You are not allowed to play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 102 You seal my graveyard, I remove your deck, and we all have a bright future.

Stickers are an indispensable part of Yu-Gi-Oh.

When the monster you summoned with great effort is sent away by the [Forced Escape Device], or the deployment is stopped by the old man, or a [Skill Extraction] breaks your mentality.

Only after experiencing various effects in person can you appreciate the true charm of Yu-Gi-Oh.

And what Lu You is going to do now is such a great and noble thing.

He wants to use the stickers in his hand to help the other party re-understand this game.

"Then, activate the magic card [Magic Eyes that Tears Time] from your hand!"

The card activated by Lu You is quite special. There are 3 effects that can be used, and the duration runs through the entire duelist. They are that you cannot activate the monster effects of your hand, you can perform two normal summons in one round, and...

The normal draw in your card draw phase becomes 2 cards.

In other words, Lu You can draw 1 more card in the card draw phase of one round.

From the results, the increase in the number of card draws and normal summons is obviously a good thing, but powerful cards always come with risks.

After using this card, you cannot activate the monster effect in your hand, which directly limits the mainstream hand traps [Gray Flowing Beauty] and [Proliferation G].

This is quite unfriendly to most decks, after all, the main axis is changing, but the hand trap is iron.

Once these two cards are restricted, you will immediately change from a player to a spectator.

But for us, these are not a problem.

"Then I set two cards, and the turn ends just like that!"

After setting [Thousands of Difficulties] and [Tyrant's Violent Words] in his hand, Lu You ended his turn neatly. Because he activated the Strong and Modest Pot, he can only wait until the next turn to special summon the main monster of the monument.

However, in the eyes of the regional leaders, Lu You, as the end of the first attack turn, is obviously unqualified.

A field magic card, plus two set cards...

This is just like passing with an empty field.

They really don't understand why Lu You uses [Pot of Desire and Humility], and the restriction that he cannot special summon in the activated turn is really fatal.

"Yang Chentian, this is a formal member of your Chenxing, right? The style of duel is a bit abstract?"

"If they don't even summon monsters, those two cards can't stop Mu Shouze's attack."

"Hey, it depends on whether Mu Shouze can get the Valley of the King's Long Sleep in the next round. His blockade is formed very quickly!"

For the doubts raised by the leaders of other regions, Yang Chentian did not rush to answer, but looked at Xiong Tao with a smile.

This former opponent should know best what Lu You wants to do.

Xiong Tao looked at the center of the hall with a complicated expression. He was sure that the two cards Lu You put were not good cards. Maybe they were [Heroes Separation], or restricted cards with similar effects.

The kind that can lock all the expansions.

In addition to the extra card draw provided by [The Demonic Eyes of Tearing Time] and the recycling effect of [The Fountain of the Divine Monument], it is estimated that Mu Shouze is facing a worse situation than him.


The graveyard recycling effect of the Fountain of the Divine Monument should be restricted by the Valley of the Royal Family Sleep. If Mu Shouze can successfully draw it...

Then maybe there is still a chance?

At present, the audience of this duel in the mansion is not only the heads of various regions, but also the number of viewers in the official live broadcast room is soaring.

Even the anchors of major platforms have chosen to broadcast this duel.

After all, it involves the well-known duelist Du Yifeng, and it is a sensitive inheritance dispute. Many people are quite curious about who will inherit this sky-high inheritance.

As one of the parties involved, Du Ya looked worried and clenched her fist in front of her chest. The duel in the morning gave her enough confidence in Lu You's strength.

She has also heard of Mu Shouze, a duelist who can use the [Gravekeeper] deck.

The tactic of blocking the graveyard has become the nemesis of many duelists...

Of course, this is also the reason why Mu Shouze fled abroad.

You block my graveyard, then I will bury you in the graveyard.

I wonder if Lu You has a corresponding countermeasure...

Thinking of this, Du Ya looked at her elder brother Du Zhong, who was standing opposite her. The other party wanted to auction off her father's collection and deck, and exchange them all for huge funds to maintain the operation of the company.

But she couldn't accept her father's deck falling into the hands of others. Neither of them could convince the other, so they chose to use a duel to resolve the dispute.

It seems that what her father said was right. Duel is indeed the best way to talk.

