You are not allowed to play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 146 Do you prefer [robbery] or [change of heart]?

Restart the duel?

Fei Sheng looked at Lu You in disbelief, with raging anger burning in his eyes. The ending he had worked so hard to create was gone, but the instigator said he wanted to fight again without changing his expression?

Then you should give me back my end!

Fei Sheng looked at the huge turtle in front of him and suddenly felt dizzy. He could tell that it was a powerful monster based on the dense effects, but...

He has no use at all!

Although this monster has a water attribute, it cannot cooperate with the system of "Sea Pirates" and it just takes up space on the field.

What's more, his land ship was eaten...


Fei Sheng took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. After being a dark duelist for so many years, he had never seen any storms. How could he retreat in the face of a little setback?

Besides, as a pirate, he knows one truth...

That is, the greater the storm, the sweeter the fruits of victory!

He still has card resources in his hand, and there are lower-level monsters like [Sea Pirates] in the graveyard. Even if a lot of extra terminals are given away, he still has a chance to make a comeback!

Thinking of this, Fei Sheng touched the painful wound on his face and his mind became much clearer.

That’s right, he hasn’t lost yet!

Fei Sheng couldn't help but look down at the black pool at his feet. As the master of the dark realm, he didn't want to become a human being drowning at the bottom of the lake.

But it's a pity...

Now it's still Lu You's turn.

After successfully using the championship combo, Lu You was naturally caught in the Sage Time. He just wanted to end this duel as soon as possible and rush to the next exciting game.

But before that, we still need to have an in-depth exchange of feelings with Li Yi.

Lu You looked at Ruan Xue with a smile, but the other party was still intoxicated with the tsunami-like combo and did not notice Lu You's peek.

This, this is too... simple?

The extremely oppressive ending was actually resolved by Lu You in a way that even children can easily understand. It was a miracle that he could draw these 4 cards in his initial hand!


Ruan Xue's tense nerves gradually relaxed. It seemed that Hong Qian was right. This was indeed a very reliable bodyguard.

Just why does he keep looking at me?

Ruan Xue subconsciously took care of her messy hair. This is a habit she developed when participating in large-scale competitions. She must maintain her best condition in front of the audience.

But she soon discovered that Lu You was not looking at her...

But he was looking at the clothes on his body.

Ruan Xue: "..."

Hong Qian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw Lu You clearing the opponent's finish. She pressed her chest and felt the violent heartbeat.

It seems that if you want to continue watching Lu You's duel, you really have to carry medicine with you like Yang Chentian.


Hong Qian originally planned to sit down and rest, but there was black water all around, and she didn't want to touch the human form at the bottom of the lake.

Just let me witness it until the end...

Her eyes gradually became firm, and Hong Qian clenched her fists, recalling the dark duel in her mind. She only survived by luck.

"I summon [Tryon's Insect Demon] in attack position!"

The next moment, Tryon appeared in front of Lu You with insect tentacles. In addition to the elimination cards, there were a lot of pitfalls in his deck.

"This card can only be activated when it is summoned successfully. Add 1 normal trap card of [Hole] or [Lower] from your deck to your hand!"

"I choose to add [Cave Cave] from the deck to my hand!"

Lu You knew Fei Sheng's cemetery resources well.

It is clear that the blond trainee can be specially summoned from the graveyard by discarding the cards in his hand.

Therefore, he dug a hole in advance and waited for the opponent to take the bait.

"Then, use [Tryon's Insect Conspirator] on the field to set up a connection loop!"

"Connection Summon..."

"[Sela's Insect Conspirator]!"

When Lu You finished speaking, the monster he declared turned into a flowing red arrow. After the dazzling light faded, Sera appeared on the field wearing a light yellow dress.

This guy’s deck is…

Bug demon?

Fei Sheng looked at Lu You warily. After the duel, he finally knew what kind of deck the opponent had.

