You are not allowed to play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 108 The strength of the card cannot change the strength of the duelist

Lu You didn't expect to get additional rewards, and it was even a powerful clearing card from his previous life, [Kurigara Tendo].

Jade Foot, White Hair, Miko...

While maxing out all kinds of xp, you can also eat the opponent's monsters, which is a huge temptation that card players can't refuse.

However, [Kurikara Tendo], as a 1-star monster, cannot be normally summoned.

You can only Special Summon this turn by releasing all the face-up monsters on your or your opponent's field that have activated effects in your opponent's Monster Zone this turn.

To put it simply, you can lure the opponent to activate the effects of all monsters after the opponent has finished playing.

Then directly release all the monsters that have activated their effects, and Special Summon [Kurigara Tendo].

Everyone has been liberated.jpg

And every time a monster is released, the attack power of this card will increase by x1500 points.

When the time comes, you can stuff your opponent's smooth and tender feet with thousands of attack power into your opponent's mouth and forcefully end the duel.

And [Kurigara Tendo] also has a welcome effect.

At the end of each turn, you can bring 1 monster from your opponent's graveyard and Special Summon it to your field.

Liberate first, then go away.

This is indeed an indispensable part of Yu-Gi-Oh!

It's just that Hong Qian couldn't treat [Kurigara Tendo] and [Summon Limiter] as extra rewards for no reason. Even in this world, they are still very cherished cards.

"Being able to successfully use the spirit that has made a contract with others... This is indeed a very rare ability, and there has never been any record."

"Is it called 'bond'?"

"Those two additional rewards are considered as deposits. I also have a commission that I want to name you to complete. But I want to remind you first that this commission will still involve rare card hunters, so you have to be mentally prepared."

After hearing Hong Qian's serious reminder, Lu You suddenly laughed.

He just made a lot of money from a rare card hunter, how could he refuse?

After all, who would dislike having too much bread at home?

"Please tell me, I'm very interested in this commission."

Seeing that Lu You did not reject her, Hong Qian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. In fact, she had entrusted many clubs with her in private, but because she was related to the rare card hunter organization. These clubs…

None responded.

Like a stone sinking into the sea.

Otherwise, the bodyguard commission would not be available on the website forever.

Fortunately, I met a powerful elf duelist like Lu You who is greedy for money...

Wait, can he really be called an Elf Duelist? At least we need to make a pact with the elves, right?

Also, what exactly does "bond" mean?

Countless questions poured out of her heart. Hong Qian felt her head hurt. She quickly put these questions behind her and turned to Lu You and said:

"Do you know where the cards taken away by the rare card hunters go?"

"Some of those cards have re-entered the market, and many have been bought and collected at high prices, never to be seen again."

"And the reason why I went undercover in the rare card hunter organization is to find a card that was taken away ten years ago."

Hong Qian's expression gradually became lonely. Even if she finally found the whereabouts of the card, she would not be able to get it back with her own strength.

So I can only entrust others to help.

Lu You had not thought about how the hunters would sell their stolen goods. Anyway, he only needed to take away all the trophies after the other party finished hunting.

The most critical part of raising pigs is the moment of harvest.

But he was a little curious about what kind of card could make Hong Qian so persistent.

Could it be Lao Ai?

Probably not. There is indeed only one Dark Archmage, but there are a total of five corpses.

"During my undercover period, I finally investigated the whereabouts of that card. The rare card hunter sold it to a collector, and the card has been in the collector's collection room for the past ten years."

"But recently the collector passed away, and all the collections were put up for auction, including that card."

"Many celebrities and rich people will participate in the auction. I need you to win that card in a duel."

After Hong Qian finished speaking, she carefully observed Lu You's expression.

To be honest, this commission is quite difficult, and even the regional director of the club will not accept it easily.

After all, the duels in the auction house are of very high standard, and the duelists faced are basically six-star or above, and no one dares to guarantee a guaranteed win.

It would be normal if Lu You chose to retreat despite the difficulties, but...

Just when Hong Qian was struggling, she heard Lu You suddenly ask:

"I really want to know what kind of card it is that makes you want to take it back even undercover."

After hearing Lu You's words, Hong Qian hesitated for a moment, then took out her mobile phone and called up the relevant pictures.

Then he handed it to Lu You.

This is……

Seeing the picture displayed on the phone screen, Lu You's eyes suddenly widened, his expression full of disbelief.

