You are not allowed to play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 123 Have you ever been killed by a meteorite derivative?


When Lu You finished speaking, the heavily armored warhorse raised its head and rushed towards the mechanical giant with eight strong legs. At the moment when the armor and the machine collided, a series of sparks flew and a tooth-grinding sound rang out.

The next moment, the bodies of the two hanging monsters twisted and disappeared at the same time.

It was not until the end of this round that they could return to the field.

Me, my giant...


Taken away by the horse of the monument?

Gao Zheng stared at his only remaining mechanical giant being sent away in amazement, and his face suddenly became quite ugly.

This means that his only way to solve [Natural Wood Dragon Beast] has also failed.

Even if it is not permanently excluded, the mechanical giant will not be able to play the advantage of attack power if it misses the precious battle phase.

In the end, it can only become a plaything of [Monument].

It must be admitted that the three monsters that Lu You chose to special summon all played a crucial role, not only blocking his deployment, but also successfully forming a perfect blockade.

Gao Zheng frowned. The only good news at the moment was that he could skip the next battle phase by using the [Divine Monument] family fast attack magic.

In other words, Lu You could not attack in the next round.

He could not end the duel.

If he could take advantage of this gap and summon another mechanical giant, he might be able to open up the situation.

After all, no matter how strong the effect of the Divine Monument's horse was, it could only send one away.

As long as he solved the [Natural Wood Dragon Beast], he could use the continuous magic [Ancient Mechanical March] in his hand and start over.

In the case that magic and trap cards cannot be used...

Is it only possible to rely on the effects of monsters?

Thinking of this, Gao Zheng subconsciously looked at the deck. The effect of his sacrifice of the vice president's life span was quite good just now. Maybe he would have to trouble the other party this time.

Use it for another ten years!

This is my lifelong request!

Of course, this is just a joke. He does not have the ability to steal people's life span.

Gao Zheng slowly raised his head, his left eye became black and flashed red light, exactly the same as the mechanical giant.


The familiar sound of gears rotating came from Gao Zheng's body.

When the two monsters disappeared at the same time, exclamations suddenly rang out in the viewing area. The only way to break the situation was resolved, and Gao Zheng was completely at a disadvantage.

"I now admit the value of the three [Strike the Grass and Provoke the Snake], Gao Zheng can't do anything at all."

"As long as there are cards in the graveyard and the deck, [Natural Wood Dragon Beast] is the nemesis of magic and trap cards, and fusion is even more impossible."

"Haha, Gao Zheng doesn't care that his opponent is a freshman, and directly fuses!"

Zheng Qiao looked at the duel with a complicated expression. He never regarded Lu You as a freshman. His experienced experience and outrageous construction ability were just like a master who had been dueling for many years.

Compared with Lu You, Gao Zheng was still far behind.

Seeing Gao Zheng continue to struggle after the fusion, Zheng Qiao shook his head.

It's useless...

He could see that Lu You won the bet after the three [Strike the Grass and Provoke the Snake] were destroyed.

After the attack failed, Gao Zheng could not perform any other operations. Due to the cost of activating the effect, he could not cover the card this round.

He was very depressed and said in a deep voice:

"My turn ends just like this!"

At the end of the round, the two monsters that were excluded reappeared on the field, as if they had never left.

Human becomes machine...

Lu You looked at Gao Zheng's appearance after the fusion curiously. Although the appearance did not change much, the traces of rust on the skin and the sound of the gears rotating in the body still showed the traces of the transformation to the machine.

It is indeed a bit handsome...

But unfortunately, it does not meet his aesthetic taste.

Lu You can only accept the fusion with the sister card, or the combination, overlap, connection...

At this moment, Lu You's hand number is zero, but after the "bond" power is enhanced, he can even sense what card he will draw next time.

After the God Tablet Axis and Sticker Axis are successfully operated, the next step is of course...

"My turn, draw a card!"

Lu You suddenly drew a card, and after confirming the card surface with his peripheral vision, it was the core of the Natural Axis, [Natural Mole Cricket].

Since the monster with the highest attack power on the field is the Mechanical Giant, the effect of the Mole Cricket can pull out two [Nature] monsters.

After releasing [The Herald of the Rainbow Light], Lu You lacked a monster effect counter.

Now this puzzle can be completed.

"I summon [Nature Mole Cricket] in attack position!"

The next moment, a pair of sharp front claws emerged from Lu You's feet, and then the sharp head broke out of the ground.


