You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 980: Unexpected meeting (9)

The makeup artist was flogging, and she found that the person who was making up was staring at her quietly.

The look ... cold like the snow and ice in the North Pole, she couldn't help taking a nap.

Then, I heard Shen Liangchuan slowly say, "You said, the girl just had a bad temper?"

The makeup artist nodded.

"You said she didn't look good?"

The makeup artist nodded again.

"Not good skin?"

The makeup artist nodded for the third time.

Shen Liangchuan turned his head and looked at Song Cheng. "Call the staff."

Song Cheng nodded, and for two seconds in silence for the makeup artist, he went out.

But, the makeup artist froze slightly, and immediately thought of left.

She said directly: "That is, when a small anchor like this catches a lot, why not find someone with many things like her? Or change her!"

Shen Liangchuan frowned.

When she first entered the door, she said that the makeup powder had fallen to the ground. He was only watching Qiao Lian at that time, and did not notice what happened here.

Qiao Lian left the room, and then he reacted.

Qiao Love has a bad temper?

This guy can laugh at anyone.

Qiao Lian doesn't look good?

In his eyes, all the stars are not as good as hers!

Qiao Lian has bad skin?

At home, she doesn't wear makeup at all!

This makeup artist first bullied Xiao Qiao, and now she plans to make a mess behind her!

Such people must not stay!

Just thinking of it, Song Cheng called the staff to come in.

Shen Liangchuan pointed to the makeup artist and said, "Please invite her out."

Then he looked at Song Cheng. "Ask for a new makeup artist. We have plenty of time. Don't be afraid to wait."

staff member:……

Makeup artist: ...! !!

The makeup artist was stunned.

That's not how the script works!

Shouldn't the young anchor be invited? How did you become yourself?

She shouted: "Shen Yingdi, me, I'm the best makeup artist in Suzhou ..."

"The best makeup artist?" Shen Liangchuan looked at her lightly. "I see the makeup you put on Miss Qiao, and she hasn't looked good without makeup. Is this the best makeup artist? I really doubt your professionalism. "

In a word, the makeup artist was completely blinded!

Where is Shen Yingdi's status in the circle!

It was said that Yang Lingsi's acting skills were taught by pigs. Yang Lingsi was laughed at for many years, and she couldn't be more popular.

Now ... a word from him came out, and she could no longer afford to look up in the industry!

The makeup artist's eyes widened, "Shen Yingdi, me, I ..."

The staff was also hesitating, "Shen Yingdi, this ..."

Shen Liangchuan raised her eyebrows, and there was a sharp color in her eyes.

The staff immediately bowed their heads, grabbed the makeup artist, and pulled her out!

Originally thought that Emperor Shen Ying had a good temper, but how suddenly it broke!

This Shen Yingdi, is it good or bad?


Qiao Lian was changing clothes. He heard the outside call and hurried out, and saw the makeup artist being dragged out by several security guards.

She immediately wondered, "What's wrong?"

Some staff members heard her and hurriedly answered: "Just offended Shen Yingdi, Shen Yingdi's temper ... you need to be careful for a while!"

As soon as this word came out, the little assistant flinched his shoulders. "Sister Qiao, why did I suddenly feel that it was so horrible? What if Emperor Shen Ying explodes?

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