On the card, you can clearly see flying petals, and a white horse wearing dark red armor lifts its front hooves gracefully. On the horseback is a rose-like knight, fully armed, wearing heavy armor, holding a sword and shield, and is very powerful.

The most important thing is that on the lower abdomen that is not covered by armor, the outline of the navel can be faintly seen.

A 10-star synchro monster?

And it’s also a wind attribute?

It’s actually [Flower Baroness]!

Lu You immediately understood the reason for Hong Qian's persistence. As an absolute universal terminal in the previous life, [Flower Baroness] appeared quite frequently.

It was simply because the effect was too strong, and it could stably blow up a card on the field.

And as long as [Flower Baroness] was face-up on the field, it could only be used once, and it could invalidate and destroy the effects of magic, traps, and monsters.

Many decks with weak blocking ability would choose this card as a terminal.

If the target was [Flower Baroness], this auction duel could be attended once.

However, it was definitely impossible to use this card as a reward.

If you buy it... it would probably be a sky-high price.

After thinking for a moment, Lu You turned his head and looked at Hong Qian and said:

"I can take your commission, but there is a condition."

Hong Qian breathed a sigh of relief. It was also within her expectations that Lu You would put forward additional conditions. As long as he did not refuse, she would accept any conditions.

"Of course, please feel free to make your request."

"Haha, it's actually very simple. After getting back the [Flower Baroness], I want to get the right to borrow this card. When I need this card, you must lend it to me."

Hong Qian: "?"

Lu You's conditions...seem different from what she thought?

Originally, she thought that the other party's conditions would be to ask for more cards as a reward.

Or, even if you lose, the deposit cannot be refunded.

But how come the use of [Flower Baroness] is already being discussed before the duel even starts?

Is Lu You so confident?

"If you need it...of course I can lend it to you, but the prerequisite is to win the auction duel. Are you really sure of winning? Opening champagne in advance is not a good thing..."

"Don't worry, this is the confidence that 'bond' brings me."

So, what exactly is "bond"? !

Hong Qian was a little discouraged. She had given up arguing with Lu You. Since the other party was confident, she could only...

Believe first, believe again, and then believe again.

"Since you agreed, I will issue you a designated commission through Chenxing later. You can check the commission content for detailed information."

"As for the task reward, you will definitely not be disappointed."

"By the way, if you have any trouble, you can ask my uncle for help. His name is Hong Yi, and he is now in Tiannan Duel Academy."

Hong Yi?

Lu You remembered that Yang Chentian had mentioned that the rich businessman who hired the entire Holy Dragon Club seemed to be surnamed Hong.

It seems that Hong Qian is still a small rich woman. I would have taken more wool from her earlier.

However, since the commission was established, he could not make other requests. The most important thing at the moment was to get back the Flower Baroness.

This auction duel must not be lost, so he needs a sure-win method for this.

That's right, sure-win...

After thinking for a moment, Lu You slowly raised his head, and he obviously had a preliminary plan in his mind.

At this moment, the roar of the D-wheel engine came again, and Yang Chentian and Chen Xianlong drove the D-wheel to appear on the highway. From the moment the duel was decided, they rushed to finish the matter.

"Lu You, you did a good job this time!"

"But can you tell me before you accept the expedited commission?"

Yang Chentian was a little helpless. Of course, he also knew that the matter was urgent at that time and there was no time to remind him. He just hoped that Lu You would not be so impulsive in the future.

Just like now, how to deal with this rare card hunter is also a problem.

He is only the regional head of Beijiang City, and Tiannan is not under his management.

... Let Chen Xianlong take charge.

Compared to this matter, he still needs to unify the testimony with Lu You.

"Lu You, you plan to put the rare card hunter's card group on Chenxing's website for sale, right?"

"I must remind you first that in the source of the card group, you must indicate..."

"It was the rare card hunter who 'proposed' the gambling card duel, and you 'had to' accept the invitation and defeated the other party to get the card group."

As an old hand of Chenxing Club, Yang Chentian is too familiar with the dark operation.

After all, Lu You's pig farming tactics cannot be publicized.

If others knew that the official members of the Chenxing Club were harvesting the spoils of rare card hunters everywhere...

It would be a huge blow to Chenxing's reputation.

"I understand, I will definitely do it next time."

Hearing Lu You's answer, Yang Chentian sighed, and the meaning of this sentence was clearly that it might not be the next time.