The same field as [Nature Wood Dragon Beast]?

Gao Zheng was a little surprised. After mixing [Divine Monument] and a large number of stickers, there is still a natural axis at the same time?

More importantly, Lu You drew the start point without a hand card.

Doesn't this person have a hand jam?

"Then I activate the effect of [Nature Cricket]!"

"During your or your opponent's Main Phase, release this card and Special Summon 1 [Nature] monster from your deck!"

"When the monster with the highest attack power is on your opponent's field, the number of Special Summoned monsters with this effect can be increased to 2."

"I Special Summon [Nature Sunflower] and [Nature Camellia] from my deck!"

With the replacement release effect of [Nature Camellia], Sunflower can counter the monster effect twice.

It's cruel!

When Lu You finished speaking, the natural mole cricket gradually twisted and disappeared, replaced by a smiling sunflower and a bright camellia.

"Then activate the effect of [Natural Camellia]!"

"When this card is successfully summoned or special summoned, send 1 [Natural] card from the deck to the graveyard."

"I send [Natural God Star Tree] from the deck to the graveyard!"

When the God Star Tree is sent to the graveyard, you can add 1 [Natural] card from the deck to your hand.

Lu You's target is of course [Natural Spring Breeze].

However, he did not intend to use it immediately, after all, he had to skip the battle phase this turn.

"According to the effect of [Natural God Star Tree], when this card is sent to the graveyard, I choose to add [Natural Spring Breeze] from the deck to my hand."

"Then cover a card."

"Skip the battle phase!"

A dark cover card suddenly appeared in front of Lu You.

However, since it was a state of open cards, Gao Zheng did not feel the familiar sense of oppression, but the two [Nature] monsters made him feel uneasy.

"End of turn."

After skipping the battle phase, Lu You, who had zero cards in hand, simply ended his turn.

He was now very curious whether Gao Zheng could create a miracle and draw a card that would turn the situation around after entering the fusion state.


Drawing ≠ winning.

Inequality seconds!

"My turn, draw a card!"

When Gao Zheng was posing for a card draw, the sound of the gears in his body became louder, as if rusted, and at the same time, his body became a little bigger.


The hollow eyes stared at the drawn card, and a smile gradually appeared on Gao Zheng's face.

I don't know if it was because of the sacrifice of life or the increase in fusion.

Anyway, he drew it!

The effect of being able to ignore the summoning conditions and directly summon the [Ancient Mechanical Giant] monster in the graveyard!

"Newborn, I admit that your blockade is quite powerful, but it's a pity..."

"I have already got the key to the breakthrough!"

Gao Zheng's voice became much hoarser and sounded very stiff.

The people in the spectator area also focused their attention on Gao Zheng. They all wanted to know how Gao Zheng would get rid of the Natural Wood Dragon Beast, even without fusion.

"I summoned [Ancient Mechanical Chariot Soldier] from the hand in attack position!"

The next moment, the mechanical soldier driving the chariot rushed into the field. There was a thick baffle in front of the chariot, which was somewhat similar to the D round.

This monster was the key to Gao Zheng's comeback.

When the chariot soldier was successfully summoned, it could ignore the summoning conditions and special summon the [Ancient Mechanical] monster from the hand.

If there is a monster on the opponent's field.

It can also be used as a substitute to select a monster in the graveyard for special summoning.

And Gao Zheng's target is naturally the [Ancient Mechanical Dark Giant] in the graveyard!

"Next, I activate the effect of [Ancient Mechanical Chariot Soldier]!"

"When this card is successfully summoned or special summoned, you can special summon 1 [Ancient Mechanical] monster from your hand regardless of the summoning conditions!"

"When there is a monster on the opponent's field, you can also choose a monster in the graveyard!"

"I want to special summon [Ancient Mechanical Dark Giant] in the graveyard!"

When Gao Zheng finished speaking, a huge giant figure appeared behind the chariot soldier.

As long as the special summon is successful, the search effect of the dark giant can be activated!

At that time...

Three giants are on the field at the same time, let's see what you can do to stop them!

But at this moment, Lu You suddenly showed a smile brighter than a sunflower. He had already anticipated the opponent's movements.

In other words, with the presence of Natural Wood Dragon Beast, Gao Zheng had no other choice.

"At this moment, activate the effect of [Nature Sunflower]!"

"When the effect of the opponent's effect monster is activated, you can activate it by releasing a monster with [Nature] in its name and this card on your field."

