Shen Liangchuan breathed a sigh of relief, and began to reply:

Siqiao: Why should you return it to me? I just like watching you live, it can bring me happiness.

Mikawa: Are you sir or lady?

Siqiao pondered for a moment.

Xiao Qiao is the most serious person in their family.

If he was a man, she would definitely refuse.

So he immediately responded:

Siqiao: You can call me Sisi.

Aikawa: Hello Sister Si, thank you for your support. I relied on eating, but did you know that your parents did?


Shen Liangchuan smiled immediately!

This little Joe, it's a lot of business!

Does she think that she is a schoolboy, holding her parents' mobile phone, and swiping her card there to reward her?

He hurriedly replied:

Siqiao: You misunderstood. I am an adult and I am married.

Love River: Ah? Since this is the case, thank you!

Shen Liangchuan shook his head and breathed a sigh of relief.


Qiao Lian also put down her phone.

It's not that she has a lot of things, but that Si Qiao has given away 300,000 gifts, and the money has been distributed to her, and there are 200,000!

Such tyrant fans are actually a bit scary.

But now asking the identity clearly, it doesn't matter.

Maybe it ’s the second generation of the rich, showing off their wealth!

Like she was then, she bought a bag of 100,000 or 200,000 at any time, all came by hand.

She had an excellent life at that time, and she had no concept of spending money at all.

The money was just a number for her.

For her, more than 100,000 yuan is just like tens of yuan now ...

Only after suffering will you know that money is hard to come by.

Qiao Lian stretched his waist and went into the bathroom to wash.

And she didn't see it, just downstairs, in a black ordinary car.

Lu Nanze sat there, her eyes filled with ruthlessness. "So, is she shooting that promotional video with Shen Liangchuan?"

The assistant nodded.

Lu Nanze snorted coldly, "He is really indispensable everywhere!"

The assistant looked at Lu Nanze, "Mr. Lu, do you want to cancel the shooting now?"

Lu Nanze frowned, "No need. If the company cancels now, it will cause her suspicion."

The assistant nodded, and then continued to speak, "Ms. Qiao has been going to the hospital frequently lately. I have found someone to retrieve Ms. Qiao's medical records at the hospital."

Lu Nanze nodded.

Xiao Qiao's health has always been good. What happened this time? Is it uncomfortable?


the next day.

Qiao Lianmei had a good night's sleep, and her body really felt better.

Then she followed the little assistant and went to the studio together.

As soon as I arrived in the studio, I saw the staff and came over with a man, "Miss Qiao, you are familiar with it."

Qiao Lian looked at the man with a slight hesitation, "Ah?"

Isn't Shen Liangchuan here?

As soon as this idea came out, the staff members said, "Oh, yes, Shen Yingdi is famous in the circle for not kissing and bed scenes, so this is the substitute we are looking for. He will replace Shen Yingdi , To shoot a more intimate scene with you. "

Qiao Lian: ...! !!

She twitched her lips and looked at the staff. "This ..."

But the staff didn't finish talking, and the staff member said, "It's okay, don't be nervous, play with Emperor Shen Ying, just be humble, ah, first cultivate your feelings, don't be too rigid when shooting."

PS: Eight more finished ~ ha ha ha, begging Shen Yingdi's shadow area at the moment! Then, continue to ask for monthly tickets! Is the story sweeter now? see you tomorrow!

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