You are not allowed to play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 35: Summoning completed? Then be my sacrifice.

"I set a card again."

"Then at the end of the round, the effect of the magic card [Hysterical Signature] is activated, and three [Eagle] cards with the same name are added to the hand from the deck."

"The three cards I want to add to my hand are [Harpy's Feather Sweep], [Harpy's Feather Blowing Snow] and [Harpy Perfumer]!"

When Lu Yan finished her declaration, the automatic retrieval function of the duel disk started, and the three cards she needed popped up. In a matter of moments, the already few card resources in the hand were immediately replenished to four, and the end of the round was also announced.

"That's the end of my turn."

"Okay, let me see the deck you built!"

Lu Yan's slender eyebrows blinked, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face. The trap card she puts in the backfield is [Hysterical Dance], which can special summon as many harpy monsters as possible from the graveyard.

The synchronized monster's minions are broken, and when the magic trap card is activated, it can bounce an opponent's monster or a harpy monster on the field back to the hand.

Even though she didn't expect the newcomer to be able to build a powerful deck, she was still fully prepared. This was also due to the habit she had developed by playing in the ladder competition for many years.

After all, the car overturned a lot because of underestimating the enemy, so he would always subconsciously leave some backup.

Thinking of this, Lu Yan rubbed the feathers on his arms. She has an opponent that she must defeat no matter what, but not by ordinary means, but by tormenting the opponent severely.

Damn it, how dare you tease me in a duel!

We’ll see!

For this reason, she even spent a lot of money to hire deck builders to build a deck, but in the end, none of them satisfied her.

Either the success rate is too low, or the intensity is not enough.

That's why she chose to cast a wide net, hoping to try her luck and buy a genius build.

But judging from the results, she thought too much.

At this moment, Lu You also started his own turn. I don't know if it was an illusion, but the opponent just left a monster for him to activate the effect of [Emperor's Whirl]. Only Minion Shatter has the effect of returning cards to the hand, so he still has to create the blocking effect of the Mighty Demon first.

Then I won't be polite!

"My turn, draw a card!"

After drawing a card, Lu You used his peripheral vision to confirm the card face. It was exactly what he needed [The Tomb of the Dead Emperor]. In addition, [Moon Mirror Shield] has also been obtained, and the next step is to use the Strong Gold Pot to get a Mighty Demon.

What? You said the effect of the strong gold pot is not retrieval?

Sorry, this is the power of "bond".

"I want to activate the magic card from my hand first, [Pot of lust and gold]!"

"Randomly select 6 cards from the extra deck, except face-down, and draw two cards from the deck!"

Lu You didn't hesitate to cut the extra monsters in half, and seemed completely unconcerned about wasting extra powerful monsters.

Lu Yan frowned at this operation. If he accidentally sent away the core monster, he would no longer be able to play.

Or is it that the opponent's main players are all in the main deck, and the extra ones are just to make up the numbers?

Since it was a face-down display, Lu Yan could not confirm what kind of extra monster Lu You had chosen. He could only wait until the duel was over to confirm.

At this time, Lu You, who had drawn two cards through the effect of the Strong Golden Pot, had a satisfied smile on his face.

For duelists with "bonds", everything is inevitable.

Among the two cards he drew, there was a [Mighty Light Demon].

"I also want to activate the field magic card!"


Lu You's duel disk extended an extra area. When he put the card in his hand, an old mausoleum immediately rose in the wilderness behind him, and the sacrificial flames were slowly burning.

"According to the effect of [Dead Emperor's Tomb], I pay 1,000 health points to activate it. I can perform a higher-level summon without liberating a monster."

"Attack position summons the [Mighty Demon] in your hand!"

Lu You's health dropped rapidly, and the duel disk's beeps continued until it reached 3,000 points.

Then the dead emperor's mausoleum seemed to absorb the vitality. The sacrificial flames suddenly swelled in size. The entrance to the mausoleum opened, and a man wearing golden armor slowly walked out.

