You are not allowed to play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 118 If you can't stop it from unfolding, it means you are not strong enough.

What happened?

Hong Qian slowly opened her eyes, her pupils filled with shock and disbelief. The game that was originally in a stalemate came to an end in an instant, and the air wave generated by the monster explosion immediately swept the entire auction hall.


Is it... over?

The black veil on Hong Qian's face was lifted, and her pink and delicate lips opened subconsciously. She was struggling to recall the moment of reversal in her mind.

What did Lu You do just now?

Time seemed to be still, and the scene of Lu You constantly drawing cards played in Hong Qian's mind like a movie until that critical moment...

He activated the card that was extremely dependent on luck... Iai card drawing?

Now Hong Qian completely understood that Lu You's seemingly correct card drawing was a foreshadowing, and the entire construction was based on Iai card drawing. He directly abandoned other means of winning and chose to go all out.

In other words, Lu You bet everything on this card drawing.

It was really crazy, even more exciting than the game of "Gambling Saint" Cheng Zhinan.

Hong Qian suddenly felt dizzy. If she had known Lu You's plan in advance, she would have stopped him.

But what was even more unbelievable was...

Lu You actually won the bet!

After thoroughly understanding the cause and effect, Hong Qian's chest rose and fell slightly, and her panting became more intense. This feeling was too exciting, and her heart could not bear it.


Hong Qian suddenly heard the sound of pills pouring in her ears. She turned her head in confusion, but found that Yang Chentian calmly poured out a few pills of heart disease medicine and swallowed them with warm water.

Now, this is called professionalism.

Gradually, other guests in the auction house also reacted, and noisy discussions sounded, followed by cheers one after another.

The excitement of this duel far exceeded that of large-scale events. Even if the truly exciting part was only a few seconds, it was enough.

Using the Iai card to successfully kill the opponent, this may also be called a miracle.

"What did I just see? He really drew the Iai card!"

"It's so exciting! I didn't expect that I could actually watch such a duel in the auction... If anyone of you recorded it, send me a copy quickly!"

"I think that swollen-headed dragon helmet is also majestic and cool!"

At this moment, Chen Miao finally realized that her body was cut into two pieces. She was shocked, spitting out a long scarlet tongue from her mouth, and her face became distorted again.

"This, this is impossible!"

"I actually drew it..."

Then, Chen Miao suddenly found that part of her body was peeling off. After the duel failed, the fusion state was on the verge of collapse and was being released.

But at her current level, even if the fusion failed, it would not be affected.

Chen Miao clearly felt that her perception of the elves had weakened, and the broken world barrier was also repairing, so she could not continue to maintain the fusion.

This weird situation has never happened even within the hunter organization.

The only possibility is Lu You...

"Who are you? Take off that ridiculous helmet!"

Chen Miao was seen crawling towards Lu You in the dark frantically, but just halfway up, the fusion was completely dissolved, and a vampire girl holding a parasol appeared beside her.

Long golden hair, scarlet pupils, and gray skin color...

Lu You recognized that it was the [Vampire Daughter].

At the same time, Chen Miao's appearance also returned to normal. Without the power of the elves to maintain her body, she looked much more haggard, and her perfect figure also shrank.

Lu You subconsciously straightened the helmet and smiled kindly again.

"How can you think this helmet is ridiculous?"

"Maybe you will change your mind when you are tortured by the swollen-headed dragon."

Then, Chen Miao's companion hurried to the stage, helped her up, and put on her coat.

Then he glared at Lu You fiercely and left the auction in a hurry.

Their target was originally only the [Flower Baroness]. Now that the duel failed, there was no need to stay here any longer, not to mention that there were more important things to report to the boss.

What a pity...

Looking at Chen Miao's back, Lu You shook his head regretfully.

If he could have a card group duel, it would be a considerable income.

And [Vampire Daughter] seems to be good too...

But at this moment, Lu You suddenly felt a severe dizziness, and in a trance, he seemed to be standing in front of a huge mirror.

The figure reflected in the mirror was not him, but Hu Ji.

This is...


I saw cracks gradually appear on the smooth mirror surface, and then a hole broke open. Hu Ji's arm slowly stretched out from the gap and reached his nose.

So this is the world barrier?

Lu You subconsciously grabbed Hu Ji's arm. The touch was smooth and delicate, and quite soft. It no longer felt like jelly, which made people want to play with it more carefully.


He really touched the elf.

The next moment, Lu You's consciousness returned to reality, and he found Hu Ji looking at him with disgust, and with his signature smirk.

Lu You was not polite, and directly stretched out his big hand to grab Hu Ji's little face, kneading it for a while before stopping.

It feels really good!

