You are not allowed to play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 1 A must-try part of Yu-Gi-Oh!

"In November 2034, the much-anticipated presidential election of M country is drawing to a close. The two presidential candidates are about to duel, and only the winner will be eligible to live in the presidential palace."

"Three days ago, Cheng Zhinan, a six-star duelist with the 'Sand Gambler' spirit, encountered a plane crash while participating in the competition. May there be no helicopters in heaven."

"Recently, in the world's largest card auction, the 'Black Rose Dragon' was bought by an anonymous buyer at a sky-high price. It is reported that this card is likely to contain a spirit."

"According to reliable information, a senior high school student in Tianhe City has awakened his astral body. The mayor promised to expand him as a key training target and called him the student with the best chance of being admitted to the five major duel academies in Tianhe City this year."

At night, Lu You sat in front of the computer, browsing the information on the web page with a solemn expression. After browsing countless news, he leaned back on the chair and rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"It seems that I have really traveled to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh."

The chaotic memory gradually calmed down, and Lu You almost recognized the current situation.

From the information he collected, the trajectory of the development of history in this world is very similar to that in the previous life. However, it was not until the first mysterious stone tablet was discovered decades ago that the world saw a huge turning point, and a group of duelists who could control elves emerged, creating a brand new history.

This history has no name. Lu You looked around and saw two words between the lines.

Playing cards.

After the initial chaos subsided, the rules of the world were rewritten, and dueling became the absolute mainstream.

Whether it was a civil dispute or a business competition, duelists would be hired to resolve it through duels.

Even national events such as the presidential election were conducted in the form of duels. Lu You could imagine that when the two presidential candidates came to the stage, they would not start exciting speeches, but would engage in a hearty duel.

The moment when both sides unfolded the duel plate and shouted out the duel... the picture was too beautiful to watch!

But a world where duels are the mainstream is not a paradise for card masters, because the existence of super-standard power such as elves leads to a greater gap between duelists than between humans and dogs.

Not to mention the astral body, or the light of the universe... and other abilities that can be called cheating.

The most intuitive feeling is that the elf duelist can always draw the most suitable card at the critical moment and complete an impossible comeback.

To put it nicely, it is a flash card draw, but in fact it is a dog draw.

Even if there is no card in the deck that can turn the tables, it can be printed out for you on the spot. The key is that you can't accuse him of cheating. The question is the power of the elves.

In this environment, it is really difficult for ordinary card players to stand out.

"At least there is the word "You" in my name, but it is a first name, not a surname. So, am I considered a member of the You generation?"

Lu You sighed. Although he investigated a lot of information, there was very little information about the elf duelist. I think this kind of key information would not be easily posted on the Internet.

Does it mean that if you get a card containing elves, you can use the power of the duel elves?

It seems not. Among the information he collected, there are many cases where many people paid a high price to buy elf cards, but still could not use the power of elves.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and a girl with a ponytail on the side poked her head out of the door and said in a quirky way:

"Brother, it's time to eat."

"Oh, okay."

Lu You stood up and walked out of the room. In this world, he was a senior high school student, studying in the ordinary class of duelists in the city's colleges and universities, and was about to face the college entrance examination. He had a 15-year-old sister, who was also in the first year of high school. His mother was an accountant in a food processing company, and his father was a duel disk repairman.

Before large-scale duel events, he would work overtime to repair the duel disks used in the competition, so he would go home later than usual.

It was rare to have a sister, a house, and both parents. Maybe this was the blessing of the world view of Yu-Gi-Oh.

When Lu You came to the kitchen downstairs, his sister Lu Siyan was already sitting at the dining table, eager to try to prepare for dinner, and his mother Zhang Hongqiu was busy in an apron. Seeing this scene, Lu You was a little dazed. The changes in the world did not seem to have much impact on ordinary people.

Even if history was offset, daily life was still no different from the previous life.

"Xiaoyou, are you still feeling unwell?"

Zhang Qiuhong wiped her hands with her apron, looked at the frowning Lu You, and asked with concern.

"It's okay, Mom, I just can't tell the difference."

"That's good, it's just that you lost the card duel, there's no need to be so depressed, everyone has a time when they are young and energetic."

The so-called card duel is to use your most valuable card as a bet for a duel, and the winner can take the loser's rare card.

This kind of duel is strictly prohibited by the school, but because of a dispute with a classmate, the predecessor agreed to the card duel proposed by the other party.

The result is that not only did he lose the only fusion monster, but he was also criticized by the school and suspended for a week.