At the same time, Chen Xianlong was also preparing to take Yang Yeqiu back for investigation, and then hand it over to the corresponding club for processing. Although Shenglong did not contribute, he could gain a good reputation for being responsible.

But Hong Qian suddenly stood in front of him and took off her helmet.

"Ms. Hong? Why is it you?"

Chen Xianlong looked surprised. He had never expected that the target targeted by the rare card hunter was actually Hong Qian.

In the contract signed between the Shenglong Club and Hong Yi, Hong Qian was also the object of protection, which could be regarded as his dereliction of duty.

"Chen Xianlong, you ignored my urgent commission and neglected your duties. Just based on these two points, Shenglong Club will have to pay a large sum of money..."

"Maybe I should talk to my uncle about the termination of the contract."

Chen Xianlong's face turned pale. Shenglong Club was already on the verge of splitting up. If Hong Yi terminated the contract, it would be completely in name only.

"Ms. Hong, please give me a chance to make amends..."

After Lu You sorted out the loot, Yang Chentian took him out of the high-speed duel channel. He originally planned to customize the D round, but who knew he also took the opportunity to make some extra money.

Now that he has experienced the charm of high-speed duels, he is also looking forward to the appearance of the D wheel.

As for Hong Qian's commission, there was still some time before the auction started, so he had plenty of time to prepare.

After a while, Lu You came to the D round store again.

Since Yang Chentian greeted them in advance, they went directly to the studio where the D round was produced.

A large number of D-wheel parts were seen scattered on the ground, with a pungent smell mixed in the air. The skeletons of D-wheels were neatly arranged in the studio.

"Yang Chentian? It seems that your Chenxing members are pretty good, right? We are going to customize the D round again so soon."

"It's still the same old rules. The performance of wheel D can be adjusted according to your requirements. As for the appearance..."

"Most duelists will use the form of monsters. If you have a monster you like, you can also propose it."

I saw a strong old man walking out of the studio with a cigarette in his mouth. He was wearing a denim apron and was covered in stains, but his voice was quite loud.

"I want the appearance of [Blue Eyes White Dragon]!"

No matter what, I want to experience the happiness of President Kaiba!

Hearing Lu You's request, the old man scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Blue Eyes White Dragon... That is a very precious card, and it has been missing for many years. We have not kept the corresponding picture at all."

This is a problem...

In Lu You's previous life, just by searching online, you could find a lot of pictures of blue-eyed white dragons, even in their effeminate forms.

But it doesn't work in this world. Many cherished cards can't even be seen.

Do you just give up like this?

At this moment, Yang Chentian suddenly patted Lu You on the shoulder, with a mysterious smile on his face.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? Chenxing has kept the picture of [Blue Eyes White Dragon] internally. You can just redeem it with merit points."

You actually have reservations?

This was beyond Lu You's expectation.

"There's nothing surprising. Every club will consciously collect card information, and cards that are extremely precious like this are no exception."

In this case, the appearance of the D wheel has been solved, and only the performance is left.

"Does it have nitrogen acceleration? Or can it fly in the air?"

The old man who repaired the car: "..."

You might as well transform the small aircraft into the shape of a blue-eyed white dragon.

Of course, Lu You didn't expect to actually have this kind of technology. Even in Brother Crab's generation, it was the power of the red dragon that allowed the D wheel to fly in the air.

Soon, the D-round customization process was completed, and the next step was to wait.

Lu You and Yang Chentian left the studio and wandered around Tiannan Duel Academy. From time to time, they could hear the sound of monsters exploding or cards being destroyed.

After signing the maximum contract, Lu You was nominally a student of Tiannan Duel Academy.

Therefore, those who can be admitted to the academy are basically the best duelists.

Lu You was quite curious about the students' strength.

Plan to visit a few duels.

At this moment, the screen of Lu You's mobile phone suddenly lit up. It was Bai Nan's call request. He had previously asked the other party to purchase a card in the [Natural] field.

Is there any news?

It seems that the power of "fetters" is guiding him to move closer to the monument.

"Mr. Lu You, I'm sorry to bother you."

"To make a long story short, the card in the [Natural] field that you entrusted me to acquire has already been revealed."

"I am currently staying with a collector in Tiannan City. I will return to Beijiang City after the acquisition is completed."

Bai Nan is also in Tiannan City?

