You are not allowed to play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 162 I really didn’t bring 3 cards to destroy the virus on purpose!


When Lu You drew the initial hand, he vaguely saw a white light like mist, gradually covering the entire square and the podium. These white lights were emitted by the students who were absorbed as believers.

The opponent's home court?

According to the survey results, the Earth Spirit Academy was seriously infiltrated by the light of the universe. Not only the students, but also the teachers and management have become loyal believers.

Otherwise, Liang Du would not have chosen to give a speech here.

But there is still a small group of "slippery fish" who are fighting stubbornly. They gathered on the top floor of the teaching building and watched the speech through a stereo projection device.

"Who is that guy? Is he crazy? He challenged Liang Du in public, a core member of the Universe Light!"

"Wait a minute! I know the guy behind the challenger. He seems to be Yang Chentian from Chenxing. I saw him once when I completed the commission!"

"Has anyone finally noticed the changes in the Earth Spirit?"

"Great! This group of believers are just like zombies. When they are discovered, they will swarm up and consume them to death!"

The remaining students are all the best of the Earth Spirit. They have strong spirit power and even some special abilities.

They all stared at Lu You, not understanding the origin of this guy who suddenly appeared.

In order to reverse the crisis of the Earth Spirit Academy, at least the club director must come in person. If the other members are not strong enough, they will also be assimilated by the Universe Light.

"Should we... go out and form a united front with that guy?"


"... Forget it, lower your expectations."

"Why don't we wait until he wins before we go out? If he loses... then we'll just keep defending the top floor."

Everyone: "..."

Although these words sound quite cowardly, they are undoubtedly the best choice. Without knowing Lu You's strength, they can't act rashly.

At the same time...

On the podium shrouded in white fog, Lu You still maintained his familiar smile. He naturally didn't know the struggle of the survivors, and he didn't care at all.

He was too lazy to say such words.

As for his desire to clean up Liang Du, it was just for the mission reward, and he was not interested in the current situation of the Earth Spirit Academy.


The familiar ancient coin fell from the sky, and it was affected by the fog, and the surface was vaguely invisible.

Lu You also noticed this and couldn't help squinting.

Since the duel was on the territory of the Light of the Universe, some small moves were definitely unavoidable, and he had long been accustomed to it.

When the coin landed, the enhanced "bond" power instantly expelled the surrounding fog, showing the true result...


Lu You starts the first attack turn!


Seeing that the first attack right that was about to be obtained was gone, Liang Du slowly frowned. It seemed that the information provided by Cheng Yuguang was correct. Lu You seemed to be unaffected by the light of the universe.

This guy...

can threaten the foundation of the light of the universe club.

Liang Du glanced at the believers under the podium, and his face gradually became solemn. He must successfully defeat Lu You in front of everyone to prove the power of the light of the universe.

Otherwise, these newly recruited believers will immediately be shaken.

Let's make a quick decision...

At this moment...

Lu You looked down at the initial hand. As expected, trap cards accounted for the majority, and there was no monster, but fortunately he drew the home field of Silver City, so he could still do a little bit of the field.

When building this deck, he also stuffed the red pit he had obtained before.

The main feature is to have everything.

Maybe now is the time to use it...

Lu You stared at the two [Bewitching] cards in his hand, a familiar smile appeared on his face, he drew a magic card and started his turn.

"First, I activate the magic card [Greedy and Gold-filled Pot] from my hand!"

"At the beginning of my main phase 1, banish 6 cards from the Extra Deck randomly face-down, and then draw 2 cards from the deck!"


Lu You removed nearly half of the Extra Deck without hesitation and banished them face-down.

Then he skillfully drew 2 cards.

What is this operation?

Liang Du was stunned when he saw Lu You directly throw away half of his Extra Deck. According to Cheng Yuguang's information, Lu You's construction should be more dependent on the Extra Deck.

Could it be that...

Lu You changed his construction again?

According to the information Liang Du investigated, Lu You's construction ability is quite strong. During the high school training, he was even called the "Death Gunner".

After defeating an opponent, he changed a deck.

When the training camp was completely over, I heard that Lu You still hadn't used up all the decks.

It seems...

This time the construction does not require much extra.

Liang Du focused and remained alert at all times. Facing an opponent who was not affected by the light of the universe, he had to use the skills of a professional player.

At least he had figured out the characteristics of Lu You's construction in the first attack round!