Compared with the previous life, the price of cards in this world is obviously much more expensive, and powerful extra monster cards can be sold at sky-high prices.

The fusion monster that lost the gambling card duel was the 'Winged Fantasy Beast Chimera', a very early card in Yu-Gi-Oh, with restrictions on fusion materials. Its effect is that when it is destroyed, it can special summon a 'Fantasy Beast King Gazel' or 'Baphomet' from the graveyard.

Even if Lu You would never put in extra cards, in this world, it would cost tens of thousands per card, which is enough to show how much money it costs to train a duelist.

So why play Yu-Gi-Oh if you don't have money?

Hearing Zhang Qiuhong's words, Lu Siyan, who was eating, said sarcastically: "Hey, mom, you blamed my brother wrongly. He was in a bad state because his idol crashed."


Lu You suddenly remembered that his idol in his previous life was Cheng Zhinan, who had the spirit of the "Sand Gambler". There was a poster of the other party in the room, and the smile was very similar to that of Jonouchi.

What a joke, he would tear down all the posters and replace them with paintings and pillows of the big sister of Silver City.

Wait a minute, since the spirits in this world really exist, then...

Zhang Qiuhong patted Lu Siyan's head gently, looked at Lu You with concern and said: "The college entrance examination is coming soon, and the courses cannot be delayed. I have registered you for the Chenxing training class in East Street. Go there to take classes during the suspension period."

Chenxing training class in East Street?

Lu You remembered that the cost of the training class was not cheap.

"Don't worry, my brother's academic performance is still very good. Even if he doesn't become a duelist in the future, he can do other things. If not, I'll be there for you!"

Lu Siyan had rice grains on the corners of her mouth, and she rolled up her sleeves to reveal her slender arms.

Unlike her predecessor, Lu Siyan's duel class performance was quite good, and she also detected the elf compatibility. She got a full scholarship in junior high school and started to build her own small animal card deck.

But even so, she could only buy the lower-level monsters of small animals. If she wanted to complete the construction, she had to be admitted to the five major duel academies and get resources.

However, elf compatibility means that you can connect with duel elves, which is one of the few ways for ordinary card players to become elf duelists. You can also get extra points in the college entrance examination, and one more point can kill thousands of people.

Unfortunately, whether the compatibility can be awakened is completely random, and it is quite rare. There are not many people in a school who can awaken.

For him, the only way to become an elf duelist is also broken.

Lu You nodded, wondering if he should tell her that the pinnacle of small animals is Gundam?

"Well, I know. I'll go to East Street tomorrow."

After dinner, he returned to his room.

Lu You sat back in front of the computer, took out his predecessor's deck from the drawer, and slowly checked it to prepare for the training class tomorrow. With his current grades, he doesn't have to worry about cultural courses. The only thing he needs to pay attention to is the actual combat score.

But after checking a few cards in succession, Lu You's brows furrowed deeper and deeper. He quickly went through the entire deck and threw the predecessor's cards directly on the table.

Are you kidding? Can this really be used in a duel?

No wonder he lost!

The deck is a standard construction of 40 cards. The ratio of monster cards to magic and trap cards is not a problem, but most of the monsters are ordinary bones, that is, blank monsters with no effects. They have no connection with magic and trap cards, so they can only fight whatever they draw.

He suspected that even if the fusion monster did not lose to others, it could not be summoned at all. If you want to draw two fusion materials and a "Fusion" magic card at the same time, you need enough souls.

If you have three "Cyber ​​Dragons" and "Fusion" like Caesar, you can play freely even if you are all ordinary bones.

However, this is not a problem for Lu You. He just needs to rebuild it. But what makes him most nervous is that this deck...

There is no impedance card!

Not to mention the "Infinite Bubble" that can negate the effect of monsters, or the general-purpose cards such as "Clown and Lock Bird" for search, there are not even some relatively basic impedances. There are only a few "Attack Disability" and "Scrap Scarecrow" to support the scene.

Cards that can prevent attacks can often only play a role when the opponent enters the battle phase after completing the field.

At that time, you have to start struggling.

The so-called impedance card is a card that can invalidate the opponent's effect or interrupt the summoning of monsters. It is usually used to prevent the opponent from starting the game and make the opponent smile from the heart. It is the most important part of Yu-Gi-Oh.

But now if there is no card, you can only watch the opponent start the game... For Lu You, who has to fill three "Gray Flowing Beauty" cards in any deck, it is more painful than killing him!

This is to let the opponent enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh!

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