You are not allowed to play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 25 I choose Baiyin Ji!

After bidding farewell to Yang Chentian and Li Yuande, Lu You returned home.

The gains from the gambling card duel with Sun Yuan exceeded his imagination. Not only could he improve the gambling card deck, but he also had enough funds to build a comprehensive card deck to cope with the college entrance examination.

However, he still cared about the D round. At least he had to find a way to collect the merit points to exchange for the D round before going to the Duel Academy.

When he opened the door, the light was on in the room, but Zhang Qiuhong didn't seem to have come back yet.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Lu Siyan immediately ran out of the room excitedly, holding the school's score list in her hand.

"Brother, when did your grades get so good? Your scores in the practical test and cultural courses are even catching up with those who have awakened the adaptability of elves!"

"The teachers in the office are talking about you today, and even 'Silver Hand' thinks you have a chance to be admitted to the five major duel academies!"

"By the way, there is a cute girl in the class who secretly asked me about you! She also said that she wants to pay you to improve the deck!"

Lu Siyan said with a smile. At first, she thought that Lu You would fall into depression after losing the gambling card duel, and his grades, which were already in the middle and lower levels, would plummet. But she didn't expect that Lu You not only overcame the psychological barrier, but also had a qualitative leap in the test results.

No, she had never heard of someone with such a huge gap between the before and after.

Maybe her brother had a talent for dueling, but it was not revealed before.

Thinking of Jiang Chan who suddenly talked to her today, Lu Siyan gradually showed a cat-like smile.

Ever since she discovered Lu You's "construction deck" at night, she realized that her brother had reached an age, but there were not many familiar friends of the opposite sex around him, so he could only find comfort in duel monsters.

But now the situation is completely different. Those who have the opportunity to be admitted to the five major duel academies are hot targets no matter where they are.

Maybe soon, we can see her brother going out in pairs, right?


But what Lu Siyan, who was in a fantasy, did not notice was that after hearing her words, Lu You's expression did not waver at all, and he did not show any pride or excitement.

I can only say that he is not as good as Baiyin Ji.

Even worse than Hu Ji.

Since he learned that duel elves really exist in this world, his XP as a card man has awakened directly on the spot.

Although there is no adaptability to awaken elves and he cannot see the real elves, he has the power of "bonds" and will have a chance sooner or later.

I have played Yu-Gi-Oh, and I must have made elves my first choice!

Thinking of this, Lu You returned to the room and began to improve the deck to cope with the assessment for promotion to a full member in seven days.

Time always flies fast in school days. During this period, another adaptability test was organized, but it still failed to awaken successfully.

The teaching of "Silver Hand" continued, but the special scholarship was not mentioned again, and Lu You did not ask about it. Anyway, the condition is to be in the top ten of the grade, so there is no need to mention it frequently before the assessment.

Soon, seven days passed, and Lu You was ready to go to another city to participate in the promotion assessment. The person who came to pick him up was Li Yuande.

"Sorry, the boss wanted to come in person, but he received a business commission from the club and had a high-speed duel with someone. The winner should not be decided now."

Li Yuande showed an apologetic expression and opened the door of the car.

"Teacher Li, I wanted to ask before, don't you have a dedicated D round?"

Hearing Lu You's question, Li Yuande's movements froze, and he paused for a moment before turning his head.


"In fact, only duelists above 5 stars will be equipped with D-wheels by the club, otherwise they can only exchange them with merit points or buy them with their own money."

At this point, Lu You naturally understood that Li Yuande was only a three-star duelist and was not qualified to be equipped with D-wheels. And because he had been working as a teacher in a training class, he did not get many merit points and wages, so he naturally could not expect to buy D-wheels.

After all, even among professional duelists, D-wheels are considered a luxury.

Beijiang City is not a large city, so Chenxing Club only opened a training class here, which was led by 6-star duelist Yang Chentian.

And now the next city where Lu You is going has a large training venue built by the club, where most members' promotions and missions are taken.

They set off in the morning and arrived at their destination in the afternoon.

The two of them ate something casually and came to the training center of Chenxing Club.

The hall was full of Chenxing duelists, and there were even people who came in groups to participate in the assessment of promotion to formal members, but looking at their expressions, it seemed that they all ended in failure.

"It's so unlucky. The person in charge of the regularization test this time is Zhong Ying. I can only point to next year."

"That's right. She actually said that I am not suitable to be a duelist and asked me to give up on the spot!"

"Dueling with a 4-star duelist who gave his all, is this really a regularization test?"

Just when Lu You was about to take the test, several temporary members who had failed to become regular members walked out of the examination room, most of them still complaining indignantly.

When Li Yuande heard Zhong Ying's name, his face suddenly changed, and he secretly said that he was unlucky.

"Lu You, I have to tell you in advance that the person in charge of the regularization test this time is Zhong Ying."

"She is a 4-star duelist in the club. She is much stronger than me, and she likes..."

When Li Yuande was about to say that Zhong Ying likes to persuade newcomers to quit, he suddenly realized something.

Lu You often beats veterans into retirement, while Zhong Ying likes to persuade newbies to quit. What will happen if the two of them collide?

He was very curious.

"What does she like?"

Seeing that Li Yuande suddenly got stuck in the middle of his sentence, Lu You couldn't help asking.

"No, nothing, I can only say that she is more strict, and the success rate of becoming a regular employee will be lower, but you should be fine."

Lu You nodded, and after completing the formalities under the guidance of Li Yuande, he walked towards the examination room for the regularization assessment. In addition to him, there were five other people taking the assessment at the same time.

In the large duel field deep in the training center, a woman wearing a Chenxing uniform stood in the center. She had a good figure, with a high bulge on the chest of the uniform, round and slender legs under the short skirt, and long hair tied into a high ponytail, looking capable and sexy.

"Why are there so many again..."

"I remind you in advance that it's not too late to give up now! Otherwise, when the duel starts and you see the gap between you and the professional duelists, your fragile self-confidence will completely collapse."

Zhong Ying put on the duel disk, put one hand on her waist, and glanced at Lu You and the others.

She has been in charge of the club's regularization assessment for several years. She knows that many people's strength is not enough to become formal members. Even if they pass by luck, they can't escape the fate of being expelled.

There are also many people who have emotional breakdowns after failing the assessment, crying and making a fuss, making the training center a mess.

Therefore, before the assessment begins, she will routinely persuade them to quit, but the effect is minimal.

Looking at the indifferent candidates in front of her, Zhong Ying sighed, flicked her ponytail, and prepared to start a new round of assessment.

"Since no one has quit, come one by one in the order of the exam number."

"Let me make it clear first, I won't let you go!"

The first to start was Lu You, who had a higher exam number.

He took a step forward, stood opposite Zhong Ying, and also raised the duel disk.

The next moment, both sides said in unison:


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