You are not allowed to play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 158 In Yu-Gi-Oh, there is a way to clear the field from the sky!

Come again?

Shi Ya's face was livid. He knew the function of the claw anchor very well. It could negate the effect of a monster on the field. When there are more than 3 magic cards in the graveyard, it can seize control.

I admit that I used your monster as material, but I can't...

Shi Ya felt furious. The monster that he used to turn the tables was instantly controlled by the black claw anchor connected to the steel cable and dragged to Lu You's field.

To be honest, he was a little numb after his monsters were taken away one after another, but he couldn't swallow this breath.

As a rare card hunter, he could accept being defeated in an upright gambling card duel, even if he had to hand over a precious card, but Lu You's behavior was really...


Shi Ya stared at Lu You angrily, wishing he could rush up with the aluminum alloy duel disk on his arm and engage in a physical duel.

Anyway, no one saw it...

But the proud duelist soul in his heart still stopped this impulse. Although he had been tortured by Lu You and was already unconscious, he still chose to continue to endure.

No way...

If he didn't defeat the opponent in the duel, it would be meaningless even if he won the fight.

Besides, once he broke the rules and took the initiative, it would be sooner or later that he would be beaten up.


Watching the Skeleton Rock Wall Dragon appear on Lu You's field, he felt like a knife in his heart.

There was no possibility of a comeback in the end...

He was very curious about what card Lu You had covered. [Heart Change] and [Seize] were not the end, and the next step was still a fight for control.

But fortunately, the effect of the claw anchor only lasted until the end of the round.

At the same time, the Skeleton King would return, at least he didn't have to worry about being directly attacked in the next round.

"At the end of the turn, [New Era Fossil Dragon - Skeleton Rock Wall Dragon] returns to my field."

"At the same time, [Paleozoic Skeleton Knight - Skeleton King] in the exclusion zone can also return!"


With the golden light flashing, fossil monsters gathered again in front of Shi Ya, but he still felt insecure. Who knows how many NTR effect cards Lu You has stuffed into his construction.

"My turn is over."

After announcing the end of the turn with trepidation in his heart, Shi Ya raised his head and greeted Lu You's sunny smile, and his heart trembled immediately.

Could it be...

"Mr. Hunter, I think this is a very pleasant duel, but unfortunately, I am in a hurry and can't continue to enjoy it..."

"Or let's end it as soon as possible."

As soon as these words came out, Shi Ya was furious and clenched his fists immediately.

What is very pleasant...

This guy really said it!

Lu You's so-called pleasure is actually based on his pain!

This is oppression!

Resist, I must resist to the end!

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Lu You obviously ignored Shi Ya's reaction. After all, what he said just now was not a question, but a notification. Now he was going to end this duel and feel the joy of a good harvest.

Lu You suddenly drew a card, raised his arm without even looking at it, and pointed the card at Shi Ya with two fingers.

"First, I activate the quick-attack magic card [Sky Striker Mecha-Black Widow Claw Anchor] again!"

Lu You already had all three Claw Anchors in the deck, and all that was left was to enjoy.

"I negate the effect of [Paleozoic Skeleton Knight-Skeleton King] on your field until you gain control at the end of the turn!"


The thing that Shi Ya was most worried about finally happened. How could he be so lucky to draw [Heart Change], [Snatch] and all the Claw Anchors at the same time?

"Then, chain activate another [Sky Striker Mecha - Black Widow Claw Anchor]!"

"Gain control of [Cenozoic Fossil Dinosaur - Skeleton Rock Wall Dragon] on your field!"


The next moment, the sturdy Claw Anchor embedded in the Skeleton King, dragging it to Lu You's field again.

The poor king was forced to rebel again.

He became a real traitor...

Shi Ya's face was ashen. According to the effect that the Skeleton King could make two attacks per turn, his remaining health could not support it at all, and the outcome would be decided in the battle phase.