"Nullify that activation and destroy it!"

"I destroy the [Ancient Mechanical Chariot Soldier] on your field!"

However, due to the existence of [Nature Camellia], the release effect of Sunflower has become to send two cards from the top of your deck to the graveyard.

Therefore, there is no need to release monsters.

Countless vines and weeds grew out of the body of the chariot soldier, directly blocking the operation of the gears.


A shocking explosion sounded, and the chariot soldier was destroyed instantly.

And as the crucial effect was negated, Gao Zheng's expression became dull, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

He was calculated...

Lu You knew that he could only rely on fighting to destroy the Wood Dragon Beast to turn the tables, and the only means of special summoning was the monster effect.

That's why he chose to summon those two [Nature] monsters and waited for him to take the bait.

Damn, this is the first time in a duel...

He was caught!

Isn't the strength of the new student too amazing?

Realizing that he had no chance, Gao Zheng was completely desperate and released the fusion state, ending the round.

"My round... just ends like this."

After seeing Gao Zheng release the fusion, the audience was in an uproar. They really didn't expect that Gao Zheng would give up resistance and stop doing other operations.

However, after re-observing the situation, everyone also understood Gao Zheng's approach.

There is really no way!

"Gao Zheng lost like this? He was suppressed throughout the whole process and had no room to breathe."

"Perhaps this duel will become a classic match in Tiannan, reminding everyone not to launch a feather sweep against Wu Gai's opponents."

"Please, who can bring three [Fighting Grass and Provoking Snakes]?"

"The possibility of drawing out all the cards in the initial hand is very small!"

Even if everyone comforts themselves with probabilities, when the facts happen before their eyes, this explanation seems pale and weak.

Which one is more powerful, "metaphysical duel" or "scientific duel"...

The results must be self-evident.

"My turn, draw a card!"

Lu You casually drew a card. Gao Zheng's draw just now gave him an extra [Divine Monument Derivative] on the field. The next thing to do was to gather the attack power to clear the opponent's health.

However, out of caution, he did not directly mix sunflowers and camellias.

Instead, he chose to use natural wood dragon beasts and divine monument derivatives to slowly reduce Gao Zheng's health.

The torture is not over yet…

Gao Zheng gritted his teeth and watched the numbers on the duel disk drop crazily, looking quite helpless.

It wasn't until a few rounds later that the final attack came belatedly.


"[Sacred Monument Derivatives] directly attack the opponent's player!"


The strong horse's hooves stepped in front of Gao Zheng, and his health finally dropped to zero. Lu You actually chose to use derivatives to end the duel.

So shameful...

He will be the first person in Tiannan to be sent away by a derivative token!

The next moment, after Gao Zheng's health was cleared, the stereoscopic projection was turned off, and the monsters on the field faded and finally disappeared. This duel finally came to an end.

Gao Zheng's expression was complicated. He was obviously completely defeated, but he felt relieved that the torture was over.

But once he thought about joining Lu You's inexplicable club and paying the "joining fee," his face turned as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Lu You's smile was still sunny. In fact, it was not shameful to be beaten to death by a derivative.

There were quite a few people who were killed by [Meteorite Derivatives] in their previous lives, and no one had any objections.

"Welcome to join the 'Sunshine Smile' club, classmate Gao Zheng, please don't forget to pay the corresponding membership fee."

Lu You smiled and stretched out his hand towards Gao Zheng, making the same gesture of twirling his fingers.

Gao Zheng hesitated for a moment, then took out a card from the card box and handed it to Lu You.

That was Zhang Pongfang's [Ancient Mechanical Giant].


Lu You held the card and looked a little dissatisfied, but remembering that there would be many opportunities to exploit and collect club fees in the future, he decided to forget it this time.

"Congratulations. From now on, you are a member of the sacred 'Sunshine Smiles'. Let us discover the true meaning of duel together."

"This is the headgear I prepared for you. You must wear it when participating in club activities."

Gao Zheng took it doubtfully. He had never heard of a club requiring a headgear.

He unfolded the hood and after looking at it for a moment, his expression suddenly froze.

This, this...

Isn't this the [Pot of Desire]?

That exaggerated smile and distorted expression are exactly the [Pot of Desire] that can draw 2 cards.

"Can I... refuse?"

Gao Zheng hesitated for a long time, but still didn't have the courage.

"Well... let's solve this problem in a duel, right? If you beat me, you don't have to wear it."

"Then forget it..."

