You are not allowed to play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 140 Why is there someone playing checkers in Yu-Gi-Oh!

When Lu You finished speaking, the familiar ancient coin spun in the air and gradually fell towards the ground.


The crisp sound of the coin touching the ground was not heard. The roar of cheers from the surrounding mountains covered everything, and the result of tossing the coin was also displayed on the big screen.

Cheng Yuguang starts the first attack round.

After gaining the advantage to attack first, Cheng Yuguang's smile became more pious. He subconsciously kissed the amethyst ring on his finger, which was a symbol of his belief in the light of the universe.

Thanks for the blessing…

Cheng Yuguang believed that with the blessing of the sacred light, he could win the first round and completely neutralize Lu You.

The association members in white clothes were all sitting in the spectator seats behind Cheng Yuguang, quite conspicuous.

Please start your work...

Lu You kept smiling. He had no objection to the right of first attack. He lowered his head and looked at the initial hand of cards. [Transaction Rollback] and [Jie Xie Victory] were all drawn. In addition, there were also the monsters and traps of the Insect Demon. .

Now all he lacks is information about his opponent's deck.

Although Cheng Yuguang often attracted members in ranked matches, due to the influence of the light of the universe, these members forgot the deck he used.

Even Qin Yan is no exception.

Can it erase relevant memories, or should we say... hypnosis?

What, the so-called light of the universe still has some practical abilities!

Compared with the number of association members, Lu You's place was much shabby, with only Gao Zheng and Qin Yan sitting in the front row.

They held the hoods in their hands and hesitated for a moment, but still did not have the courage to put them on in front of everyone.

"In a duel with a medium-sized club, is it too much to rely on just the president?"

Gao Zheng looked hesitant. Last year he was an important player in the club, but now he can't even be considered a substitute.

"Believe Lu You. Besides, we can't help you at all. Do you also want to be forced to believe in the light of the universe?"

Qin Yan shook her head to dissuade her.

She changed back into her regular uniform, a long, thick skirt and black silk stockings, but her white hair was still not dyed back.

A life under pressure is also what she fears...

This can be considered a kind of rebellion.

Thinking of this, Qin Yan looked at the arena again, frowning slightly and staring at Cheng Yuguang with an uneasy expression. Although I forgot the deck used by the opponent, the feeling of being facing a formidable enemy still lingered in my heart.

Lu You must not be careless because of the harmless appearance of the other party...

That guy...

Wait a minute, why is Lu You's smile brighter than Cheng Yuguang's?

Just like a sunflower always facing the sun, it looks warm. Is this a warm man?

"Student Lu You, you should still remember me, right? After all, this is the first time that the Holy Light Society has been kicked out since its establishment."

"To be honest, I admire you."

"But with people like you by my side, I really can't sleep well. How about we make a bet, and whoever loses in this duel will drop out of Tiannan?"

Cheng Yuguang seemed to have said this in a joking tone, but his eyes were extremely serious and he was determined to drive Lu You away.

A bet?

"Now, you...did you just want to gamble with me?"

"But the bet for dropping out is too thin. Do you want to raise it again? Or, if I raise it, will you follow it?"

Lu You stretched out a finger and pointed at Cheng Yuguang.

How long?

Finally someone told him that you can have a gambling duel!

And it was the other party who brought it up first, so he doesn't need to feel any guilt.

What, what's going on?

Why did Lu You suddenly become excited?

Cheng Yuguang looked surprised. He vaguely noticed that his proposal seemed to stimulate Lu You, but he couldn't understand the other party's thoughts. Isn't it serious enough to drop out of school?

And what does raise mean?

"The winner can acquire 1 card from the loser's deck. Of course, if you feel that 1 card is too few, you can continue to add more. There is no limit."

Wait, wait!

How could things suddenly develop into a card gambling duel?

Even if it is replaced in the name of acquisition, it is still essentially a card gambling duel. If you do this, won't you be taken away by the college for investigation?

Cheng Yuguang couldn't understand Lu You's brain circuit. This was a highly anticipated club league!

This guy...

After thinking for a moment, Cheng Yuguang gave up the idea of ​​following the bet. He didn't want to fall into the trap of the academy. If he really agreed to the card gambling duel, even if he won in the end, he would be subject to frequent investigations by the academy.

What's more, Zheng Qiao originally wanted to get rid of the Holy Light Association...

