You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 974: Unexpected meeting (3)

After hearing the sentence added later, Qiao Lian was relieved.

If the man is really Shen Liangchuan, then this endorser, even if it is important, cannot be answered.

Fortunately, he refused.

Thinking of this, Qiao Lian signed the contract.

The man said, "This is a short video. It is estimated that the two characters in the game will be taken out for you to play. Do you have any characters you want to play?"

When Qiao Lian heard these words, he said abruptly, "Little Qiao."

The staff nodded, "Okay, this platform will help you communicate."


At the same time, Hengdian.

Signed directly into Shenliangchuan!

Lot's staff were all stunned, but immediately got excited and said directly: "Shen Yingdi, we will adjust this endorsement fee immediately, and we can make a new contract tomorrow. Let's discuss the specific details ...

Finding Shen Liangchuan as an endorsement is definitely not the same as looking for Mo Xicheng.

However, the company has long wanted to find Shen Liangchuan, even if the endorsement fee is more expensive, they don't matter!

However, I did not expect that when this sentence fell, I heard Shen Liangchuan slowly say: "No, just sign this contract!"

staff member:……! !!

Is this a pie in the sky?

Or is Shen Yingdi playing with him?

It wasn't until he saw Shen Yingdi's signature that he reacted. This is true!

The staff carefully asked Shen Liangchuan, "Shen Yingdi, this is the case. We will also shoot a short video at that time. That is a character in the game. Which character do you want?"

When Shen Liangchuan heard this, his eyes narrowed, "Zhou Yu."

The staff immediately rest assured, "OK."


Qiao Lian was in Suzhou. After signing the contract, he saw the staff member standing up, "Lian Chuan, have you never been to the company? Would you like me to take you everywhere?"

Qiao Lian looked at the company and looked at the scale. It seemed to be very large, not just for e-sports live broadcast, but also for many other live broadcasts.

She shook her head. "No need."

The staff nodded. "Then I will take you back."

The two walked to the door, and the staff explained, "The game side is anxious to shoot. In this way, the company will assign you an assistant. When the shooting is finalized, I will look for you."

Qiao Lian nodded, "OK."

The two were walking out, walking, Qiao Lian suddenly stood still, turned her head and looked at a poster standing next to her.

On the poster, a woman is looking forward with a smile on her face, wearing a beautiful dress with a few words on it: Yiyi.

this is?

Seeing Qiao Lian's doubtful look, the staff looked at it, and then laughed: "This is our live broadcast platform. The hottest female live broadcast at present is called Qiao Yiyi, but she is not a live e-sports, she is a female anchor. "

Qiao Lian's eyes shrink!

Unexpectedly, Qiao Yiyi turned out to be so narrow.

What was even more unexpected was that Qiao Yiyi originally wanted to debut in the corner of "Xiongxiong". After being cast down, he actually became a female anchor!

This is really ...

Qiao Lian sneered, and when she stepped out of the company's door, on the other side, Qiao Yiyi rushed in aggressively!

She rushed directly into the executive's office and screamed angrily: "You gave such a small anchor to Loi Chuan?"

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