It's just that he doesn't know much about the construction of [Insect Conspirator]. It seems to be a trap card-oriented deck that can retrieve the usual traps in the corresponding field.

Something bad...

He now has no means at all against magic trap cards.

Wait, this turtle seems to have three colors of health?

It's a pity that it can't be used at all...

"Then I activate the effect of [Jino's Insect Conspirator] in my hand!"

"When there is a [Insect Demon] monster on your field, during your or your opponent's main phase, special summon this card from your hand!"


Along with the golden light generated by the summons, Gino appeared on the field with a smirk on his face.

At the same time, because the [Insect Demon] monster activated its effect, Sera's effect was also triggered, and he could continue to search for pits in the deck.

"Then activate the effect of [Sela's Insect Conspirator]!"

"When the effect of one of your [Insect Demon] monsters other than this card is activated, you can select 1 [Hole] or [Lower] from the deck and place it on the field!"

"I will set up [Desolate Cave] in the deck!"

This trap card targets monsters with an attack power of less than 1500, and the attack power of lower-level monsters like [Sea Pirates] is generally lower than this value.

It can be said that these two traps blocked all possibilities of Fei Sheng's comeback.

"Cover a card and the turn ends."


Seeing the two black cover cards, Fei Sheng broke out in cold sweat on his forehead. He didn't expect that after being baptized by the elimination card, he would have to undergo the test of cover cards.

Even if Lu You was basically a cover-up type, he couldn't ignore it at all.

what to do?

Fei Sheng hesitated for a moment, but chose to start his turn, and decided on the subsequent development ideas based on the cards he drew.

"My turn, draw a card!"

I saw Fei Sheng suddenly pull out a card, and after confirming it with his peripheral vision, he found that it was the magic card [Sea-made Thief-Water Type].

This card is considered my fusion magic, but due to insufficient fusion materials, it cannot be used temporarily.

However, he could resurrect the blond trainee in the graveyard, then fuse his body and throw it into the graveyard to activate the second effect.

Maybe there are still some opportunities...

As for the two cover cards, Fei Sheng decided to fight!

He couldn't possibly count on the Turtles to bring victory.

"First, I activate the effect of [Hai Zuo Pirate-Blonde Trainee] in the graveyard!"

"If this card exists in the graveyard, discard a card from your hand and special summon this card!"

I saw Fei Sheng throwing the fusion card of his family into the graveyard, preparing to regroup...

But Lu You had obviously been waiting for a long time.

"At this moment, activate the trap card [Grave Cave]!

"It can only be activated when the opponent activates the effect of a monster in your hand, graveyard, or monster in the exclusion zone. That effect is invalid and inflicts 2000 points of health damage to the opponent!"

"I invalidate the effect of [Pirates of the Sea-Blonde Trainee]!"

The next moment, countless tombstones re-buried the blond trainee in the cemetery, directly nipping Fei Sheng's few comeback opportunities in the bud.

This guy...

It’s really watertight!

Fei Seng gritted his teeth. He always felt that Lu You was more suitable to be a dark duelist than him.

"At this moment, I activate the effect of [Sela's Insect Conspirator] again!"

"When a normal trap card is activated, special summon 1 [Insect Demon] monster from the deck with the same name card that does not exist on your field!"

"I special summon [Putika's Insect Conspirator] from the deck!"

The pitcher plant girl appeared in front of Lu You, wearing purple flowers on her head.

The reason why Lu You chose Putika was also very simple. He just wanted to fly away the turtle. He didn't draw [Intimidating Roar], and the opponent could still attack.

"Then, activate the effect of [Putika's Insect Conspirator]!"

"If this card is successfully Special Summoned, select 1 Special Summoned monster on your opponent's field as the target, and banish that monster!"

"I'll eliminate the [Turtle Bad Beast-Gamesiele] on your field!"

Now it's completely clean...

Lu You showed a satisfied smile, and at the same time, Sera's effect could still be activated.