He would lose his status as a professional duelist and hunter at the same time...

When Lu You used the last Claw Anchor, even Ning Meng realized that this duel was about to come to an end.

Although the happiness was short-lived, Lu You's operation still gave her a lot of inspiration.

It turns out that victory can be achieved by just taking control of the opponent's monster, and the strength of the construction is even enough. Most importantly...

She was very excited.

According to Ning Meng's understanding, the cards that can seize control include [Change of Heart] and [Seize], [Rebellion], [Enemy Controller], [Brainwashing]...

That is to say...

She still has a lot to do!

Then, Lu You entered the battle phase without hesitation and commanded the Skeleton Kingdom King to attack Shi Ya.


"[Paleozoic Skeleton Knight-Skeleton King] directly attacks the opponent's player!"

Familiar scene, same attack method.

But the only difference is that Shi Ya does not have a second demon dragon in his hand to block the attack.


The giant sword flashing with cold light passed through Shi Ya's body, as if cutting him in half, and at the same time, his health value dropped rapidly, and a harsh prompt sound rang.


When Shi Ya's health value completely returned to zero, the duel was immediately declared over, the three-dimensional projection device was turned off, and the monsters on the field gradually faded and finally disappeared.


What a shameful duel...

His monsters were taken away by Lu You at will like toys, and what was even more unacceptable was that he had no way to deal with them.

Shi Ya felt that his hunter career was like his life value, completely reset to zero.


When the torture was over, Shi Ya couldn't help but shout unwillingly.

But in Lu You's eyes, this scene was quite familiar, and he subconsciously wanted to match it with the classic BGM of his previous life...

'Snowflakes are fluttering... The north wind is whistling...'

But he also remembered another famous saying from his previous life.

The joys and sorrows of people are not in sync, I just think he is noisy.

Lu You kept smiling and walked to the distraught Shi Ya, and pulled out the opponent's deck without hesitation...



The sound of rapid brakes sounded, and when Hong Qian came to the location where Lu You's communicator was located, he found that this guy was counting the spoils like counting money.

The one lying at his feet seemed to be the rare card hunter, but he seemed to have lost the will to fight.

It seems that the guess was right...

"Is this the express you mentioned?"

Hong Qian pointed to Shi Ya, who had lost his dream and looked like a salted fish.


"I must thank him for coming all the way to send me a deck."

In Lu You's opinion, this feeling was like when he was playing the battle royale game in his previous life. After licking the equipment for more than ten minutes, he was fully armed and ready to enter the circle, and suddenly wanted to find someone to challenge and test his shooting skills.

As a result, as soon as he showed his head, he was shot away by a god who had opened a plug-in.

All those equipment were cheap to the other party.


Lu You counted Shi Ya's deck and took out a few cards and put them in his card box. These were cards that might be used in the future.

As for the rest...

He would give it to the club, or let Hong Qian auction it off.

Of course, if the rare card hunter organization was willing to buy it back at a high price, he would not refuse.

"Lu You, thanks to you, we successfully solved the branch of the rare card hunter organization and obtained most of the hunters' information. We are now gradually investigating."

"As for the guy who delivered the express... he seems to be a core candidate, Shi Ya."

"In addition, of course there are cards hunted by hunters. You can pick a few as rewards, and we will negotiate with other clubs to digest the rest."

Hearing that Hong Qian wanted to divide the cards equally, Lu You was a little surprised.

He thought the other party would return the cards to the original owner.

"Lu You, do you underestimate me too much?"

Feeling Lu You's doubts, Hong Qian pinched her waist in dissatisfaction. The duel world is quite cruel. Losing rare cards can only be said to be weak. No one will cover for the weak.

"Hmph, it takes a lot of manpower and cost to suppress the Hunter Organization. We are not doing charity, so we can't work for free."

"The Hunter Organization has a rich inventory and can afford the wages of the members who participate in the suppression."

