You are not allowed to play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 164 I need a deck that won't be stopped by hand traps!


I saw Lu You suddenly draw a card, and all eyes suddenly focused on him. Both sides are currently in a state of having no cards in their hands, and Lu You's draw may completely determine the outcome of this duel.

The believers under the podium seemed to have become wooden piles, standing there blankly.

Some people even prayed secretly, hoping that the light of the universe could interfere with Lu You's card draw and allow Liang Du to turn defeat into victory.

But it's a pity...

With the power of "bond" by his side, Lu You would basically not be affected in any way, not to mention that the winner of this duel had already been decided, but Liang Du didn't want to admit it.

Lu You smiled and looked at the card he drew. It was a trap [Disconnection from the World].

It can send a card on the opponent's field to the graveyard, and then set a card in the opponent's graveyard on the field. The effect is quite powerful.

You can even choose to send the opponent's core monster to the grave, and then grab a [Proliferated G] from the graveyard to cover it on the field. There is still some sunshine.

"I stamp a card!"


Lu You casually placed the drawn trap on the field, then changed the monsters on the field into attack position, preparing to enter the battle phase to defeat Liang Du's defensive monsters.

Liang Du was obviously numb when he saw another cover card on Luyou Field.

Anyway, all three cards in the deck have destroyed viruses, and this one is not missing. No matter what special skills Lu You has, just come and he won't even frown.

Facing the overly sunny Lu You, even Liang Du became heroic.


All the Silver City monsters in front of Lu You changed into attack position and looked at Liang Du ready to attack.

Bai Yinji wielded a rapier with both hands, her body-hugging silver armor showed off her perfect figure, and her long white legs were dangling, which was more dazzling than the light of the universe that possessed Liang Du.

Lu You said that this is his light of destruction.


"[Summoner of the City of Silver - Arianna] attacks [Cold Legacy Magician]!"


When Lu You finished speaking, Xiao Lu threw out the bunch of keys and rushed towards the legacy warlock, tearing them into pieces in an instant, and the familiar monster explosion sound suddenly sounded.

Liang Du awkwardly raised his arms to block the air wave caused by the explosion.


If Cheng Yuguang's intelligence hadn't been too lagging behind, he wouldn't have been so passive when facing Lu You, and the timing was quite bad, but it happened during the speech... that he appeared when he was unprepared.

As an information flow duelist, Liang Du never engages in an unprepared duel.


It's too late to say anything now. He can only hope that the light of the universe can be more powerful, allowing his right hand to shine brighter than the sun.

Even...even if it costs the believers ten years of life, it doesn't matter!


All can be sacrificed!

Liang Du shouted in his heart, but he was still being violently attacked by Lu You from the front.

After another greenie eliminated the Abyssal Shark in defense mode, Shiroganeji took a few steps forward. Now it was time for her to appear.

"The fight continues!"

"[Shirogane Princess of Labyrinth City] attacks the opponent player directly!"


The next moment, the graceful silver knight rushed towards Liang Du, his swords turned into silver light and pierced his figure. His health value dropped rapidly, but it was still within a safe range.

The final attack was over, and Liang Du breathed a sigh of relief.


However, he always felt a dull pain in the area where Bai Yinji stabbed him, but in fact there was no obvious wound. After all, it was just a three-dimensional projection to generate the elf, and it had no entity for the time being.

Is this also an indirect intervention of the Cosmic Light?

Liang Du was a little depressed. Facing an opponent who couldn't be affected, the effect of the light of the universe was greatly reduced.

"That's the end of my turn."

After the battle phase ended, Lu You decisively announced the end of the round. After all, the key to this duel was not what card he drew, but Liang Du.


The students gathered on the top floor of the teaching building were watching the duel with dumbfounded eyes. It was obvious that Lu You had fully suppressed Liang Du, and he could win with just one more attack.

When did these believers become so weak?

"It's unbelievable. Lu You directly used three decks to destroy the virus and restricted Liang Du to death!"

"This is the first time I have seen the embarrassment of a believer in the light of the universe. Maybe..."

"For them, Lu You's existence is really like a virus, which can be destroyed easily."

"Then, what should we do now? Fight out...and help them?"

Everyone fell into silence again. If they had rushed out to help when the duel just started, it would have been okay, but now that Lu You was obviously going to win, if he wanted to go out again...

Any fool knows what they think.

All of you here are among the top duelists of the Earth Spirit Academy, future pillars, and you still feel a little proud.

