You are not allowed to play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 4 This isn't how duels work!

"Teacher Li lost? It's not even one round yet. Is this the legendary FTK?"

"Is this what I learned from Jimao?"

"The combination of 'magic absorption' and 'explosive girl', burning the opponent's blood while restoring your own life value, I will eat whoever came up with this construction!"

"Friends! Let's focus on the subsequent practical teaching! Without any intelligence, what can we use to duel with Teacher Li?"

Hearing the discussions around him, Li Yuande forced a smile. This was undoubtedly the biggest crisis he had encountered since he started working in the education industry. If it was not handled well, not only would the outside world's evaluation of Chenxing be reduced, but it would also make his peers laugh.

It was unheard of that a three-star duelist lost to a high school student without playing a single card.

After hesitating for a moment, Li Yuande smiled awkwardly but politely and led the applause.

"It was a very exciting duel, classmate Lu You!"

"I have to say that your deck is very unique. Those seemingly useless card draw cards become tools for reducing life points after gathering the Explosion Girl and Magic Absorption. As long as you have enough cards in your hand, it is not difficult to complete a kill."

"But the disadvantage is also quite obvious, that is, it is not stable enough."

"You should know that the scoring criteria for the college entrance examination are very comprehensive. Endurance, deployment, impedance, etc. are all the key points of the assessment. A deck with too many defects cannot get a high score."

Li Yuande pretended to be experienced and talked freely, trying to maintain his image as a teacher, so that others would have the illusion that he had deliberately lost to Lu You just now.

Then, he changed the subject and began to guide other people in the training class.

"You all have to remember that only a comprehensive card deck can deal with accidents in a duel. This is not only a teaching, but also my advice to you as a three-star duelist!"

After all, the living example is right in front of us. If there is one more impedance in the hand, it will not appear so powerless when Lu You draws cards.

There is a difference between having no pits and having pits but not using them.

Lu You had no opinion on Li Yuande's words. He originally used this deck to deal with the training class, and he didn't plan to use it for the college entrance examination.

Who would play acrobatics in a formal occasion?

However, he also admired Li Yuande very much. After being tortured by the unique skill, he did not attack to summon his fist, but still maintained the reservedness of a teacher. While pointing out the flaws of his deck, he did not forget to educate others.

Perhaps this is the character that an excellent teacher should have.

After hearing Li Yuande's words, the other people in the training class looked at each other and accepted this statement, but the scene of Lu You ending the duel just now was deeply imprinted in their minds.

I'm playing Yu-Gi-Oh, the more handsome the better!

"Okay, the practical teaching continues!"

Without giving others time to react, Li Yuande looked at the student who had just stood up.

"Wang Yuan, seeing that you are so impatient, let you go first."

The student named Wang Yuan was stunned for a moment, scratched the back of his head helplessly, took out the deck and came to the position where Lu You just stood, starting a new duel.

However, during the duel, everyone found something wrong. The intensity of this practical teaching... seems a bit high?

Li Yuande: "I liberate 3 monsters on the field and summon [Lightning Warrior-Gilford] in attack position! When this card successfully liberates 3 monsters and successfully summons them, destroy all monsters on the opponent's field."

"Then use [Lightning Warrior-Gilford] to directly attack the opponent's player!"

A sword was slashed, and lightning flashed on the field.

Wang Yuan was nervous and sweaty. All the monsters he summoned with great difficulty were destroyed, leaving an empty field. If Li Yuande's attack was successful, his life value would drop a lot.

I didn't feel anything when watching Lu You's duel, until I got started, I realized that the oppression of a three-star duelist was so terrifying!

But this is out of the scope of practical teaching, right?

Wang Yuan asked tentatively: "Teacher Li... you are not angry, are you?"

"Angry? How could I be angry?"

Li Yuande smiled, but he showed no mercy. In the second round, he destroyed Wang Yuan's backcourt cover card, and then cleared the opponent's life value through direct attack.

At this moment, others also noticed something was wrong, but it was too late. For a while, the practical teaching room on the second floor was full of grief. Everyone except Lu You experienced the strength of the three-star duelist.

However, in the next few days, the duel atmosphere in the Chenxing training class changed a little. The most obvious thing was that the duration of a duel was shortened, and the winner could be decided in less than a minute.

"I activate [Ace of Holy Grail] from my hand, and throw a coin... Ah! It's tails?"

"I activate [Purgatory of Nothingness], then [Goblin Upstart], then [Pot of Greed], then... then Surrender!"

"Test it, all the core monster cards are banished face-down!"

"I know you're anxious, but don't worry, wait until I get the cards!"

The duel style is very different from before, and Li Yuande knows who influenced him. But he can't say much, because Lu You really won the duel beautifully with a similar deck.

Fortunately, the students only use the acrobatics deck for fun during class breaks and will not use it in formal exams, otherwise he really doesn't know how to explain it to his parents and boss.

As for Lu You, Li Yuande felt that he had nothing left to teach. He is planning to apply for a higher-level teacher in Chenxing Club. With Lu You's potential, it is completely worthy of in-depth training.

Even becoming a temporary member of Chenxing Club is no problem, he has this authority.

After all, the so-called training courses are actually just a channel for major dueling clubs to recruit talents. Although Lu You's dueling method is unconventional, he is quite talented in construction.

It's a pity that Lu You will only stay here for seven days. You should find a chance to persuade him to join Chenxing before he leaves.

Thinking of this, Li Yuande took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Boss, please give me some funds. I just found a good seed..."

After returning home from East Street, Lu You lay on the bed in his room. After several days of dueling, he had adapted to using a dueling disk for dueling. There was just one thing that made him feel strange. The success rate of the unique deck was a bit too high. In his previous life, he did not have such a high success rate.

Even for those who imitate him in the training class, if two or three out of ten games are successful, it is considered good.

And his success rate is close to 100%.

Could it be that he is the innate holy body?

Lu You shook his head. He opened the duel disk in the room, picked three monsters from the card pile and placed them in the monster area. The stereoscopic projection device was activated immediately, and three graceful monsters appeared in front of him.

They are [Explosion Girl], [Harpy Girl] and [White Mage Velvet]

In fact, from the first duel, he had a strange feeling, as if he could predict whether the next card he would draw was the card he needed. At first he thought it was an illusion, but as the number of duels increased, his premonition became stronger and stronger.

If I have to say it, it feels like I used [True Name] to find the Titan Soldier in my previous life.

Or [Kill with one hit! Iai draws cards] Successfully checked the card and killed the opponent.

It seems like there is a connection with the monsters in the deck.

To be more precise...


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