At this time, Mu Shouze was also preparing to start his turn. He had limited knowledge of Lu You. He only knew that the quick-attack magic card of the monument could directly exclude the deck.

"My turn, draw a card!"

I saw Mu Shouze lift up the duel disk engraved with the Millennium Eye, and suddenly drew a card. A smile finally appeared on his expressionless face.

He drew the important monster of the [Gravekeeper] deck, [Gravekeeper Commander].

Discard this monster from the hand to the graveyard, and you can add 1 [Royal Valley of Long Sleep] from the deck to your hand!

As long as this field magic card is in place, both parties cannot exclude cards in the graveyard, and the effects on the cards in the graveyard are invalidated and do not apply.

In short, you can only enter your graveyard, but not leave it.

It really belongs to the eternal sleep.

At the same time, in Mu Shouze's initial hand, there is also a monster with a fusion effect [Gravekeeper Spiritualist], which can be activated from the hand and fusion summoned.

And other magic cards that search for core fields, [Planet Transformation].

Haha, it's your bad luck that I got the "perfect hand"!

Mu Shouze looked up at Lu You, with an expectant expression on his face. He couldn't wait to see the other party's face twisted by anger.

But at this moment, Lu You seemed to feel something, and suddenly raised his head and looked at Mu Shouze.

Why does it feel like I've met a fellow monster?

Lu You shook his head, trying to make himself clearer.

Illusion, it must be an illusion!

Since the opponent's card drawing phase has ended, it's time for him to activate the effect.

"At this moment, activate the quick-play magic card [Monument of the Angry Storm] from your hand!"

"Special summon 1 [Monument] monster from the Extra Deck to the Extra Monster Zone!"

"I chose to special summon [Monument of the Hyena Lepnir]!"

No materials are needed, and an extra monster is summoned directly?

And it's his turn to activate a quick-play magic card from his hand?

Hearing the effect of Lu You's activation, Mu Shouze was a little surprised. He thought that the main magic of [Divine Monument] only had the effect of banishing the deck, but he didn't expect that it could also unconditionally pull out additional monsters.

The next moment, a warhorse in armor appeared in front of Lu You, with soft hair swaying as it ran. The eight horse legs were inlaid with gems and leggings, looking quite majestic.

The horse of the Divine Monument descended again!

"Because I activated the quick-play magic card of [Divine Monument], the effect of [Divine Monument Fountain] was activated."

"Return [Divine Monument of the Storm of Wrath] to the bottom of the deck, and then draw 1 card from the deck."

Resources were recovered again...

After Lu You's special summoning ended, Mu Shouze looked down at his hand.

What he had to do now was the same as the tactics he had just formulated, discarding [Gravekeeper Commander] and then taking a [Valley of the King's Long Sleep] from the deck.

After the opponent's graveyard was blocked, he entered the rhythm he was most familiar with.

However, for the time being, he only saw that the effect of Lu You's [Fountain of the Divine Monument] was related to the graveyard. As for the effect of the fusion monster, it was not clear at present...

But he instinctively felt that the effect of recycling resources was very important, and could even determine the final direction of this duel.

"I will activate the effect of [Gravekeeper Commander] from my hand!"

"Discard this card from your hand to the graveyard, and add 1 [Royal Long Sleeping Valley] from your deck to your hand!"

When Mu Shouze finished speaking, the automatic search of the duel disk started, and soon ejected the card he declared.

Gravekeeper deck?

Lu You was a little surprised. If the opponent only activated [Royal Long Sleeping Valley], he would not be sure, but since it was searched through the effect of the commander, it was probably a pure gravekeeper deck.

Targeting the graveyard fiercely?

How despicable!

You should know that in Lu You's previous life, this was a countermeasure card against a certain mermaid, called the Anti-Pearl Hero!

I didn't expect to encounter it here.

No wonder Yang Chentian sent a message to remind him before, and he was really stuck by the opponent accidentally.

But unfortunately, he was still better in the end.

Lu You smiled brightly again.

Since Mu Shouze added the card from the deck to his hand, Sleipnir's effect can be activated.

"At this moment, activate the effect 1 of [Sleipnir, the Mane of the Divine Monument]"

"When the opponent adds a card from the deck to his hand, Special Summon 1 [Divine Monument Token] to your field in Attack Position."