I can't stand the contemptuous looks of others.

"I think... we should continue to remain silent and wait for rescue..."

"It won't take more than a minute and a half."

Everyone nodded silently.

At the same time, when Liang Du saw Lu You announcing the end of the round, he subconsciously looked at his deck, and the white light on his body gradually surged.

The most critical card draw is about to come, and even Liang Du is quite nervous.

However, he naturally noticed the changes in the white light, which meant that the blessing was still there, that the light of the universe had not abandoned him, and that the key to a comeback was at this moment.


Liang Du took a deep breath and slowly raised his right hand.

The next moment, the white mist all around gathered in his right hand, and the diamond-like luster that bloomed casually made everyone squint their eyes.

Right now, right now...

A smile appeared on Liang Du's mouth, and his expression gradually became crazy, obviously betting everything on this card draw.

But at this moment, Lu You's voice suddenly came, making his movements stagnate.

"Mr. Liang Du, your right hand is actually glowing!"

"Is this the legendary flash card draw? Can you teach me?"

"In exchange, I will also teach you a set of methods to clear the field from the sky, but the price is a bit expensive."

Hearing Lu You's exclamation, Liang Du snorted coldly and didn't intend to pay attention.

But Lu You's next words made Liang Du's face gradually turn pale, and his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Haha, Mr. Liang Du, the flash card drawing does look very dazzling, but the 'bond' tells me that you can't draw a card that can turn the tables."

"As a dog-drawer... cough, for a real duelist, the price of the god's draw has already been secretly marked."

"Mr. Liang Du, you... have already lost."

Liang Du: "..."

Liang Du glared at Lu You, but his glowing right hand was trembling slightly. Just at that moment, his trust in the light of the universe did waver.



I am a core member and the degree of blessing I have received is also stronger. How can I wither because of a few words from Lu You?

Liang Du's eyes gradually became firm, and he immediately raised his hand and pressed on the deck.

"You are talking nonsense!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

Liang Du suddenly drew a card. He hesitated for a moment, confirmed the card surface with his peripheral vision, and his whole body froze. He did draw a card that would not be destroyed by the virus, but...

Liang Du slowly displayed the card he drew.

That is the core relic monster in the [Relic] field.

[Evil Relic Heart Sea Fairy]!

It is not a magic trap, but a monster, and its defense is as high as 1800 points. It will not be destroyed by [Shadow Deck Destruction Virus]. It can be said that Liang Du has drawn a card that can be preserved in the gap.


This monster alone cannot turn the tables. He has no resources to perform ritual summons.

Damn, if he can draw it in the initial hand, then...

Liang Du's face is dejected, the white light that possesses him gradually dissipates, and the shining right hand also gradually extinguishes.


There is no doubt that Lu You is right, he failed...

What exactly is the "bond" mentioned by Lu You? Is this the reason why he is not affected by the light of the universe?

Liang Du gritted his teeth unwillingly. He didn't expect that he would be defeated on an ordinary day, and in front of so many people.

"Mr. Liang Du, with such a handsome flash, I guess you must have drawn the key card, right?"

"Please start your performance."

Lu You is still fanning the flames!

He is still outputing!

Yang Chentian almost laughed out loud when he saw Lu You's weird look. Liang Du's current expression was obviously exhausted, but Lu You seemed not to see it and continued to provoke.

Liang Du's face turned red.

He cursed Lu You in his heart, but in the end, only a few simple words came out of his mouth.

"End of the round."



Seeing Liang Du miss, the believers were in a mess. Their sense of belonging disappeared completely, and the huge psychological gap made them gradually get out of control.

Especially the newly joined believers, who directly took off their white uniforms.

"My turn, draw a card!"

In the chaos, Lu You smiled and skillfully drew a card, without even looking at it, pinched the card with two fingers and pointed it at Liang Du.

Directly entered the battle stage.

He had long lost his patience and just wanted to get extra money and the comfort of the big sister of Baiyin City.


"【Silver Princess of Labyrinth City】directly attack the opponent player!"


A silver light flashed, and the rapier pierced Liang Du's body again. However, due to the dissipation of the cosmic light, he did not feel any pain, but his health was rapidly decreasing.

When Silver Princess's attack ended, Liang Du had not yet reacted, and the figure of Xiaolu appeared in front of him.

"The battle continues!"

"【Arianna, the summoner of Silver City】directly attack the opponent player!"


