When both sides were ready to start the duel, a figure stood up slowly from the corner not far away. The person was wearing the school uniform of No. 3 Middle School. He was the student who had just lost to Wu Feng.

Jiang Chan stared at Wu Feng angrily. Just now, her main monster was taken away by the opponent. The strength of the deck suddenly dropped sharply. I am afraid that she will not be able to maintain the original ranking in the next exam.

Although she will definitely get the monster back, it is not now...

But just as Jiang Chan bit her lip and prepared to leave, she suddenly saw Wu Feng was going to have another gambling card duel, and the opponent seemed familiar...

Wait, that person seems to be Lu Siyan's brother!

Seeing Lu You, Jiang Chan stopped immediately.

Although she and Lu Siyan were classmates, they were not friends. They just talked a few times on weekdays and had no other exchanges.

The reason why she knew Lu You was because she met at the opening ceremony.

She and Lu Siyan were originally in the same junior high school, and their grades were comparable, but after the other awakened the elf compatibility, the gap between the two became larger and larger, and no matter how hard she tried, she could not make up for it.

I did hear that Lu Siyan's brother lost to Wu Feng before, so is he here for revenge now?

Jiang Chan thought for a moment and decided to stay and watch the duel, which could be regarded as collecting intelligence for defeating Wu Feng in the future.

Lu You obviously noticed Jiang Chan, but he just felt that he looked familiar, as if he was in the same class as Lu Siyan.

However, he was not interested in helping the other party to get back the card. The failure of the card gambling duel could only mean one thing, that is, he was a bad player.

If you are a bad player, practice more. If you can't afford to lose, don't play.


As the duel disk unfolded, 4000 standard health points appeared, but since the two did not carry coins or the like, the system simulated coin tossing to decide who would attack first and who would attack later.

Both sides drew five cards, and Wu Feng smiled after taking a glance. In fact, the objects of his card gambling duel were not randomly found, but carefully selected.

He specifically picked those who cherished the cards, and after finding out the opponent's trump card, he effectively targeted them and then won with one blow.

This is why he won every battle.

Just like the gambling card duel just now, as long as the "Electrified Angel" is restricted, the freshman named Jiang Chan will be helpless.

Of course, this is the way he hired a private teacher to teach. It must be said that gambling card duels are indeed addictive.

As for Lu You's deck, he has actually figured it out long ago. The main monsters are nothing more than those mortal bones with relatively high attack power.

As long as they are restricted in advance, this duel can be easily won.


The coin simulated by the stereoscopic projection is thrown high into the sky and then falls to the ground. Wu Feng will attack first in this duel.

"Humph, since I attack first, you have no chance of winning!"

"Activate the magic card from the hand, [Obedience of Heaven's Voice]!"

Wu Feng did not hesitate at all, as if he had already won.

"Just give me your monsters!"

"According to the effect of this card, pay 2000 life points, and then declare a monster. If the opponent's deck has the declared monster, add that card to my hand, or special summon it to my field regardless of the summoning conditions!"

"The monster I want to declare is [Magic Swordsman Trans]!"

When Wu Feng finished speaking, the scene fell into a strange silence.

Lu You looked at Wu Feng as if he was looking at a fool. He was now full of confusion, not understanding why the opponent suddenly took out a [Obedience of Heaven's Voice] first, and then declared a completely unknown monster.

What kind of monster is [Magic Swordsman Trans]?

He had never heard of it!

Wait a minute, Wu Feng probably didn't know that he had changed his deck, and thought that the duel board was still the same bad deck as the previous one.

So, [Magic Swordsman Trans] is the ordinary bone monster in the previous deck?

This Wu Feng was quite thorough in his investigation. Lu You now suspected that the dispute between him and his predecessor was intentional.

At this time, Wu Feng was getting impatient and urged him:

"What are you still dawdling about? Hurry up and give me the card in the declaration!"

"Sorry, I don't have that card in my deck."

Lu You said and turned on the card scanning function of the duel disk. After checking the entire deck, the system showed that no corresponding card was detected.

"What? How is this possible?"

Wu Feng was stunned and even thought that there was something wrong with the system. He wasted 2,000 life points and not only did he not get a monster, but he also yelled like a clown.

"I also want to ask you why you are so sure that there will be that card in my deck."

"Of course it's because..."

Before he finished speaking, Wu Feng fell into silence. The private coach clearly told him that these things could not be brought to the surface. After all, gambling card duels are not fair.

"Is it not okay if I guessed it?"

Wu Feng looked down at his hand. The loss of 2,000 life points at the beginning did not affect his morale. Even if he failed to restrict Lu You's trump card, this hand alone was enough to win the duel.

The deck built by his private teacher was already stronger than a high school student.

"Don't be complacent! The duel has just begun!"

"I activate the magic card in my hand, [Fossil Investigation]!" Wu Feng drew out his hand and put it into the duel disk, and then started the monster search: "The effect of this card is to add a 6-star dinosaur monster in the deck to your hand!"

As Wu Feng finished speaking, a card popped up on the duel disk, which was exactly the target he was searching for.

"The monster I want to add to my hand is [Soul-eating Oviraptor]!"

Isn't this the core card of Dinosaur Jun?

Lu You was a little surprised. He remembered that the opponent did not use the dinosaurs when he dueled with his predecessor. It turned out that this guy also secretly changed the deck.

It seems that he is not the only one who does not follow the moral code of martial arts.

[Soul-eating Oviraptor] is not cheap in this world, but since Wu Feng can afford an expensive private coach, he probably has money.

Jiang Chan, who was watching the battle on the side, did not look very good. She had just lost to Wu Feng and knew the opponent's tactics. [Soul-eating Oviraptor] can retrieve dinosaur monsters in the deck for deployment.

"Attack position to summon [Soul-eating Oviraptor] in hand!"

The projection started, and a small gray-white dinosaur appeared in front of Wu Feng, covered with spells, with a ball of ghost fire in its scarlet front claws, like an unhatched dragon egg.

"When this card is successfully summoned, you can add a Dinosaur monster in your deck to your hand or send it to the graveyard."

"I choose to add [Dinosaur of Fantasy] to your hand."

Is there even this card?

It seems that the private coach Wu Feng hired is really good. I wonder how many stars he is as a duelist.

Lu You is also relatively familiar with the way Dinosaur Jun is deployed, but he is not sure how far Wu Feng's terminal can go.

[Superconductive Dinosaur]?

[Ultimate Dinosaur]?


"Next, I will activate the effect of [Dinosaur of Fantasy] in my hand!"

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