Now that the world barrier has finally been broken, it means that he has finally gained the ability to merge, but now the duel is over, and he can only wait until the next duel to experiment.

I never expected that the first fusion would be the [Divine Monument].

At this moment, the host walked onto the stage again, holding the card brick containing the [Flower Baroness] in his hand, and then handed it to Lu You.

"Dear guest, it was a very exciting duel."

"According to the rules of the auction duel, this card will be yours. Please allow me to keep the video of this duel. Of course, this is my personal request."

Lu You took the [Flower Baroness], and he had no objection to the video.

Anyway, the video of eating monsters with [Lava Demon] has long been popular on the Internet, so he doesn't mind having one more.

When seeing Lu You holding the [Flower Baroness] in front of her, Hong Qian suddenly felt a little unreal. She had already made the worst plan in her heart, but now it seemed unnecessary.

Tears overflowed from the corners of Hong Qian's eyes, running across her cheeks and dripping from her chin.

Her lips were also trembling slightly.

The monster she had dreamed of was finally back in her hands. She had been waiting for this moment for many years.

Wiping her tears with gloves, Hong Qian took over the [Baroness of Flowers] with red eyes.

She immediately showed a grateful smile.

"Lu You, thank you very much for your help..."

"If you hadn't accepted the expedited commission, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to rely on my own strength to get rid of the organization's hunting, let alone participate in the auction and face the backbone of the organization."


Hong Qian sniffed, and her expression gradually became relaxed.

"Now I can finally let go of my obsession and welcome a new life."

"Congratulations, the commission... is completed!"

After leaving the auction, Hong Qian took Lu You to a special car, and then took out a familiar suitcase, which contained the reward for this commission.

After entering the password, the suitcase opened.

Hong Qian faced the neatly arranged cards to Lu You. Most of these cards were carefully collected by her, and some were taken from Hong Yi's collection.

She knew that Lu You was only interested in the reward, and there was no nonsense. With Yang Chentian here, it would be no problem to sign the contract for the commission later.

These cards...

Lu You's eyes swept over the neatly arranged cards, and when he saw the link monster, he suddenly showed a surprised expression.

The card face was a mechanical phoenix with red feathers, which looked quite familiar.


[Dream Collapse-Phoenix]?

In Lu You's previous life, this monster was a very important general-purpose card. When the link summon was successful, you could discard a card in your hand and destroy a magic and trap card on the opponent's field.

The summoning conditions are relatively simple, and it can blow up the backfield, which is very important for a deck that lacks means to deal with magic traps.

For example, it destroys [The Royal Edict].

[Dream Collapse] is also a field monster, which is worth a lot in this world. In addition to its versatility, it seems that Hong Qian is indeed very sincere.

After that, Lu You's eyes shifted to other cards. It was a synchro monster...

Wait, isn't this Master Kang's component?

[Rainbow Herald]?

The card face was an unknown object with a strange shape, emitting a rainbow-colored luster, as if it was not a complete body, but only part of the limbs.

With Rainbow on the field, monsters sent to the graveyard from the hand and deck by both parties will not go to the graveyard, but will be banished.

And you can liberate yourself, making the effects of magic, traps and monsters ineffective and destroyed.

By the way, retrieve 1 Ritual Monster or Ritual Magic Card from the deck.

With three-color counter plus precise search, the effect of [Announcer of Rainbow] is quite powerful.

At present, Lu You also has [Electronic Angel-Benten] in his hand, but he wants to play Master Kang's deck, and there are still too many components missing, which cannot be compensated by Rainbow alone.

You can only rely on "bonds" to find it.

However, Rainbow is also a general-purpose card, and the blocking effect is quite critical.

It will take some time to counter and stop the opponent's five moving points without looking at the effect.

As for the remaining cards, they are [Dinosaur Wrestler-Pankrasin Ceratops] and...

3 [Provoke Snakes by Beating the Grass]?

Feeling Lu You's puzzled gaze, Hong Qian smiled immediately, and she naturally investigated the other party's preferences a little.

"I prepared this specially after investigating your dueling style. Mr. Yang Chentian also gave a lot of useful suggestions."

"Do you like it?"

Then I like it very much!

Lu You once searched for [Provoking Snakes] on Chenxing's website, but there was no result. This card that can directly special summon extra monsters is still quite popular.

This card can only be activated when it leaves the field due to the opponent's effect, is sent to the graveyard or is banished.

Special summon 1 monster from the deck or extra deck.

It's time to know what you don't know until you scan it.

As for [Dinosaur Wrestler-Pankrasin Ceratops], it is also a very powerful field removal card. When the opponent has more monsters than you, you can special summon it from your hand.

Then liberate yourself and destroy 1 card on the opponent's field.

One-for-one limit.