"Hmph, there's no need to follow the bet, the only bet is dropping out of school!"

"All right……"

Lu You was obviously a little disappointed.

Damn it, you don’t think you’re sure to win, do you?

Cheng Yuguang was secretly unhappy. The smile on his face gradually turned cold. Then he drew a card from his hand and immediately started his turn.

"I summon [Knight of the Evening Star of the Machine World - Gilsu] from my hand in attack position!"

It was a warrior surrounded by starlight. His body was completely made of machinery. His appearance was gorgeous, like a royal knight, and he was holding a golden sprint spear.

This is……

Machine knight?

Lu You was a little surprised. He had also used this structure in his previous life. The mechanism was quite interesting. It was one of the few decks in Yu-Gi-Oh that could jump repeatedly.

When there are two or more cards in the same column and there are two or more cards in the same column, Machine Knight can be Special Summoned on your field in that column.

You can also move your monster's position.

And the terminal of the Knights of the Machine Realm is the famous fighting king...

[Knight of the Double Sky - Astram]!

The Ax King of the new era has strong suppressive power against specially summoned monsters.

Furthermore, this card will not become the opponent's effect target, and the opponent cannot select other monsters as attack targets.

I didn't expect that he would still have to free the Fighting King these days...

"Then I activate the effect of [Knight of the Evening Star of the Machine Realm - Gilsu]!"

"If this card is successfully summoned or special summoned, send 1 [Star Relic] card from the deck to the graveyard!"

"I will send [Star Relic-[Star Armor]] to the cemetery!"

The next moment, Cheng Yuguang's duel disk automatically retrieved and started. He pulled out the declared card and stuffed it into the graveyard.

Of course, Gilsu's effect is not only to pile up graves, but also to specially summon derivatives...

Cheng Yuguang did not intend to follow the conventional routine. He realized that if he wanted to defeat Lu You, he must clear out Lu You's resources in the first attack round and completely neutralize him.

After receiving the blessing, he can do this!

"Activate the effect of [Knight of the Evening Star of the Machine Realm - Gilsu] again!"

"When there are no other monsters on your field, special summon one [Star Relic Derivative] on both sides of the field!"


Along with the golden light generated by the summons, an object wrapped in starlight appeared in front of Lu You.


Are you going to do a connection summon?

Just as Lu You expected, after gathering the materials, Cheng Yuguang waved his hand and immediately started the connection summons.

"I use the [Star Relic Token] and [Evening Star's Machine Realm Knight-Girsu] on the field to set up a connection loop!"

"Connection Summon..."

"[Star Keyman-Liva]!"

The monster declared by Cheng Yuguang turned into a stream of light, dyeing the arrow red. After the dazzling light flashed, a brand new monster appeared on the field.

It was a girl holding a knight's sword. She was wearing a simple colorful scarf, her long purple hair was flying in the wind, and her eyes were blue.

Star relic...

Levia can only connect the summons when there is a [Star Relic] card in the graveyard. This is why Cheng Yuguang piled up the grave just now.


Lu You always felt something strange. The "bond" told him that the other party probably didn't just want to suppress him.

"Then activate the effect of [Star Keyman-Liva]!"

"During your main phase, select 1 [Star Relic] magic or trap card from your deck and place it on the field!"

"I choose [Heir of the Star Relic] in the deck!"

The next moment, Liva raised the knight's sword in her hand, and dazzling starlight rushed out from the sword, turning into a card and appearing in Cheng Yuguang's backcourt.

The set card can be activated this turn.

"I activate the magic card, [Successor of the Star Relic]!"

"Activate by targeting 1 monster in the graveyard, and that monster is Special Summoned in the link zone as a link monster on the field!"

"I choose to special summon [Star Relic-[Star Armor]] in the connection area of ​​[Star Keyler-Liva]!"


When Cheng Yuguang finished speaking, an arm armor fell from the sky and landed in the connection area of ​​​​Lewa. It was the star armor he had just sent to his grave.

Qin Yan suddenly froze when she saw Cheng Yuguang's unfolding, and her eyes gradually became dull.

She found that her memory seemed to have recovered somewhat.

Gradually she remembered that qualifying match. After her complete defeat, she became a firm believer in the light of the universe without understanding the relevant teachings in advance.


So is this the truth behind the rapid expansion of the light of the universe?

As long as the duel fails, you will automatically convert into a believer...