The next moment, a miniature warhorse appeared in front of Lu You, and at the same time, he had two monsters on the field, which could be released to activate [Tyrant's Violence].

At this moment, Mu Shouze was a little nervous when he saw Lu You activate the monster effect, but he relaxed when he saw that only one token appeared.


He thought he was going to banish the deck again.

It's just a derivative, what can it do...

"I activate the continuous trap card, [Tyrant's Brutal Words]!"

"Release the two monsters on your field. As long as this card exists on the field, both parties cannot activate the effects of cards in their hands or activated effect monsters on the field."

"I release [Hyaesleipnir of the Divine Monument] and [Divine Monument Derivative] on the field!"

The two monsters in front of Lu You turned into golden particles and dissipated, and then the card surface of [Tyrant's Brutal Words] suddenly glowed red.

The fat tyrant seemed to come alive, pointing his finger and cursing.

'You are not allowed to activate monster effects! '

After this card was revealed, the entire mansion hall fell into silence.

Even Yang Chentian didn't expect Lu You to bring this card, and it was successfully activated.

The cost of releasing two monsters is more demanding for other decks, but it is just right for the Divine Monument.

After a while, noisy discussions rang out in the mansion hall. They thought that this duel would be Mu Shouze's stage, after all, the Royal Family Sleeping Valley was already in hand.

But the facts were completely opposite to their guess.

Lu You suddenly activated an unexpected card.

"【Tyrant's Violence】? I remember that this seems to be a continuous trap card in the Tyrant series. Someone actually put it in the construction?"

"Although the cost is to release two monsters, the effect is quite powerful!"

"Haha, Mu Shouze will also be blocked one day. Now the effects of the hand cards and monsters on the field cannot be activated!"

For a while, a cheerful atmosphere emerged in the mansion hall.

At the same time, a large number of barrages emerged in the official live broadcast room, and Lu You's operation directly pushed the heat to the peak.

Xiong Tao, who was sitting next to Yang Chentian, shuddered. His guess was right. Lu You still had something to show for it.

He had not used his full strength in the previous duel.

Should he be angry or thankful?

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the center of the hall again.

I, I can't activate the monster effect?

Mu Shouze's face was livid. He couldn't activate the effect of [Gravekeeper's Spiritualist] in his hand, which meant that he couldn't fusion summon monsters from the extra deck.

Without the effect of [Gravekeeper's Psychic] to destroy resistance, only one [Royal Valley of Long Sleep] on the field would be very fragile.

Damn, this guy actually got there before me...

"I activate the field magic card [Royal Valley of Long Sleep] in my hand!"

Being blocked first, Mu Shouze seemed a little anxious.

The surrounding environment gradually changed. The two were in a valley surrounded by steep stone walls and a red sunset in the sky.

This field magic card has an attack and defense bonus for the [Gravekeeper] monster. After failing to fusion summon, he immediately changed his tactics.

Prepare to use direct attack to reduce Lu You's life value.

"I attack the summoned [Gravekeeper Spiritualist]!"

When Mu Shouze finished speaking, a kneeling woman suddenly appeared in front of him. She was wearing a fox mask on her face, with a slender waist and a well-proportioned figure, and holding the magic weapon of the Thousand-Year Eye in her hand.

With the blessing of the field, the spiritualist's attack power can reach 2000 points.

Although he cannot activate the monster effect in his hand, he can still use the effect of magic cards to provide a special summon point.

"Next, activate the magic card [The Jade Throne of the Valley of the King's Long Sleep] in your hand!"

"This card can special summon 1 [Gravekeeper] monster from your hand!"

"I want to special summon [Gravekeeper Summoner]!"

A bald-headed and tattooed wizard suddenly appeared in front of Mu Shouze.

When this card is sent from the field to the graveyard, you can search for [Gravekeeper] monsters in the deck.

When [Gravekeeper] monsters and [Royal Valley of Long Sleep] are on the field, another card with a block effect in his hand also meets the activation conditions.

Humph, let's hurt each other!

Since you don't let me activate the monster effect, then don't even think about special summoning monsters.

Don't play!

"Then activate the continuous magic card in your hand, [Sacrificial Temple of the Royal Valley of Long Sleep]!"