Fei Sheng was obviously tortured and haggard. He didn't expect that Lu You wouldn't even leave the turtles for him and directly chose to exclude him.

All efforts have been exhausted...

Fei Sheng looked down at the black pool, his shadow reflected on the water.

"I activate the effect of [Sela's Insect Conspirator]..."


After a while, Fei Sheng's whole body was submerged in the water, with only his head floating on the water, and his health was already at a loss.

how so……

No wonder I walked towards him then...

Fei Sheng regretted it. He was still too reckless and failed to understand the opponent's intelligence in time.

However, he agreed with Lu You's proposal. With only his head floating on the water, he really couldn't draw cards or make any operations.


"This is the final attack!"

"[Sela's Insect Conspirator] directly attacks the opponent's player!"

When Lu You finished speaking, green flowers and plants grew on Fei Sheng's forehead, instantly filling his head, and his health points were rapidly declining.


At the moment when the health points return to zero, the duel is completely over, the monsters on the field slowly disappear, and the three-dimensional projection is turned off.

"Wow ah ah ah..."

"I don't want, I don't want to sink...Gululu..."

No matter how fierce Fei Sheng struggled, the black water instantly flooded his mouth and nose, and his whole body was completely silent, leaving only floating bubbles.

After a while, the dark realm returned to calm, Fei Sheng had long disappeared, and only the duel disk surfaced.


The darkness faded away at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the black water slowly evaporated, revealing the original ground.

Familiar stars appeared in the sky again.

"it's over……"

Hong Qian sat slumped on the ground, the tight strings in her heart finally relaxed, and she showed an expression of surviving the disaster.

Unexpectedly, Lu You actually successfully defeated the Dark Duelist, and even defeated the opponent with a crushing attitude.

However, Fei Sheng's level is quite low, and the scope of his influence is also very small.

"It's really convenient to just keep the duel disk and deck..."

Lu You skillfully picked up Fei Sheng's duel disk and pulled out the deck to check. The appearance of the dark duelist must be reported to the club and academy. As for this deck...

Of course it counts as a trophy.

As for Fei Sheng's whereabouts and whether the Blackwater Pool would appear again, that was not his concern.


Spreading the deck of cards, Lu You glanced at all the cards, with surprise in his eyes.

Besides [Sea Pirates], are there any other axes?

This seems to be...

Brave Axis?

Lu You saw the magic cards [Aramisya Ritual], [Destiny's Crossroads], and the core monsters [Water Dispatcher of the Temple] and [Wandering Griffin Rider].

This was an unexpected gain.

In Lu You's previous life, the Brave Axis was also quite versatile and could be used as a starting point for many decks, otherwise the Griffin would not be included in the list.

Then I won't report this part to the club.

Lu You put the Brave Axis into the card box. It might come in handy in future games. He now wants to purchase a large number of cards needed for the construction of [Sky Striker].

For example, [Lightning Strike], [Snatch], [Heart Change] and the like...

In addition, the Black Widow Claw Anchor from the family.

These are all cards that can make the opponent smile...

"Ms. Ruan Xue, now that the guy following you has been dealt with, can we move forward with the acquisition process as soon as possible?"

Hearing Lu You's words, Ruan Xue nodded instinctively.

She also knew that Fei Sheng might have built it for Sky Striker. Since she couldn't keep the deck, she might as well sell it.

Back to the villa.

Ruan Xue took Sky Striker out of the safe, signed her name on the purchase contract, and handed it to Lu You.

"Thank you Mr. Lu You for arriving in time, otherwise I would be the one drowning in the Black Water Pond."

"It doesn't matter, I also got a lot of spoils."

Lu You smiled sunny and took the deck from Ruan Xue.

At the moment of contact, Lu You's sight suddenly looked behind Ruan Xue, and a girl who looked 80% like her was standing there.

Same hair color, same clothes...

