You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 960: Shen Yingdi is here! (5)

Everyone was moving forward, and only she wanted to escape, so a fall was inevitable.

Because it is winter, it is thicker to wear, and it does not hurt to fall to the ground.


But now there is confusion!

If people continue to pursue Shen Liangchuan as they walk forward, they will likely trample her and trample on her.

Qiao Lian's eyes widened in fright, waving her hands, trying to pull the crowd away.

But those people were anxious to look forward to Shen Yingdi, where could it really get away?

Someone stopped in front and someone ran into it in the back ...

The crowd suddenly stopped when it was very close!

Qiao Lian looked up stupidly. The expected collision didn't happen. Instead, people made a sound of exclamation!

I saw that the original Liangliang River, which had entered the hotel, suddenly turned around, bypassing the security, and walked straight forward!

Qiao Lian's body stiffened in place.

She wanted to stand up, but before she could act, the man had strode in front of her.

Qiao Lian was stunned and stiffened.

There was a distance between the two of them.

She felt like his familiar breath, familiar face, so close without any warning.

Qiao Lian stared at him in amazement, reacted violently, and hurriedly supported his hands with the ground, and stood up.

Then she lowered her head, hiding in the crowd, trying to reduce her sense of presence.

The man in front just stopped suddenly.

The fans around were already sensational, screaming to shake hands with him and sign.

Shen Liangchuan was surrounded by fans.

The assistant and security came forward again to stop the fans around him.

When Shen Liangchuan stood there, he heard a fan saying, "Shen Yingdi, what's the matter with you suddenly coming out?"

With that said, Qiao Lian couldn't help pinching his lips.

Yeah, what happened when I ran out suddenly?

When Shen Liangchuan heard this, her pupils shrank.

Come out suddenly ...

He didn't know why, and suddenly ran out.

I just felt like I heard her voice, so I didn't think of anything and rushed out.

But in the vast crowds of fans, he could not even see her face ...

Only then did Shen Liangchuan feel that he must have heard it wrong.

He stretched his chin, and then slowly spoke: "It's cold, you've waited a long time, and everyone here today will send a cup of hot tea."

In a word, the entire fan base exploded!

"Ah, Ah, Shen Yingdi is so handsome!"

"Shen Yingdi is so considerate!"

The words of the fans fell into the ears of Shen Liangchuan and Qiao Lian.

They were separated by just a few people.

But could not recognize each other.

Standing in the crowd, Qiao Lian felt a dreamlike place.

She clenched her fists and listened to the admiration and honor from the people around him.

Then, just watching, Song Cheng said something in Shen Liangchuan's ear, and Shen Liangchuan nodded.

He seemed to be looking for something, and looked around in the crowd, and then recovered his vision, followed Song Cheng, and went to the hotel lobby.

After Shen Liangchuan left, fans were still talking about his actions.

Finally, when one person had a cup of milk tea in his hand, Qiao Lian held the cup of milk tea, and suddenly felt that his eyes were a bit astringent and his nose was a little sour.

PS: As you write, more haha ​​~~

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