stop and maintain order.

A long rope stopped the fans and gave way.

The voices of the fans around him spread:

"Ah, ah, I'm finally going to see the living Emperor Shen Ying!"

"I heard that Shen Yingdi himself is more handsome than on TV!"

"Unfortunately, Emperor Shen Ying is married!"

"Marriage can't stop my love for Shen Yingdi!"

"I don't know who Mrs. Shen is, so I envy her ..."

All kinds of discussions came over.

Qiao Lian listened and smiled bitterly.

Just then, he was patted on his shoulder.

She immediately turned around and saw an unfamiliar girl standing behind her, eyes looking at her, "Are you ... Joy?"

Qiao Lian stunned and reacted after a while, "Every stream?"

The girl immediately nodded. "Yes, let's go to the other side and go in later. Shen Yingdi is here to sign the contract. He can't come until he has handled the company's affairs."

Joe nodded in love and followed the girl.

Twenty fans who could have a fan meeting with Shen Liangchuan stood there.

Some people couldn't help but say the bastard: "Everyone is a fan of Shen Yingdi, why can't we see Shen Yingdi!"

"Is it because they cast Shen Yingdi before us? But when Shen Yingdi fired, I was 12 years old! I fell in love with Shen Yingdi at the age of 15! You can't bully us by age!

"That is, there is still a stream that can be dragged! Just because she is the president of Shen Yingdi's fan support club!"

"I heard that Chuanliu has seen Shen Yingdi many times! He has also visited the crew several times! Shen Yingdi has also taken photos with her!"

"Ah, ah, ah, so envious! Shen Yingdi rarely took photos with others! I have never even seen Shen Yingdi's face!"

A group of people were discussing, and the stream was laughing.

The twenty or so fans who could enter couldn't help but be surrounded by the continuous stream. "President, is Shen Yingdi handsome? I envy you! Have you shaken hands with Shen Yingdi?"

"President ..."

Even if she is a good-tempered girl, she feels a little bit fluttering at the moment. She smiled and said, "Aren't we going to see Shen Yingdi in a while? What are you anxious! Twenty fans, we can definitely take a photo with Shen Yingdi of!"

"However, Shen Yingdi does not like entangled fans. Everyone should pay attention to it. When he cooperates with his agent later, you must be obedient. Do you know?"


With this sentence, the fan base exploded: "Shen Yingdi is here!"

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