It is the Weiguang Demon.

Seeing Lu You summoning this monster at the cost of reducing his health, Lu Yan immediately became vigilant, recalling the effect of the Weiguang Demon in his mind.

This card was rarely used, and she vaguely remembered that it had a blocking effect.

Do you want to use the effect of broken minions to send the Demon of Light back?

Just when Lu Yan was hesitating, Lu You immediately activated a universal magic card that could increase the number of normal summons, ensuring that the next demon could appear smoothly.

"Activate the magic card [Double Summon], and increase the number of normal summons this round!"

Then he inserted another long-prepared quick-attack magic card into the magic trap area of ​​the duel disk.

"Then, I activate the medium-speed attack magic card in my hand, [Emperor's Fierce Spin]!"

"This turn, if you have summoned a monster to a higher level, you can select 1 monster on the opponent's field to replace your own monster and release it!"

"I want to liberate the [Broken Harpy Minions] on your field!"

Want to use my monster as a sacrifice?

Lu Yan suddenly showed a sarcastic expression, preparing to activate the effect of Minion Shatter, and preparing to return to the extra deck to avoid being used as a sacrifice summoned by the superior.

But at this moment, she suddenly discovered that the effect of the minions' shattering could no longer be activated.

"Haha, the effect of [Mighty Demon], as long as this card is face-up on the field, neither party can activate the effect monster's effect."

Can't activate monster effects?

And both parties are restricted?

Lu Yan's expression changed, and he saw a fierce storm suddenly enveloped Minion Broken, and then the harpy girl turned into golden light in the form of a sacrifice and disappeared from the field.

"Use [Shattered Harpy Minions] as a sacrifice, and summon [Void Demon] in attack position!"

The next moment, a man wearing a black robe, who seemed to be walking in the void, appeared in front of Lu You, half of his body seemed to be hidden in the darkness.

My monster!

Lu Yan's forehead veins popped out in anger, and he kept curling his long highlighted hair with his fingers. He used other people's monsters as materials for superior summons. This was something no duelist could bear.

Next, she will go all out to clear Lu You's 3,000 health points!

After summoning the two core monsters, Lu You can actually take his hands off the duel plate.

It cannot be specially summoned and cannot activate the effects of effect monsters. Unless the opponent takes out a Thunder Strike and raises it for him, there is no way to break through the blockade.

As for the feather sweep, it is actually of little use now.

"Equip the equipment magic card [Moon Mirror Shield] in your hand to [Void Demon]."

"End of round."

[Moon Mirror Shield] Even if it is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, it can be returned to the top of the deck by paying life points.

After seeing Lu You announcing the end of the round, Lu Yan couldn't wait to put his finger on the deck and quickly draw a card.

"My turn, draw a card!"

Without having time to check the drawn card, she planned to immediately activate Gaika [Hysterical Dance] to summon as many harpy monsters in the graveyard as possible.

Then activate the effect of the magic card [Manhua Mirror-Gorgeous Clone-] to collect more than three Harpy Monsters to meet the activation conditions of [Harpy-Phoenix Formation-].

Humph, the controller of a monster destroyed by the Phoenix Formation will be damaged by the attack power value.

You are doomed!

But at this moment, Lu Yan discovered that the trap card [Hysterical Dance] could not be activated at all, and anxiety and doubt suddenly appeared on his face.

What's going on? Why can't it start?

Suddenly, Lu Yan suddenly raised his head and looked at the [Void Demon] that Lu You had just summoned.

"Sorry, according to the effect of [Void Demon], as long as this card exists in the monster zone, both parties cannot special summon monsters."

After hearing Lu You's words, Lu Yan immediately stayed on the spot.

Monster effects cannot be activated, nor can monsters be specially summoned. The opponent still has two big monsters with 2400 attack power on the field, and the normally summoned monsters cannot be eliminated at all.

She... seems to have lost the qualification to continue the duel.

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