And at this moment...

Lu You looked at the cards he had just drawn, one of which was the maid of the Silver City, Xiao Lu.

Finally, there was a monster that could be summoned.

In fact, Lu You's current idea was similar to Liang Du's. They both wanted to fight quickly, but his method was a little more special.

"Then, I activated the field magic card from my hand, [Silver Labyrinth City]!"


The next moment, in the pale mist, a castle made of silver appeared and disappeared. The interior of the castle was as complex and changeable as a maze, and it was as exquisite as a work of art.

And right at the top of the castle, a heart-shaped building exudes pink light and has a sexy and charming charm.

This is...

Lu You’s new build?

Yang Chentian raised his head and looked at the Silver Castle. He didn't know much about the construction of this field, but if Lu You could take a fancy to it, I guess...

Either a red pit or a unique skill.

"Then, summon [Summoner of Silver City - Arianna] from your hand in attack position!"


A petite maid appeared in front of Lu You, with short gray hair, wearing niche green stockings, and holding a bunch of large keys in her hand.

As the maid of Silver City, Xiao Green can retrieve the card of [Labyrinth Labyrinth].

"I activate the effect of [Summon of Silver City - Arianna]!"

"If this card is successfully summoned or special summoned, add 1 card of [Labyrinth Labyrinth] from your deck to your hand!"

"The card I chose to add to my hand is [Fire Blowing Furnace of Silver City]!"


When Lu You finished speaking, Xiao Lu picked up the key, opened a door, and took out a cat-shaped fire stove from inside.

At the same time, Lu You also drew out the declared card.

He wants to use the strong gold pot to draw [Transaction Rollback] and throw it into the graveyard. This card can play a vital role in the future.

Liang Du watched the unfolding of Luyou intently, but he could not see any valuable information for the time being. The retrieval effect after the summoning was successful was not surprising.

What kind of ending will it be?

According to Liang Du's many years of dueling experience, people with a high level of dueling will basically choose to start the attack round like a storm.

I wish I could fill up all the grids.

But Lu You seems to rarely do this.

He seems to prefer watching others unfold violently.


Is it because of impatience?

Liang Du shook his head and turned his attention to Lu You again. He was shouldering the sacred mission of spreading the belief in the light of the universe and must not fail.

"Then, I activate the effect of [Silver City's Fire Furnace] in my hand!"

"Send this card in your hand and the field to the graveyard, then discard 1 card in your hand, select 1 magic trap card from [Rabilins Labyrinth] from the deck, and set it on the field!"

"The one I chose to build is [Rabbirins Labyrinth Welcome Welcome Welcome]!"


I saw Lu You throwing all two cards into the graveyard, including the [Transaction Rollback], and at the same time he drew out the declared card.

Cover is placed on the field.

Up to now, Lu You's preparations are almost over. After all, the most valuable operation of the red pit deck in the first attack round is to cover the hand cards on the field.

When Liang Du was waiting patiently for Lu You's follow-up, his eyes suddenly widened.

I saw Lu You stuffing all the remaining 3 cards into the duel plate.

"I stamp 3 cards."

"End of round."


Is this the end?

Looking at the dark cards in Luyou's backcourt, Liang Du suddenly felt a little panicked. Except for the obvious card [Rabbi Lins Maze Welcome Welcome Welcome], all other cards were unknown.

Could it be...

Is it a red pit deck?

Liang Du's expression gradually became complicated. He didn't get much information in the first attack round, which meant that every step he took next was very dangerous.

What to do...

While Liang Du was struggling, the students huddled on the top floor of the teaching building were also observing the duel.

"I'll test it! The standard one in front and four in back, plus one more court. This guy is definitely a master!"

"You are a master by using the Red Pit deck? Aren't there many people from the underworld in our academy who have been sanctioned by the light of the universe?"


"Don't worry, the duel has just begun. Let's see how Liang Du responds?"

At this moment, the eyes of all the believers under the podium were focused on Liang Du.

They were all hoping that the messenger of the light of the universe would explode and defeat Lu You in one round, allowing them to stand proudly.

Liang Du naturally thought so too...

A glowing white light appeared on his body, which was a symbol of being possessed by the light of the universe. Lu You had seen it many times and didn't care.

At the same time, Liang Du's expression gradually became thin, without any ups and downs.

"My turn, draw a card!"