The cards selected by Hong Qian are indeed what Lu You needs, and the price is quite expensive. I'm afraid only wealthy people like the Hong family can afford it.

But what Lu You cares about is the right to use another monster.

Hong Qian understood, smiled and opened the card brick, and handed the [Flower Baroness] to Lu You.

"According to the contract, you also have the right to use [Flower Baroness]."

"Of course, the Hong family's channels will also be open to you. If there is a card you need, I can help you search."

The moment he touched the card [Flower Baroness], Lu You suddenly noticed that a large number of flower petals were falling outside the car window.

A white horse wearing armor appeared in front of the window. From this perspective, the Baroness's waist could be seen.

But this scene only lasted for a moment and disappeared quickly.

Apparently he had the approval of the Flower Baroness.

Thinking of this, Lu You turned to look at Hong Qian. He really needed the Hong family's channels to investigate the location of the field monster.

"Can you help me investigate the whereabouts of [Insect Demon] or [Sky Striker] field monsters? Including the corresponding home cards."

"[Sky Striker]... These are quite rare decks. Where did you know about them?"


Well, Hong Qian knew Lu You would say that.

Then, she took out her tablet and started searching using the Hong family's channels. The field monsters mentioned by Lu You are all very rare, and there is not much information on them on the market.

After a moment, Hong Qian raised her head, frowned and said:

"For the card in the [Sky Striker] field, only the sustainable magic [Sky Striker Mechanism-Multi-Task Fighting Blade Mechanism] was found."

Jumping machine?

Isn't that the same as nothing?

"As for the field of [Insect Bewilderment], I only found [Broken Hole Ludia's Insect Bewilderment]."

"But there are some stocks of related [cavees] and [cave pits], such as [grave caves] and the like..."

[Tomb Cave]?

This card can negate the effects activated by cards in the opponent's hand, graveyard, or banished monsters, and then cause 2000 points of health damage.

In his previous life, Lu You had used this card to make comebacks several times.

It’s simply impossible to guard against!

"I've bought all the cards I can find for you, and I'll keep an eye on the rest."

Hong Qian readily bought all the inventory. The money was nothing to the Hong family, but the tug-of-war with the rare card hunter organization would continue for some time, and she still needed Lu You.

"Lu You, if you have any difficulties, please feel free to contact me at any time. The Hong family will always welcome you."

After leaving Hong Qian's car, Yang Chentian obviously waited for a long time.

He started the D wheel skillfully, turned to Lu You and said:

"Let's go, I'll take you back now."

"What just happened was beyond my expectation. The hunter organization's research on elves is likely to exceed that of the academy. It seems that the headquarters will have another headache."


The roar of the D wheel sounded again, and the two figures gradually disappeared into the distance.

Diling City, Cosmic Light Club, Headquarters Building.

In the dazzling white hall, the regional leaders of the club gathered in front of the round table. The atmosphere was quite solemn and depressing, and everyone looked ugly.

Liangdu in Beijiang City is also among them.

Recently, Cosmic Light's operations have suffered setbacks one after another, especially the defeat of Ke Kui, which caused all the believers in charge of it to break away from Cosmic Light.

This is a pretty major accident and someone needs to make up for it.

"Ke Kui has received a powerful blessing and can let the light of the universe descend in the duel. How could he lose?"

"Huh, even if you don't believe it, it's the truth."

"It's all because of this piece of shit that we've lost an entire city of believers and the club's expansion has stalled."

"Who defeated Ke Kui?"

In the dazzling room, a fierce quarrel sounded again, and the door suddenly opened, and a man shrouded in a cloak slowly walked out.

The whole body exudes dazzling white light, like a messenger from God.

The others immediately shut up and sat back down with respectful expressions.

"It is a fact that Ke Kui was defeated. The top priority is to send a new person in charge and gather the believers again."

"As for the duelist who defeated Ke Kui, I will send someone to investigate."

The divine envoy will directly convey the instructions of the light of the universe. The person in the club with the most suitable elf fitness will serve as the emissary, and others cannot violate it.

Liang Du remained silent. In fact, he had already received the news and knew that it was Lu You who defeated Ke Kui.

That new star in the stars.

But he is now responsible for other matters, for the time being...

"Compared with Revenge, the Light of the Universe needs more elves. It not only needs to purchase cards containing elves on the market, but also the inventory of the five major duel academies..."

"Liang Du, you are solely responsible for this matter. How is the progress?"

Suddenly, everyone in the room focused their attention on Liang Du. This was not a good job. Once discovered by the academy, there would be violent revenge.

But Liang Du showed a relaxed smile and said respectfully:

"The process of penetrating the five major colleges and converting students into believers has been very smooth, especially Tiannan Duel College, which has already formed a large scale."