Qin Yan covered her forehead with an ugly expression. She wanted to remind Lu You, but she couldn't remember the details of the duel. She could only say that it would be very dangerous if Cheng Yuguang continued to let it unfold.

As for the danger...

Qin Yan didn't know, she didn't have any means of resistance anyway.

"Then activate the effect of [Star Relic-[Star Armor]]!"

"If this card is successfully summoned or special summoned, you can add 1 [Star Relic] card from your deck to your hand!"

"I will add [Scars Imprinted by Star Relic] to my hand!"


This card seems to be the field magic of Star Relic. The effect seems to be to draw one, right?

Lu You looked thoughtful. Even though he didn't know much about the Machine Knights, he could still tell that Cheng Yuguang's operation was somewhat different from the normal development.

He looked down at the cards in his hand...

Since [Transaction Rollback] and [Jiejie Victory] were drawn at the same time, there was no hand pit in the hand that could interrupt the expansion.

Is it the "bond" that determines that he doesn't need a hand trap?

Or should I say...

"Then I special summon the [Knight of the Machine Realm of Sky] in my hand!"

"When there are two or more cards in the same column, this card can be Special Summoned from your hand on your side of the field in that column!"


Lu You glanced at the location of the monsters on the field. Due to the existence of derivatives, they could indeed meet the criteria for special summons.

It seems that he is an old player who jumps repeatedly.


The next moment, a machine knight appeared holding a pair of swords. He was wearing a cape and was smaller than Gilsu, but he looked more agile.

"According to the effect of [Knight of the Sky Machine Realm], this summon or special summon can be activated when successful!"

"Add as many [Mecha Knight] monsters as this card in the same column as this card from the deck to your hand!"

"I choose to add [Mecha Knight of Zixiao] from the deck to your hand!"

Here it comes!

Mecha Knight's core monster.

Zixiao can banish 1 [Mecha Knight] monster on the field until the next turn, and then retrieve 1 [Mecha Knight] from the deck to your hand.

This monster is the most core card point earner, and it can also protect itself and its companions with the banishment effect.

At this moment, Cheng Yuguang's eyes looked at the graveyard.

From the beginning of the turn to now, the types of [Mecha Knight] are almost half complete, as long as they are linked again...

In fact, the purpose of his deployment is not to suppress.

But to try to send [Mecha Knight] monsters to the graveyard, the more types the better.


He has already retrieved the trump card into his hand, and Lu You is still at a loss.

Humph, wait for me!

I will defeat you in an instant!

"I will use the [Sky Machine Knight] and [Star Keyer-Liva] on the field to set up a connection circuit!"

"Link Summon..."


"[Star Machine Knight]!"

When the monster declared by Cheng Yuguang was dyed red by the arrow, a huge mechanical warrior appeared on the field, with full armor on his shoulders, but his waist seemed to be just a skeleton, and his wrists were transformed into lightsabers.

At the same time, Zheng Qiao was also watching this duel in the special seats.

He also wanted to investigate Cheng Yuguang's deck, but he didn't find any video, and even if there was, it was blurry.

However, since you are standing on the stage of the club league, you can't hide it anymore.

As for the bet between Lu You and Cheng Yuguang, he has also received news.

This is exactly what he wants, he can directly expel Cheng Yuguang from Tiannan, and the Holy Light Society will be disbanded immediately and assigned to other clubs...

Of course, the premise of everything is that Lu You wins.

Lu You...

You must win!

"Then I activate the effect of [Mechanical Knight of Star]!"

"When this card is successfully Link Summoned, you can discard 1 [Mechanical Knight] monster from your hand and add 1 [Star Relic] card from your deck to your hand!"

"I throw [Mechanical Knight of Huanghua] from my hand to the graveyard and add [Key to Star Relic] from my deck to my hand!"

Send to the graveyard?

Come to think of it, there should be quite a few [Mechanical Knights] in Cheng Yuguang's graveyard, right?

He seems to be trying every possible way to send the Mechanical Knights to the graveyard, which is obviously not a normal means of deployment.

Thinking of this, Lu You suddenly remembered a [Mechanical Knight] routine in his previous life.

It can also make the opponent smile from the heart.

Could it be...

After Cheng Yuguang retrieved the declared card, he could completely use the empty column area to continue special summoning.

"Since there are more than 2 cards in the same column, I special summon from my hand..."

"[Mechanical Knight of Purple Sky]!"

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