"As long as this card exists on the field, neither party can special summon monsters other than monsters with [Gravekeeper] in their names!"

After seeing the effect activated by Mu Shouze, the district managers in the mansion didn't know what to say for a while.

Are you really dueling?

Can't special summon, can't activate effects...

One is more outrageous than the other...

Do you want to go on the field and fight each other with fists?

The confrontation between the two sides is not a collision of monsters, but whoever restricts the wider area will win.

They had never seen such an abstract duel.

Everyone hesitated for a moment before saying:

"Well... this Lu You and Mu Shouze are also a match made in heaven, they have similar tastes..."

"Let's not talk about who can win for now. Now that Lu You has no monsters on the field, I'm afraid he will lose a lot of life points."

"I think the meaning of this duel has changed. It's not enough to just win."

In the hall of the mansion, a strange atmosphere gradually appeared.

Lu You looked at the continuous magic card in front of Mu Shouze with some surprise. It's not difficult to unlock it. Just destroy the [Royal Valley of Long Sleep].

Or get rid of the [Grave Guardian] monster.

However, his restrictions have not ended yet, and it's time to reveal another card on the field.

"I activate the Continuous Trap Card again, [Check Everywhere]!"

"As long as this card exists in the Magic and Trap Zone, each player can only have 1 face-up monster of the same race on the field."

"When there are 2 or more monsters of the same race, they must be sent to the Graveyard until there is only 1 monster of the same race."

There are still experts? !

Are you really not going to give me a chance to live?

Cold sweat broke out on Mu Shouze's forehead. There were only [Gravekeeper] monsters of the Magician type in his deck, so only one could stay on the field, and the rest had to be sent to the Graveyard.

He looked at the two monsters in front of him, gritted his teeth, took one from the Duel Disk and sent it to the Graveyard.

"I will send the [Gravekeeper Summoner] on the field to the Graveyard."

Mu Shouze's forehead was bulging with veins. He wanted to see Lu You show a twisted expression, but he didn't expect that this wish would come true for him.

As a duelist, the last thing he wants to see is his own kind.

He had always relied on blocking others for fun, but now he became the fun of his opponent, which was psychologically unacceptable.

Humph, now your face card has been activated, and you can't special summon monsters. Let's see what you can use to block this attack.

Thinking of this, Mu Shouze blushed and declared an attack.


"【Gravekeeper's Spiritualist】Directly attack the opponent's player!"

When Mu Shouze's voice fell, the spiritualist immediately started the witch dance, and the graceful figure swayed. The thousand-year-old eyes suddenly burst into light, giving Lu You health damage.

[Lu You: LP: 8000 → LP: 6000]

This direct attack was successful, which made Mu Shouze slightly relieved his resentment and his emotions gradually calmed down.

Haha, what if they are all blocked?

I can slowly wear you down. 2000 points of battle damage can be dealt in four turns without clearing the life points.

In addition, [Royal Valley of Long Sleep] blocks the graveyard, and you cannot recycle resources through [Fountain of Divine Monument].

Extra monsters cannot be special summoned, right?

You can't just take out a card to destroy my field, right?

The possibility is very small. If it really works, I will eat the Millennium Eye Duel Plate on the spot!

"I cover a card, and the turn ends."

The cover card in front of Mu Shouze is [Forced Escape Device], which can return a monster to the owner's hand.

After all, the terminal of the graveyard deck is not that strong, and he still needs some small help.

If Lu You knew what Mu Shouze was thinking, he would definitely be confused.

I have never heard of such a request in my life.

You must know that with the blessing of [Magic Eyes that Tears Time], his card drawing contains the power of double "bonds".

How dare you question me who has "bonds"?

Lu You glanced at Hu Ji who was eager to try beside him, and immediately smiled and started his turn.

"My turn, draw a card!"

Lu You suddenly drew two cards, and after checking with his peripheral vision, he stuffed one of them into the magic trap area of ​​the duel disk.

Then he raised his arm and pointed at the red sunset behind Mu Shouze.

A bright smile bloomed on his face.

"Activate a quick-attack magic card from your hand, [Destroyed Monument]!"

"Target a magic trap card on the opponent's field, destroy that card, and then exclude four cards from the opponent's deck!"

"I will destroy the [Valley of the King's Long Sleep] on your field!"

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