Since treasure cards within the college cannot be purchased, only internal students can redeem them.

Therefore, the club plans to develop powerful students into believers and control them to take possession of the cards containing elves as their own.

Liang Du knew that this method was risky, but to put it bluntly, it was no different from preaching.

"Very good, the light of the universe looks forward to your results."

After the other responsible persons reported their work, the divine envoy took the lead to leave. No one could withstand the power of the light of the universe for a long time.

Then the dazzling room closed, awaiting the next gathering.

Time passed, and soon it was time for Lu You to enroll in school early.

He packed his luggage, said goodbye to Lu Siyan and Zhang Qiuhong, and was driven to Tiannan Duel Academy by Yang Chentian.

Due to the relationship between the Light of the Universe and the rare card hunter, the headquarters assigned Yang Chentian to be responsible for Lu You's security issues.

However, in Yang Chentian's opinion, the other party should hold on to their deck tightly.

Otherwise, it is easy for Lu You to make a pig.

"At present, the headquarters is considering whether to expose the actions of the Light of the Universe, but that will put the two clubs in an absolute state of hostility."

"The top management is quite cautious, and no one wants to see the scene of two behemoths attacking each other."

In Yang Chentian's opinion, there is no benefit in dueling with those crazy people of the Light of the Universe.

It is better to "accidentally" reveal this news to other clubs and let the other party worry about whether to expose it.

In this way, Chenxing can be picked out without being hostile to the Light of the Universe.

Lu You is not interested in the relationship between the clubs. Before entering school early, he helped Lu Siyan to improve the deck again, and then modified the construction of the [Divine Monument].

Hu Ji seems a little dissatisfied...

But that doesn't matter.

He wants to earn enough credits in Tiannan Duel Academy and then exchange for the big sister of Silver City who contains elves.

Hu Ji's touch is already good enough. If it is replaced by Labrinth...

I dare not think about it!

As a real card player, the elves are the only destination.

It was afternoon, when Lu You came to Tiannan Duel Academy again, Zheng Qiao had been waiting for a long time after receiving the news in advance.

"Student Lu You, please come with me to the dormitory, and visit the campus after putting down the luggage."

"In fact, many students choose to arrive early, they all want to get familiar with the school rules as soon as possible and get some advantages..."

Soon, Lu You came to the dormitory. He signed the highest amount contract, and the room he lived in was naturally the top one.

King bed room, floor-to-ceiling windows...

The spacious living room can accommodate several people to duel at the same time.

"Teacher Zheng Qiao, can you tell me how to get credits?"

After putting down the luggage, Lu You asked impatiently.

Hearing Lu You's words, Zheng Qiao was a little surprised, but after recalling that the other party spent all the credits given at one time last time, he nodded in understanding.

Zheng Qiao took Lu You for a stroll on campus, pointing to the various buildings and saying:

"There are many ways to get credits in Tiannan. The easiest way is to complete the corresponding subjects, but the points are very small."

"The best way to get credits is to go to the internal rankings of the college. As long as you rise to a certain ranking, you can not only get credits, but also get funds and card rewards."

This is very similar to the rules in the virtual duel field...

Lu You nodded. For him, getting points is as easy as eating and drinking.

"Of course, there is also the college league held every year. You can get credits by defeating opponents from other colleges."

"And accepting tasks, etc..."

"The types of tasks are not limited to the types of clubs you belong to. You can also accept bodyguards, or transportation tasks, etc."

After hearing what Zheng Qiao said, Lu You looked at the building he pointed to.

There is the internal rankings of the college. Those who want to rush to the top will have a match duel internally.

It's not officially open yet, so there's no need to think about completing the subjects.

As for the college league, it's not time to start yet.

It seems that only the nearby points are easier to get.

Zheng Qiao seemed to see what Lu You was thinking, and smiled as he led him to the building where the rankings were located. There were many students carrying duel disks coming and going around.

"The ranking competition will not be closed even during holidays. After all, this is the fastest way for students to get credits. You can participate in the match using your student ID. Do you want to try it?"

Lu You did not hesitate and took out his student ID to sign up.

Then, his name and the number of the duel room appeared on the screen.

The opponent was obviously in place.

Under the leadership of Zheng Qiao, Lu You came to the corresponding duel room and opened the closed door with his student ID.

The opponent was a long-haired girl wearing a formal school uniform. The hem of the skirt was above the knee, and only the calf wrapped in black silk could be seen.

However, her face was delicate, and her white neck was like a swan.


The moment Lu You stepped into the duel room, the countdown started immediately.

Lu You also quickly opened the duel disk. When the countdown reached zero, he immediately posed for a card draw and said in unison with the other party:


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