How realistic...

Lu You shook his head and didn't delve into it. After all, he was only interested in the cards hunted by the Hunter Organization. It seems that the joy of the harvest is still continuing.

Lu You smiled and said goodbye to Ning Meng, then got on Hong Qian's special car and drove to the target location.


After a while, an insurance company appeared in front of Lu You, which specializes in taking on various accidents that duelists encounter in the competition.

However, the number of compensations was very few, and the final disputes were settled by duels.

I didn't expect that this insurance company would be a branch of the Hunter Organization.

It seems that there are not only positions such as private communication centers and training institutions, but also rare card hunters in all walks of life.


The door of the insurance company opened, and Lu You followed Hong Qian in.

All the company staff were restricted, and the only ones who could move around were the club members in uniform, checking the company's accounts to see if there were any hidden stocks.

Hong Qian went straight to a heavy door and entered the password to open it.


The next moment, a large number of cards were neatly displayed on the wall, so dense that there was no end in sight. It seemed that all the gains of the Hunter Organization in recent years were here.

"You can pick whatever you want!"

"I'm going to investigate the assets transferred by the Hunter Organization, and some club members have started to think about this harvest. I have to keep an eye on it."

Hong Qian left the warehouse and only left Lu You here.

There are quite a few precious cards...

Lu You took a quick glance and saw several expensive rare cards, but he didn't pay much attention to them because he didn't need them for the time being.

In this situation where there are too many choices, it would be too slow for him to find them by himself, so he still had to...

Let the "Bond" decide.

Thinking of this, Lu You closed his eyes and walked forward along the wall. Once the required card appeared, the "Bond" would give a prompt.

Just like the previous lottery.

But just after taking a few steps, Lu You raised his arm subconsciously as if he had received an electric shock, and his finger touched a card.

So fast?

Lu You opened his eyes and found that it was a trap card...

[Doctor's Punishment]?

This card was originally a trap of the [Doctor] series, but it is quite versatile from the effect. By discarding a monster from the Extra Deck, you can destroy a monster on the opponent's field.

However, after activating it, you cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck until the end of your next turn.

This restriction is fatal to most decks, but...

Lu You put away [Discipline of Teaching], then closed his eyes and walked forward again.

This took a long time.

And the harvest was quite beyond Lu You's expectations.

He opened his eyes again and looked at the card his finger touched, his face full of surprise.

It was a monster card, stored in a delicate card brick, and the card surface was a huge rock that was breaking through the atmosphere and falling to the surface.


[Primitive Life Form-Nibiru]?

There is even this card?

Lu You was a little surprised. He picked up the card brick, but found a row of small words engraved on the surface, which seemed to be some kind of reminder. The preservation measures were obviously more complete than other cards.

[This card has an unknown origin and is temporarily prohibited from use].

Unknown origin?

Isn't it the trophy of a rare card hunter?

It was the first time that Lu You saw a card of unknown origin. He suddenly realized that after frequently purchasing elf cards, he was used to this way of trading, but ignored the issue of the source of the elves.

How are these cards containing elves formed?

How did those who sell them get them?

After thinking for a while, Lu You shook his head. He couldn't get the answer for the time being. Perhaps he could only figure it out when the power of "Bond" reached a certain level.

Putting away the meteorite, Lu You smiled immediately.

This time the harvest is really good.

Another powerful way to clear the field.

Have you heard of a way to clear the field from the sky?

In Lu You's previous life, chain anti-meteorites had long become the norm. After all, no one wants to see the field that has been hard to develop become a derivative in the end.

Then, Lu You continued to wander in the warehouse.

This time, the choice made by "Bond" was two adjacent cards. When Lu You opened his eyes, he immediately understood the reason for this choice.

That was the maid he had been looking for for a long time.

[Silver City Summoner-Arianna] and [Silver City Summoner-Ariana].

It turned out to be here...