Lu You was a little surprised. It seemed like a coincidence, but he could feel that there was a faint connection between the two parties.

Thinking of this, Lu You looked at Hu Ji beside him.

"What style of helmet do you like?"

Hu Ji: "?"

Although Hu Ji didn't understand what Lu You meant, he could feel the great malice.

"Miss Bai Nan, there is no need to wait to return to Beijiang City. I am currently at Tiannan Duel Academy. Maybe we can meet now."

"You, are you at Tiannan Duel Academy?"

Bai Nan was a little surprised. According to the information she obtained, Lu You should still be a high school student.

"I signed a contract with the academy during the training camp, and I can be considered a freshman in Tiannan this year."

Hearing Lu You's words, Bai Nan suddenly showed a professional smile, which was the expression of her successful investment in the business field.

"Please tell me your location and I'll be there right away."

After hanging up the phone, Bai Nan looked at the collector in front of him, and his tone became crisp and sharp.

"Mr. Zhang, if I double the price I just quoted, how about we get a fixed price?"

A moment later, Bai Nan, wearing formal clothes, came to where Lu You was, holding the sturdy suitcase in his hand.

And behind her was an acquaintance of Lu You, Zheng Qiao.

The academy was also monitoring the high-speed duel, especially after learning that the duelist was Lu You, Zheng Qiao hurried over to understand the situation.

"Mr. Lu You, most of the cards in the [Natural] field are here, please confirm."

Bai Nan opened his suitcase and showed the neatly arranged cards to Lu You. They were indeed cards in the [Natural] field.

At the same time, Lu You saw the [natural beast] he needed most at a glance.

This monster can negate the activation of magic cards and destroy them.

And there is no limit of once per turn, and the cost is only sending 2 cards from the deck to the graveyard.

To put it simply, it means bringing a smile to the other person’s face.

"Thank you very much. What is the market price of these cards?"

"Market price? That's not important. This is just a gift for Mr. Lu You to enter college. I hope we can have a happy cooperation in the future."

For Bai Nan, an investment that is sure to make a profit without losing money is naturally worth investing more in, not to mention that Lu You may even have the opportunity to become a senior executive of Chenxing.

So generous?

Lu You looked at [Natural]'s home card. No wonder most duelists would run their own channels. This was much faster than making money just by dueling.

But he also understood what Bai Nan meant. Cooperation was always mutual.

At this time, Zheng Qiao also learned what happened from Yang Chentian, and he walked up to Lu You habitually wiping his sweat.

"Student Lu You, if you want to come, you can tell me in advance and I can take you around the campus."

"Now that you have obtained the new deck components, would you like to try them out? The academy has a dedicated testing ground for students."

Lu You has no objection to this. He also wants to try the combination of the monument and nature first.

"Okay, let me adjust the deck first."

I saw Lu You spreading out the deck, modifying part of the structure, and quickly adding the [Nature] components to the deck, as if he had practiced it many times.

Hu basically wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

She is not clean anymore...

Ignoring the crying Hu Ji, Lu You continued to modify the structure. After eliminating some pass cards, a new deck was completely completed.

Less than 10 minutes before and after.

Zheng Qiao stared at this scene in stunned silence. He had indeed known Lu You's construction ability for a long time, but he did not expect it to be so exaggerated.

For anyone else, it would have taken days to modify the build, let alone adapt to a new deck.

"Follow, come with me..."

With that said, Zheng Qiao led several people to a building, where the explosions of monsters were even denser, as if many people were dueling at the same time.

"Please enter the duel arena directly, and the system will randomly match your opponent."

Lu You followed the instructions and stood in the familiar duel field.

Not long after, someone stood opposite him. It seemed that there were quite a few people here to test the deck.

Moreover, the duel process is also very fast. Once a problem with the deck is discovered, a quick victory will be chosen.

As for Lu You's opponent, she was a girl wearing a strange sportswear. She had a cheerful smile and looked full of energy.

And there is a mask hanging around his waist.

Wait, that mask looks familiar...


Friends are all heroes?

[Masked Hero-Dark Claw]?

Lu You looked surprised. Could he have met someone who plays a hero?

What he is using now is his own monument...

[Fusion], [Mask Change], [Hero Arrival]...

The core of these heroes are magic cards!

Natural beast: suppressing laughter

At this moment, the countdown to the duel sounded. Lu You subconsciously made a gesture of drawing cards, and said in unison with the girl:


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