But obviously her facial features are more delicate, and there is a firm aura between her eyebrows, which is not comparable to Ruan Xue.

It is indeed Ling Yi...

After many games, his "bond" has also evolved, and he can clearly see the other party at the moment of contact.

"Miss Ruan Xue, we'll leave now."

"But just in case, you'd better move. Be careful that the Dark Duelists come to your door again."

Ruan Xue nodded repeatedly. She had long planned to sell the villa and live somewhere else.


Soon, Lu You and Hong Qian left the white villa and got into the special car, ready to return to Tiannan College.

"It was so thrilling. I didn't expect to meet the Dark Duelists."

"Clubs should be alert again..."

"Lu You, I have completed your commission, and you should listen to my requirements. Just now you said in person that you would help me wipe out the Hunter Organization, and you must not regret it!"

Lu You did not refute, after all, he found a new source of income.

Now it seems that the Dark Duelists are richer than the Rare Card Hunters, and they even have the Brave Axis.

"Just say it."

"Now I am a staunch anti-Hunter fighter."

Hong Qian: "..."

Ignoring Lu You's shameless face, Hong Qian took out the screen and called up a data table with the information she collected during her undercover period.

"In fact, I have been looking for the identity of the boss of the rare card hunter organization, and I have only found some clues now."

"After investigation, I found that most hunters have participated in this large-scale event."

On the screen, the event slogan and the stadium that can accommodate tens of thousands of people appeared, but this event is a bit special, not a duel between clubs.

"That's right."

"This game is for individual duelists. The title is that the organizer is willing to give these helpless duelists a stage to show themselves."

"And this game is very valuable, and the prize money for the champion is also very generous."

Hong Qian called up the photos of duelists who won the championship over the years.

Even Lu You was attracted by the series of zeros.

"According to my investigation, this competition is likely to be a channel for the organization to select hunters. They will buy out potential duelists and develop them into new hunters."

"Data shows that many contestants with good performance will choose to withdraw from the competition midway."

"And, not long after these people withdrew from the competition, they joined the organization."

"If there is no problem, I don't believe it."

Hong Qian's expression was serious. She believed that she had caught the boss's tail. It was not easy to participate in such a large-scale event.

As long as she followed the clues, she would definitely find the whereabouts of the boss.

This is also the reason why she found Lu You.

"You mean, let me participate in the competition and try to win the championship?"

"That's right!"

Hong Qian nodded repeatedly and pointed at the camera on her mobile phone.

"If my guess is correct, as long as you show your strength, the other party is likely to contact you and coerce you to join the organization."

"I hope you can leave evidence and win the championship at that time."

"Since you have been exposed in front of the hunter organization a long time ago, I have prepared a fake identity and a silicone mask for you."

Hong Qian opened the suitcase, and there was a document and a mask inside.

"Of course..."

"After the commission is completed, I will also give you the corresponding reward."

Lu You took the file and scanned it, and found that all the information was reset, even the photo was very unfamiliar.

Individual competition...

Perhaps this is a good opportunity for him and Ling Yi to get along.

"I accept your commission."

"But I need time to improve the construction, after all, the deck I am currently using has been exposed."

Hong Qian breathed a sigh of relief. Only Lu You was willing to accept the task of infiltrating the organization. Other clubs did not even allow her to publish commission information.

As for improving the structure, she can also understand it.

Anyway, there is still some time before the game, so don’t be in a hurry.

After discussing the details, Hong Qian asked a special car to take Lu You back to Tiannan College.

A few weeks later, the Chenxing Club held an online meeting.

"Lu You, please retell how you met the Dark Duelist and how your opponent's deck was handled. Don't miss any details."

The meeting was still chaired by Yang Chentian. His face was serious and he really had no room for joking.

"This is already the 20th time, but... okay."

"Not long ago, I asked Hong Qian to acquire field monsters..."