No wonder there was no news from the outside world. It turned out that they were all hidden by the rare card hunter organization and all collected in this insurance company.

Damn it, the cards are not used for duels, but are kept in the warehouse to collect dust.

The elves are crying!

Lu You put away the two maids. The only one left to complete the construction of the Silver City deck is the eldest sister in Tiannan College.

According to his current credits and the discount promised by Zheng Qiao, only one promotion match is enough to exchange.

Just a little bit...

Lu You wandered in the warehouse for a while, took a few more red pits, and came to the work area of ​​the insurance company.

Hong Qian was investigating the whereabouts of other assets of the Hunter Organization. Seeing Lu You come out, she asked without raising her head:

"Did you choose so quickly?"

"I thought you would stay for at least 1 hour."

The dazzling array of cards made any duelist unable to walk.

"'Bond' has already made a choice."

Lu You smiled. The cards he chose were quite rare, enough to pay the commission fee. As for the rest, he did not intend to touch them. This involves the issue of professional ethics.

"Then our commission has come to an end. Unfortunately, we still haven't found the identity of the boss, but we have already found a breakthrough, that is the Universe Light Club..."

"Other clubs will also target the Universe Light in the future, including Chenxing."

"When the time comes, I will entrust you with help again, don't refuse."

After a while, Lu You left the insurance company and took a special car back to Tiannan College.


A few weeks passed in a flash.

Lu You was immersed in the joy of gaining points all day long. His ranking in the qualifying competition was getting higher and higher. A new round of promotion competition was about to start. Once he was promoted successfully, he would not only be able to rank in the top 50, but also get a lot of points.

"Lu You, you are playing in the ranking again, take a break."

Zheng Qiao looked worried. The qualifying environment has changed significantly recently. Most students knew that Lu You wanted to gain points and chose to avoid him.

There were fewer students skipping classes.

The classroom was always full every time.

"Teacher Zheng Qiao, do I have enough credits?"

Zheng Qiao nodded. When Lu You successfully advanced, the credits would be enough to successfully exchange for the card containing the elves. This progress was really unexpected.

Since the establishment of Tiannan, no one has been able to accumulate a large number of credits in the freshman year.

"Whether it is the ranking or the credits, it is enough to start the promotion game, but are you sure you don't..."

"Calm down for a while?"

I'm not a sports student, what's the use of settling down?

Lu You shook his head and said without hesitation:

"Then please trouble Teacher Zheng Qiao to help me start the promotion game."

Generally, the promotion process of high levels requires the permission of the instructor. Seeing Lu You's firm attitude, Zheng Qiao didn't say anything more.

He took out the permission certificate and started Lu You's promotion game in the system.


When the permission was passed, the system began to match opponents for Lu You.

Time passed by minute by minute, until half an hour later, still no suitable opponent was found.

It's not that the ranking competition is over. In fact, there are only a limited number of high-level students, most of whom are senior duelists and rarely appear in school.

But Lu You is not in a hurry. He has plenty of time and is quite patient.


After a while, the sound of successful matching sounded, and Lu You smiled immediately. The victim... no, his opponent finally came.

Lu You stood up and walked towards the assigned duel arena, which was on the top floor of the ranking building. It was the largest and most luxurious duel arena in the college. The skylight could be opened, and the starry sky could be seen at night.

At the same time, students from Tiannan also got the news that Lu You had started the promotion match in the forum.

Most people skipped classes and came to visit the ranking match building.

The classroom that was originally full was empty again.

They all wanted to know whether Lu You could maintain his winning streak compared to the senior students who ranked high.


When Lu You came to the duel arena on the top floor, the surrounding area was already crowded with spectators.

And his opponent had been waiting for a long time...


The countdown appeared immediately.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Lu You posed for a card draw, as if he was a swordsman about to draw his sword, ready to go.

When the countdown reached zero, both sides drew their initial cards at the same time and roared:


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