The harvest from the live broadcast event and the cards purchased on the website will not be delivered until tomorrow, but this does not affect Lu You's enthusiasm at all, and he immediately started building a new deck.

According to his idea, the main way to reduce the cards in the hand is the effect of [Dragon Mouth Flower]. When this card is sent to the graveyard, one card from the opponent's hand can be randomly removed until the end of the round.

To send the [Dragon Mouth Flower] in the deck to the grave accurately, you need a super monster [Eternal Lady-Beatrice].

You can remove an excess material and send a card from the deck to the graveyard.

Then combine it with the effects of the trap card [Sealing Sword of Light] and the magic card [Ruthless Obliteration] to completely clear the opponent's hand.

As for the current question, which monster should be used to super-summon the eternal lady? It would be better to have more tomb-sending effects.

Judging from the unique skills in the previous life, using the onomatopoeic axis is the most suitable choice, and this is exactly what Lu You planned. He had just been promoted to the gold level and received a bonus. He could assemble the monsters he needed. Moreover, the onomatopoeic axis was not too expensive in the market and he could still afford it.

Thinking of this, Lu You split some of the pass cards in the Great Reversal deck and combined them into the prototype of a new deck.

Then I sat in front of the computer and went to the exclusive website to purchase [My My My Sister], as well as other corresponding field monsters and magic traps.

[My My My Sister] can select another [My My Me] monster on the field. The levels of that monster and this card will become the combined levels of the two monsters at the end of the round.

To put it simply, [My Me My Sister] is a 2-star monster. If you choose a 4-star [Me Me Me] monster, after the levels are added up, both monsters will become 6-star.

It just meets the conditions for the super summoning of the Eternal Lady.

Cut your hands, it’s cool!

For some reason, Lu You became very enthusiastic when he thought about being able to cut all the cards in the opponent's hand, and he quickly completed the preliminary construction of the deck.

Maybe this is the mental state of Yu-Gi-Oh players.

Everything is ready, and when the cards arrive, he can directly complete the combination.

After spending a lot of energy on the duel and rebuilding his deck, Lu You lay on the bed exhausted and soon fell into a deep sleep.

A few days later, Beijiang City No. 3 Middle School, regular class of duelists.

When Lu You came to the classroom, he obviously found that the atmosphere was a little tense. The classmates who usually liked to fight and fight stayed calmly in their seats, each holding a duel construction book in their hands.

And judging from their haggard looks, they seemed to have stayed up late.

This is almost like a college student who is about to take his final exam and opens a brand new textbook the day before the exam, hoping to use one night to cause a miracle.

Young man, go create a myth!

Lu You was not surprised by other people's improvisational behavior. After all, today was the time for the actual combat assessment. The "Silver Hand" attaches great importance to this exam. As the college entrance examination approaches, every opportunity to test one's own level is very precious.

And Lu You also remembered the promise made by "Silver Hand" before.

As long as you can rank among the top ten in your grade in this assessment, you can apply for a special scholarship.

Thinking of this, the heavy footsteps of "Silver Hand" suddenly sounded outside the classroom, and the silver-shined arm appeared first in everyone's field of vision, followed by "Silver Hand"'s stern expression.

Looking at the uneasy expressions of the students, "Silver Hand"'s face became even more gloomy, and he groaned angrily in his heart.

What a bunch of lazy guys, they still want to become a qualified professional duelist?

"Silver Hand" stood on the podium, threw away the teaching materials, and slowly scanned the people in the classroom.

After a while, he said in a low voice:

"The college entrance examination is just around the corner. If you don't work hard enough, you will be eliminated by others sooner or later!"

"Because you not only have to compete with the people around you, but also fight with duelists across the country! I think you should realize the cruelty of the duel world. Only those with strength can get a lot of resources and support, while the weak can only be trampled on forever. On the soles of the feet.”

"I and other teachers are still responsible for this assessment..."

As he spoke, the mechanical arm of "Silver Hand" unfolded and turned into a special duel disc, like a smooth disc.

"But I won't ask you according to the standards of the college entrance examination. Instead, I will show your pre-retirement level and state in the assessment, so that you can feel what a real duel is like!"

Hearing "Silver Hand"'s words, there was an uproar in the classroom.

Although they didn't know the star rating of "Silver Hand" before he retired, they could guess that it was top-notch and they had no chance of winning.

Zhou Yang, who was beside Lu You, wailed and almost slipped under the table.

"Is 'Silver Hand' crazy? The whole class must not be wiped out?"

Zhou Yang complained to Lu You in a low voice.

Others have the same idea. The standards of the college entrance examination are already very difficult, but who would have thought that "silver hand" is not enough.

"Humph, as the saying goes, he who seeks the upper part will get the middle part, and he who seeks the upper part will get the lower part."

"Once you get used to dueling with me, the college entrance examination won't be that difficult in your eyes!"

"By the way, the school leaders and some club executives will come to visit this duel. Please behave well. Don't blame me for not reminding you!"

When they heard that a senior member of the club would come to visit the school, everyone in the classroom immediately lost their previous decadence and gradually became excited.

If you can successfully join the club, you will be able to obtain a lot of resources before the college entrance examination and maximize your scores.

Even if they were to duel with "Silver Hand", they didn't want to give up this opportunity.

At this time, "Silver Hand" looked at Lu You.

He naturally said the last words to Lu You. After agreeing to help him apply for a special scholarship, he immediately found the principal and went through the application procedures.

As for the scholarship amount, of course it was the highest one.

But the principal did not agree immediately, but planned to decide the amount of the scholarship based on the results of this assessment. After all, the application conditions were very harsh, and he could not make a judgment easily.

After explaining the rules of the practical assessment, "Silver Hand" led everyone to the large duel venue on campus, which had enough space to accommodate all students.

Of course, there was not only one duelist class in No. 3 Middle School, and other teachers also led students from the duel experimental class into the venue.

Lu You saw that one of them was the elf duelist he had seen before, Ge Bingyue, who was ranked first in the grade.

Soon, all the students found their seats in the large duel venue, and the principal and the senior executives of various clubs also sat in the audience.


A harsh bell rang, and the practical test officially began.

"Silver Hand" and other teachers were standing in the scattered small duel arena, and the duel disks on their arms were already stuffed with card decks. However, this time it was not a special test deck, but the cards they often used, which were stronger.

All the students were very nervous, fearing that they would be pulled out as a scapegoat and taught a lesson.

"Silver Hand" had a gloomy face, and he glanced at everyone, and finally his eyes gradually fixed on Lu You.

Since the principal will decide the scholarship amount based on the results of this test, Lu You should be placed in the most conspicuous position.

And in the first few minutes of the test, everyone's attention is now the most focused.

Don't let me down!

"Student Lu You, this practical test starts with you!"

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