
It’s actually frontal again!

The result of this coin toss made Zhong Ying feel quite unreal. She didn't understand why three consecutive bets favored Lu You, and not only was she blocked from normal summons, but now she couldn't even attack, and she didn't even know what kind of monster he had placed.

Is this really a duel?

Zhong Ying looked confused. She was curious. Did Lu You sacrifice ten years of his life in order to pass the exam?

Since the thrown coin was still heads, the effect of [Dark Sanctuary] was activated, and a thick blood mist immediately enveloped the placed monster. Under the gaze of eyes in the sky, the Amazon Queen was unable to continue her attack. After the giant blade was bounced away, it happened to hit Zhong Ying.

Inflicted damage equal to half of the Amazon Queen's attack power.

Zhong Ying: [LP: 4000→LP: 2800]

Being blocked to this point, she had to end her turn.

At present, it seems that Lu You should not have the effect of directly causing health damage. As long as the Amazon Queen is still on the field, she is safe.

However, his health points have been reduced by 1,200 points. With 800 more points, Lu You will be able to pass the assessment.

Several candidates who were watching saw that Lu You was about to advance, but there was no excitement on their faces. They knew that this kind of duel method could not be replicated at all.

After all, if the result of throwing cannot be beneficial to you, the two trap cards and [Dark Sanctuary] will be pure useless cards and will have no effect.

It may even cause side effects.

This is also the reason why almost no one uses it in the professional arena, it is too unstable.

But according to the usual duel method, they really didn't have the confidence to cause damage to Zhong Ying.

"That's the end of my turn."

"Classmate Lu You... may I ask, who did you learn this deck of cards from? Cheng Zhinan?"

Cheng Zhinan was the only person Zhong Ying knew who would take a desperate gamble to duel, but the other party had already announced the crash and had issued an obituary, so it was impossible to guide others in constructing a deck.

"Cheng Zhinan is indeed my idol, but I built this deck myself."

Lu You actually admired Zhong Ying for being able to speak calmly despite the blockade just now. Judging from this character, he was indeed a duelist worthy of respect.

Built it yourself?

Zhong Ying was quite surprised by Lu You's answer, but since she regarded Cheng Zhinan as her idol, it made sense. After all, for gambling decks, what matters is not construction ability, but luck.

"Then it's my turn, draw cards!"

Lu You immediately laughed when he saw the drawn card. The Gambling Dog deck had no means of replenishing resources, so this card came just in time.

The Holy Grail may be late, but it will never be absent.

"Activate the magic card from your hand, [Ace of Cups]!"

"Flip a coin, and if it comes up heads I draw two cards, and if it comes up tails the other side draws two cards."

Originally Zhong Ying was numb to the effect of tossing coins, but when she heard that she could draw cards even if she won, her attention was immediately attracted and she stared at the coins appearing in the air.

The limits of those two cards may be the key to her breaking through the blockade.

But she seemed to have forgotten that luck had always been on Lu You's side. After the coin fell, it was still heads up.

Zhong Ying: "..."

If you have this kind of luck, just buy lottery tickets. Why do you want to play a duel?

"Are you also looking forward to the outcome of the gamble?" Lu You took out two cards from the deck and looked at Zhong Ying with a smile.

Zhong Ying was stunned for a moment, and then realized that she had fallen into Lu You's trap again. She relied too much on the effects of her opponent's cards, which was a taboo in a duel.

She must adjust her mentality and find a way to destroy all the trap cards and fields on the land.

Although the Amazon deck does not have many effects on the backcourt, it has also added some general-purpose cards to make up for it, such as Feather Sweeper, Cyclone, etc. As long as you draw it in the next round, you can directly overturn the gambling table.

At this time, Lu You was looking at the drawn cards. These two were permanent trap cards, namely [Guns Bombardment] and [Head Judgment].

Since they are constructed into a gambling card deck, these two cards are naturally related to coin tossing.

[Head Judgment] can be used when one's own or the opponent's monster effect is activated. Throw a coin and guess the head or tail. If the card is guessed correctly, it will be sent to the graveyard. But if you guess wrong, the activation of the monster's effect will be invalid, and control will be given to the opponent.

As for [gun bombardment], it does not have the effect of actively throwing coins, but obtains different effects based on the number of heads of coins that appear.

Deal damage, destroy a card, confirm hand and discard one.

If the effect of flipping a coin twice is activated, this card can also be removed from the graveyard, and the results of both flips will be heads.

Another magic weapon that brings out the old man.

It's just that Lu You doesn't know if it can be used in this duel.

"I cover two cards and that's the end of the turn."

After covering the two permanent traps drawn by the Holy Grail, Lu You ended the round without hesitation.

But this operation obviously put a lot of pressure on Zhong Ying. She looked at the new Gaika with a complicated expression. There was no doubt that the effect was related to the coin toss.

Although she didn't want to admit it, the next draw would be the key to her breaking through the gambling blockade.

Even without Lu You's outrageous luck, she still has the pride and belief of being a 4-star duelist, and all of these will be reflected in the subsequent card drawings.

"My turn, draw a card!"

Zhong Ying straightened her slender waist, her round legs one in front of the other, and suddenly drew a card in a posture ready to go.

After checking the card face with her peripheral vision, Zhong Ying's face suddenly showed joy.

However, during her preparation phase, the effect of the continuous trap card [Paradise of the God of Death] was activated again.

The coin was still heads, and Zhong Ying could not perform summons or reverse summons in this round.

But she didn't care about this result at all, and directly slapped the card she had just drawn on the duel disk.

"Activate the magic card from your hand, [Feather Sweep of the Harpy]!"

"Destroy all the magic and trap cards on your field!"

Before Lu You and others could react, a strong wind suddenly blew in the duel field, and the thick blood mist was instantly blown away, and the cover cards on the field began to tremble violently.

As a narrow green feather fell, all the mist was instantly dispelled, and the continuous trap card in front of Lu You also shattered. The two covered cards could not withstand the strong wind and shattered after being opened. Then, the bloody castle behind him began to crumble and finally dissipated with the strong wind.

Zhong Ying narrowed her eyes. She saw that the two covered cards were also continuous trap cards. Fortunately, they were destroyed in advance, otherwise they would have to flip a coin again.

Lu You calmed down after a moment of astonishment. He didn't expect that the other party suddenly drew the Feather Broom.

Could you also have some connection with the deck?

It seems that "bonded" duelists will attract each other.

Of course, Lu You was just joking. Zhong Ying obviously did not have a bond with the deck, nor was she an elf duelist. Just now, it was just a god draw that happened occasionally.

He was able to achieve it several times in his previous life, so there is no reason why people in this world can't do it.

At this moment, Zhong Ying, who successfully overturned the gambling table, was extremely excited. This feeling was several times more sour than winning in the professional arena.

Humph, without the gambling game, I wonder what you can use to resist the next attack.

"I will place the [Amazon Golden Whip] in my hand in the Pendulum Zone!"

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