Gao Zheng was completely frightened. He didn't want to do the torture just now a second time.

But since the hood is the symbol of the association, then Lu You should also wear it. Why should he be the only one making a fool of himself?

But before Gao Zheng could question it, he saw Lu You taking out the Pachycephalosaurus helmet and putting it on.

Then he looked at the other members of the Machinery Research Club.

"Then... let's continue the duel!"

Everyone: "?"

You've already defeated Gao Zheng, so there's no need for it, right?

"According to the rules of the club, when the president leaves, the vice president should take over. Now I challenge the vice president. If I lose, I will still pay the 'joining fee' and join your club."

"But if I win..."

Feeling Lu You's gaze, the vice president's cold sweat instantly soaked the clothes on his back.

This guy...

Do you want to have a duel with every member?

Want to fight to the last man?

It’s common to see cow monsters, but I didn’t expect that there would also be members of the cow society. It is estimated that Lu You only needs one afternoon to turn "Sunshine Smile" into a medium-sized club.

Just when the vice president was riding a tiger, Zheng Qiao stepped forward in time.

"Student Lu You, the time limit for the mission is coming soon, is it time to set off?"

Zheng Qiao forced a smile and wiped his sweat frequently. If he didn't intervene, it wouldn't be long before there would be only the "Sunshine Smiling" club left in Tiannan.

Mission time limit?

Lu You subconsciously looked at his phone and found that there was indeed a time limit, with one hour left.

But it is indeed normal.

If the client is attacked before the bodyguards arrive, then there is no need for the bodyguards to exist.

Thinking of this, Lu You reluctantly released the fusion state, and Hu Ji returned to him, but...

His face looked haggard, as if his body had been hollowed out.

It's a little overdone...

Now that we have missed a good opportunity to incorporate the Machinery Research Club, we can only think of ways to expand the club in the future.

"Gao Zheng, I now appoint you as the vice president, responsible for the operation and chores of the club."

"As for the commissions and tasks, I am responsible for them all."

After assigning the work, Lu You hurriedly left the duel field with Zheng Qiao, leaving only Gao Zheng and the people from the Mechanical Research Society staring at each other.

Unexpectedly, in just a few minutes, things have already changed.

Gao Zheng silently clutched the [Pot of Desire] hood and left everyone resolutely, heading to the single room where "The Sunshine Smiles".

The back view is particularly tragic.


When the car stopped, Lu You lifted his legs and got out of the car, looking at the towering building in front of him, where the official commission was, Sea Angel Entertainment Company.

I heard that it specializes in training star duelists.

The person Lu You commissioned as a bodyguard this time was a star, but he didn't seem to be good at basketball or anything like that.

The purity is somewhat lacking.

"You are the duelist who has been commissioned as a bodyguard, right?"

"plz follow me."

"Miss Lan Jing'er is waiting for you in the rest area. The concert duel is about to begin. We need to hurry up."

Under the guidance of his manager, Lu You quickly arrived at the rest area and saw a girl in aqua blue uniform sitting on a recliner with a somewhat dissatisfied look on her face.

Lan Jing'er crossed her legs and scrolled through her phone screen anxiously.

Wearing a wavy duel plate on her left arm, she seemed ready to go on stage. Her long hair was also aqua blue and tied with a shell headdress. Even her skin looked like soft scallop meat.

"Too slow! I was almost attacked by those lunatics just now!"

Lan Jing'er immediately stood up, frowned and looked at Lu You, and then walked out the door.

"In three days, I have an important duel. During this period, your job is to block other challengers with bad intentions and don't let me be affected!"

I see……

Is this what the bodyguard mission is about?

It's a bit like a stand-in duel, right?

He must accept all challenges against Lan Jing'er, and he must win, otherwise it will be considered a mission failure.

It is indeed difficult for ordinary duelists. It seems that Holy Dragon still has some gold content.

"Now, send me to the concert duel site, your work has begun!"

Following Lan Jing'er, Lu You went to the venue of the concert.

On the way, Lu You did encounter a few so-called challengers, but they were all easily dealt with, and they all failed to satisfy him.

This made Lu You feel a little bored.

It would be nice if the people who came to attack were all rare card hunters.

He worked as a bodyguard for Lan Jing'er at his own expense.

During this period, he also learned the details of the commission from his agent.

"In fact, someone offered money to let Miss Lan Jing'er fake a match in the duel. After being rejected, she became angry and hired someone to come and compete in a card gambling duel with Lan Jing'er."