When the attacks of the two Xiaolu ended, Liang Du's health was completely cleared, and a harsh prompt sound rang out on the duel disk.

Liang Du seemed to have been drained of all his strength, and he knelt on one knee with a pale face. As the duel ended, a ray of cosmic light hidden deep in his heart gradually dissipated.


The next moment, the three-dimensional projection was turned off, and the monsters on the field gradually faded and finally disappeared.

The believers under the podium were confused, not understanding why they gathered here and were wearing the white uniforms with bad taste.

At this time, Liang Du raised his head and still glared at Lu You angrily.

Unlike other members, he joined the Light of the Universe voluntarily. After being blessed, even if he has mediocre talents, he can defeat powerful opponents and even hold a high position.

But Lu You ruined it all...

Will the Light of the Universe recognize him again?

"Lu You, it's all your fault. What... are you doing?"

But Lu You ignored Liang Du and walked briskly to the table, picking cards as if no one was around.

To be honest, the inventory of the Universe Light Club is indeed rich and of good quality.

He can use some of them, and the rest can be sold and converted into funds.


They need to be circulated and cannot stay in the warehouse all the time.

"Mr. Liang Du, please help me open this backpack and put all these cards in. You can't go back on your promise."

What did I promise?

Liang Du subconsciously took the backpack, and then he remembered that he seemed to have said before that if he lost, he would offer it with both hands...

Doesn't this guy understand that it is flattery?


All these cards stored in the card bricks were stuffed into Lu You's backpack, and his face showed the joy of harvesting crops.

And at this moment, a burst of hurried footsteps came.

Some students in ordinary clothes appeared in the direction of the teaching building, who seemed to be survivors of the penetration of the Universe Light.

They came to Lu You one after another, hesitated for a moment and said:

"Student Lu You, thank you very much for helping the Earth Spirit Academy get out of trouble. Just now... it was a wonderful duel."

Others also echoed the praise.

But Lu You didn't even raise his head, as if he didn't see them at all.

This attitude of ignoring made them feel a little embarrassed and a little angry. In the past, no one dared to ignore their words in the Earth Spirit Academy.


Another pile of cards were stuffed into the backpack, which made everyone's eyelids jump.

Until Lu You emptied all the cards on the table, he handed the heavy backpack to Yang Chentian and glanced at the survivors of the Earth Spirit Academy with his peripheral vision.

"Don't tell me that you guys have been hiding in the teaching building and don't even dare to come out to take a look."

"If you fight hard and become a believer in the end, then I have no objection. But this attitude of retreating without fighting..."

"I can only say that if you are so cowardly, go home and raise pigs! Don't be a duelist!"

"I will never tolerate cowardly behavior!"

Hearing Lu You's contemptuous ridicule, the faces of the people in the Earth Spirit Academy were livid, but no one refuted, after all, what Lu You said were all facts.

Ignoring these "cowardly hands", Lu You held a selected card and prepared to leave Earth Spirit.

Let them deal with the rest of the mess themselves.

This time's harvest...

It's really good.

Lu You smiled and looked at the card in his hand. It was a 10-star Demon-type Synchro Monster, a general-purpose terminal, and it would not be restricted by Silver City's self-restraint.

It was the most valuable card among those cards.

[Chaos Wings]!

The terminal that Lu You often used in his previous life was quite suitable for Silver City's construction. When this card was Synchro Summoned, it could use a Light or Dark attribute monster on its field as a tuner.

Even for Silver City, which did not have a tuner monster, summoning was quite simple.

All you need is Big Sister Labrinth and a Dark attribute Fire Blower to perform a Synchro Summon.

And when the Synchro Summon is successful, you can also banish a card on the opponent's field.

Destroy the opponent's resources.


Lu You smiled and disassembled the card brick and stuffed this card into the card box on his back. There are also many usable cards in the card pile in the backpack, and he will sort them out after returning.

Seeing this scene, Yang Chentian didn't say much, anyway, he had long been accustomed to it.

Besides, this was Lu You's own extra money, which had nothing to do with the commission, so he didn't need to hand it over, and no one dared to ask Lu You to hand over the spoils.

"By the way, Lu You."

Speaking of the spoils, Yang Chentian seemed to remember something and suddenly said:

"Hong Qian should have told you, right? The major clubs are going to start a league, nominally to train new people and inject fresh blood into the clubs."

"In fact, the ranking of this league is related to the share of spoils that the major clubs can get."