When Lu Lu finished speaking, the conference room suddenly fell into silence. Chenxing's senior executives looked very solemn. Many of them were witnesses of the last Dark Duelist turmoil.

Now that darkness has returned, they naturally take it very seriously.

"I see……"

"Lu You, you've done a great job. I'm afraid you are the only one in the new generation who can defeat the Dark Duelist."

"It seems that Yang Chentian has a good vision. You are indeed a new star worth cultivating."

" don't have your opponent's cards secretly hidden, do you?"

As soon as these words came out, cold sweat broke out on Yang Chentian's forehead. He knew Lu You's virtues very well. A lonely deck was left on the ground. It would be unreasonable not to take it.


Lu You's face didn't change and he answered decisively.

That upright and upright appearance showed no trace of pretense.

You are so calm!

Yang Chentian felt a little tight in his chest and tugged on his tie. He knew that Lu You would never spit it out after taking the card. Even if the club's top management found out, they would refuse to admit it.

Anyway, I won’t pay it back in the end, so it’s better to be more magnanimous.

I didn't take it!

So what if I take it?

It was the card that came to my hand on its own initiative. This is the power of "bond"!

"All right……

"Lu You, you can leave now. The rewards for defeating the Dark Duelist will be distributed soon. Chenxing will take measures against the darkness."


Lu You closed the remote conference, picked up a brand new structure on the desktop, and prepared to leave the dormitory.

Today is the opening of the personal competition. As a participant, he naturally cannot be late.

"Ling Yi, are you ready to transform?"

Lu You turned around and looked, and there was another beautiful figure on the big bed in the crowded dormitory. It was Ling Yi with long white hair.

In addition, there is a girl wearing a black military uniform.

He has dark gray hair, a slender figure, and is holding a long blood-colored knife. He looks quite dashing.

[Sky Striker-Rushi]!

For a Sky Striker build, the more women, the better.


His dormitory can no longer accommodate these elves, and the spacious bed seems extremely crowded. As a synonym for fraternity, he naturally cannot give up any girls.


Those who are able work hard...

After a few weeks of running in, he has become familiar with the touch of Li Yi and Lu Shi... ahem, it's a habit, duelists and elves naturally have to understand each other.

Besides, if there is a "bond", it is very simple to create a connection.


The special car stopped at the entrance of the stadium. Lu You opened the door and stepped out of the car. In front of him was a wide and large building that could accommodate a considerable number of spectators.

Before getting off the bus, Lu You put on a silicone mask.

His appearance is now very different from before, but there is still a flaw, that is, the color of the skin on his face is different from that of his arms.

For this purpose, he wore a turtleneck jacket.

After showing his ID to the staff, Lu You arrived at the players' lounge smoothly.

He could clearly see the difference between individual duelists and club members. Without financial support and supporting equipment, individual duelists had considerable inconveniences.

However, the competition side thoughtfully provided many services to make up for it.


Soon, a harsh beep sounded, indicating that the game was about to begin.

Lu You came to the waiting room. He would not be able to play until the third game, but there was no sign of a hunter organization coming to recruit him yet.

In other words, is it necessary to show one's own strength?

Lu You looked at the other players and found that there were actually people with Awakened Elf adaptability participating in the competition. He didn't know whether it was because they couldn't join the club or because they simply wanted the championship prize.


[Invite contestant No. 3 to participate]

Lu You slowly stood up and walked through the passage towards the arena. The deafening cheers gradually became clearer, and his eyes suddenly opened up.

Countless cheering audiences, a luxurious and spacious stage, and...

His opponent in this duel.

After experiencing live duels in the virtual world, Lu You has long been accustomed to the arena and has no stage fright at all.


"The third duel is about to begin. Both sides are strong individual players. Who can win this match? Please cast your vote!"


"The duel officially begins!"

Images of both sides instantly appeared on the big screen.

Lu You immediately raised the duel plate, subconsciously made a gesture of drawing cards, and shouted at the same time as the opponent:


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