"I plan to take away Miss Lan Jing'er's core card and force her to lose the duel."

"I heard that the other party has secretly hired a rare card hunter. You must be vigilant... Why are you laughing?"

The manager looked confused, and Lu You's reaction exceeded his expectations.

When most people hear about rare card hunters, they will become solemn and even refuse the commission.

But Lu You's face was filled with the joy of a good harvest.

"It's nothing, I thought of something happy."

What a strange guy...

During these three days, Lu You defeated more than a dozen challengers of varying strengths, and even took away the opponent's rare cards in a card gambling duel as extra money.

But there is still no trace of the rare card hunter.

He has long been familiar with the work of bodyguards and has become very familiar with Lan Jing'er.

"Lu You, thank you for your hard work during this time."

"Are you really just a student from Tiannan? You are much stronger than any duelist I have ever seen!"

At this moment, there were only Lan Jing'er and Lu You in the dressing room. The other staff were preparing the scene for the duel at the concert.

Lan Jing'er put on makeup skillfully and said it as if casually.

During this period, Lu You easily defeated all challengers, and even won most of them in the first round.

What speedrunner.

After a while, Lan Jing'er put down her eyebrow pencil. She found that no matter how thick her makeup was, she couldn't hide her fatigue. She had been too tired recently.

If she wants to survive at Blue Angel Entertainment, she must work hard at the expense of eating and sleeping.

There is hardly any down time.

Not even if she is also a member of the Noise Club.

Everyone is taking part in it. If you don’t take part in it, you will be excluded and abandoned.

"I really want to show off..."

As soon as the words came out, Lan Jing'er immediately covered her mouth, looked around, and accidentally said what was in her heart.

Seeing that Lu You was alone, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lu You, I was just complaining, please don't tell anyone."

After hearing Lan Jing'er's plea, Lu You had no intention of revealing it. He had seen the other party's workload, and he would have done it a long time ago.

"Don't worry, you can still have fun in a duel if you mess it up."

Oh, are you happy...

Lan Jinger smiled bitterly. She had long forgotten the joy of dueling, and only work was left in her mind.

And just when Lan Jing'er stood up to prepare for the concert, the dressing room door suddenly opened, and a man in a windbreaker walked in with ease.

"Agent, I'm ready, I'll be there soon... wait, who are you?"

Lan Jing'er looked at the man in shock, her eyes full of vigilance, and she subconsciously took a few steps back.

"Miss Lan Jing'er, before attending the concert, why not have a card gambling duel with me first?"

As he spoke, the electronic watch on the opponent's wrist unfolded, forming a simple duel disk.

At the same time, under the high-collared windbreaker, a face with elf features was revealed.


Maintaining the fusion state, could he be the rare card hunter?

Lan Jing'er looked solemn, and couldn't help but look at Lu You, hoping to get some sense of security, but found that the other party's smile was as brilliant as the flowers blooming in March.

What's going on?

Could Lu You be in the same group with the other party?

But the fact proved that Lan Jing'er was overthinking, and Lu You opened the duel disk without hesitation, and took out a deck of cards and put it on the table.

"Sir, if you want to duel with Miss Lan Jing'er, you must first defeat me, the bodyguard."

"Besides, gambling card duels are really boring, why don't we... have a thrilling gambling card duel?"

Rare card hunter: "?"

Lan Jing'er: "?"

Seeing that the hunter was slow to reply, Lu You frowned, thinking that the chips were not enough, and immediately took out a deck of cards and put it on the table.

Still not enough?


The third deck also appeared, stacked up on the table into a small mountain.

If you don’t have enough, I’ll add more. If you still don’t have enough, I’ll add more. I don’t believe that I can’t add more. You agree to the duel!

“I, I agree to the card deck duel!”

The rare card hunter came back to his senses and stared at Lu You as if he was looking at a madman. In all his years in the industry, he has never seen anyone actively giving cards to hunters.

It’s not easy to meet a fool, and he must not let him go!

The performance of the second half of this year is here!

After seeing the rare card hunter agree, Lu You showed a satisfied smile and then unfolded the duel disk.

In this narrow dressing room, a card deck duel involving a huge amount of money is ready to go.

“Haha, Miss Lan Jing’er, I can tell you clearly that even if you are in a bad state, you can still play Yu-Gi-Oh!”

The next moment, Lu You made a gesture of drawing cards, put his hand on the deck, and said in unison with the other party:


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