"These guys haven't succeeded in encircling the Light of the Universe, and they're already thinking about dividing the spoils."

Yang Chentian shook his head, opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat, and threw his backpack on the co-pilot.

"The intention of Chenxing headquarters is to let you participate, and they have confidence in you."

"Of course, the champion also has generous prizes, I believe you will be interested."

Lu You nodded, but didn't refuse.


Soon, the roar of the engine came, and Yang Chentian took Lu You out of the Earth Spirit Academy and returned to the Chenxing headquarters to sign the contract for the commission.

Hong Qian was still the one who issued the task. She knew Lu You's character very well and had already selected the reward.

That was a basic teaching axis.

There were only standard [Teaching] field effect monsters, and the key saint was only [Teaching Saint-Ekrisia], which seemed to be collected from the insurance company's extra assets.

Teaching axis...

It can indeed be mixed with Silver City, especially the two cards [Teaching Punishment] and [Apostle of the Underworld], which are quite useful.

But Lu You still needs to improve the construction.

And for the time being, he only wants to use pure Silver City for duels, after all, this is also a manifestation of pure love.

The saint is very cute...

But in front of the big sister of Silver City, she is still inferior, especially in the word "big".


After signing the contract, Lu You left the headquarters and took a special car back to Tiannan College. This time Lu You did not go straight to the qualifying round, but went straight to the dormitory. He also needed to rest.

A moment later, another graceful figure appeared on the big bed in the luxurious dormitory.

"The gate of the castle is always open to you."

Lu You heard a charming whisper.

A few weeks later, the club league was announced to start in the top stadium in Tiannan City.

Lu You and several other members of Chenxing also participated in the league. They were all newcomers who became regular members this year. They were full of confidence and seemed to want to make a big splash in the league.

In order to obtain high resource subsidies from the club.

"Hehe, the examiner of your regularization test should be that Zhong Ying, right? She is simply a crazy gambler. I won the bet by luck. What about you?"

One of the newcomers was obviously a little excited and took the lead in talking, trying to relieve his tension by chatting.

"Hehe, I won the bet against her honestly..."

"Haha, it seems that we are all the same. Zhong Ying will only admit it if I win at the gambling table. I really don't know how she became addicted to gambling."

"Brother, how did you successfully become a regular member?"

The next moment, several people's eyes focused on Lu You, with curiosity in their eyes. Lu You looked like he had just graduated from high school not long ago.

After a moment of silence, Lu You spoke: "Maybe... it's just good luck." Hearing Lu You's answer, several people laughed and didn't care. But what they didn't know was that the good luck that Lu You said was fundamentally different from their understanding. It can be said that every bet is a win. Ding--Just as everyone was chatting, the league was announced to start, and even in the players' lounge, the cheers of the audience could be heard. This league held in the top stadium attracted a lot of attention. "Let's go." Several people left the lounge and headed for the stadium. Along the way, several newcomers were excited to turn around. Especially when they left the tunnel and saw the crowded stadium, they couldn't help but cheer, as if they were the protagonists of this game. Lu You followed them expressionlessly. He had long been accustomed to this kind of scene. If the reward was not generous enough, he would be lying on the bed in the dormitory, sleeping with his head buried in Labrinth's arms. However...

He is still a real duelist after all, and he must stand on the field to bring a smile from the heart to his opponent.


"Dear audience, I've been waiting for a long time!"

"This league is held by major clubs, aiming to train newcomers and present exciting duels to the audience. Who can become famous in this league?"

"Let's start the game now!"


When the host finished speaking, the names of the two clubs appeared on the big screen of the stadium. The preliminary selection was completely matched by the system, and the winner could enter the promotion game.

"Let's see, the two teams that kicked off are..."

"Chenxing vs Senrui!"

"Now please invite the duelists from both sides to come on stage!"

Seeing that the opening match started with themselves, several newcomers were a little uneasy, but at this moment, Lu You took the lead to walk onto the stage and stood in front of his opponent.

The rest of the people looked at each other for a while, and also gritted their teeth and walked forward.

The rules are very simple.

The competition format is a relay game, and the winner can continue to stay on the stage and duel with the opponent.

If all players on one side are defeated, the game is considered lost.

Occasionally, there will be a one-on-five situation in this kind of game.

But it is rare.


When the preparations were completed, the countdown began immediately. Lu You skillfully opened the duel disk with a very calm face.

After the timer returned to zero, he immediately took a card-drawing posture, and roared in a low voice amid the thunderous cheers:


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