Liang Du slowly pulled out a card. He looked at the card quietly, seeming to be thinking about what would happen next.

But before he could make any move, Lu You opened a cover card.

That is the trap of Silver City.

"At this moment, activate the trap card [Rabbirins Labyrinth Welcome Welcome Welcome]!"

"Choose 1 [Rabilins Labyrinth] monster from your hand, deck, or graveyard to Special Summon. After that, select 1 monster on your field and return it to the owner's hand."

"I special summon [Silver Princess of Labyrinth City] from the deck!"


I saw the gate of Silver Labyrinth City slowly opening, and a female knight holding a rapier walked out with graceful steps. She wore fitted armor on her upper body, but her long, straight, white legs were fully exposed.

It has a different charm from dressing up in a long skirt.

The pleasing white color firmly attracted Lu You's attention.

This...maybe this is the meaning of playing Yu-Gi-Oh.

This is...

The owner of Silver City?

Can it be specially summoned from the deck with only one trap card?

Yang Chentian was a little surprised when he was watching the battle. He thought Lu You Gaifang were some traps with unknown meanings. It seems that this red pit structure is very special!

"And I choose the monster to return to my hand..."

"It's also [Silver Princess of Labyrinth City]!"

The next moment, Silver Princess turned into a stream of light and returned to Lu You's hand.

When his normal trap causes a monster to leave the field, he can trigger the effect of the furniture in the graveyard, and the Silver Princess that returns to the hand can jump out again.

Next, Lu You will start to mobilize the traps in the deck. He must try to reduce the opponent's hand resources before Liang Du starts to deploy.

At the beginning of the round, let Liang Du get away from it.

Even with the blessing of the light of the universe, you can't do anything without a card in your hand, right?

"Then, activate the effect of [Fire Blower of Silver City] in the graveyard!"

"This card exists in the graveyard. When the effect of your normal trap card causes a monster to leave the field, this card is special summoned!"

Afterwards, Lu You immediately showed the Silver Princess in his hand and followed the chain.

"At this moment, the effect of [Silver Princess of Labyrinth City] is activated in a chain!"

"During your turn or your opponent's turn when a trap card is activated, this card is Special Summoned from your hand in Defense Position!"

The next moment, the chain begins to resolve.

Silver Princess holding two swords reappears, her eyes are lively and charming, her figure is graceful, and her graceful waist twists slightly...

Lu Youjue makes himself more philanthropic and tolerant.


Then, the cat-shaped fire blower returns to the field, and warm flames burst out of its mouth.

At this time, seeing the monster summoned by Lu You, the students who were observing the duel suddenly became excited.

"Silver Princess? That's actually Silver Princess!"

"When I went to Tiannan to participate in the exchange competition, I heard about this monster. It also contains elves and is quite rare."

"But isn't this card stored in the underground space of Tiannan? How did it get into this guy's hands?"

"Wait, the information query is over, this guy's name is..."

"Lu You?"

After special summoning two monsters, Lu You's deployment is still not over, he can still move around during the opponent's turn.

Now is the time to cover the card.

Labyrinth Labyrinth, officially welcome everyone!

"I activate the trap card, [Labyrinth Labyrinth Welcome]!"

"Special summon the [Labyrinth Labyrinth] monster from the deck!"

"I choose another [Silver City Summoner-Arianna]!"

And because the normal trap is activated, the effect of Silver Princess can also be triggered, and a normal trap card can be pulled out from the deck and covered on the field.

"At this moment, chain the effect of [Silver Princess of Labyrinth City]!"

"When a normal trap card is activated, select a normal trap card with a different card name from the deck and place it face down on the field!"

"I want to choose..."

"[Dark Deck Destruction Virus]!"

Liang Du: "?!"

What's going on?

Why is the style suddenly wrong? This can't be the main trap of Silver City, right?

For Liang Du's doubts, Lu You did not waver at all, and still maintained a sunny smile.

He knew what Liang Du was worried about.

It was nothing more than worrying that a destruction virus was not strong enough. If the wrong type of card was chosen, it would be equivalent to no effect.

So he chose to use a variety of methods including [Transaction Rollback] to achieve full coverage of the deck destruction virus effect. After all, he had all kinds of traps in his deck.

Strive to destroy all of Liang Du's hand cards and completely eliminate the trouble of deployment.

Lu You believed that the other party would like it.

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