You are not allowed to play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 48 How do you know I have a hidden champion combo?

Due to the effect of Dragon Mouth Flower, "Silver Hand" turned the five cards in his hand over with a dark face, disrupted the previous order and randomly drew one.

That was a quick attack magic card [Electronic Technology Zone], which can double the attack power of the mechanical fusion monster on the field.

After casually banishing this card, "Silver Hand" quickly calmed down with the experience accumulated over many years.

From his judgment, Lu You's graveyard [Dragon Mouth Flower] to cut the hand cards was just the calm before the storm, and the real means had not been used yet.

After all, Lu You's biggest feature is that he always uses some incredible constructions...

Who taught him this?

But he must be targeting his own hand.

Thinking of this, "Silver Hand" looked down at the remaining cards in his hand and prepared to rearrange the idea of ​​making the field for the next round. At present, he only has two or three cards that can be deployed in his hand. If Lu You cannot reduce them all, then he still has some chances.

But the strength of the final game will be greatly weakened...

After the initial surprise disappeared, "Silver Hand" began to re-examine Lu You's duel.

Although it looks like a regular deployment, the overall situation is actually very fragile because the extra monsters are not strong enough.

With Lu You's construction ability, he should not ignore this point. It seems that he really puts the focus on other places.

Does he really want to win the duel by reducing his hand cards?

It's not impossible...

It's just a little impolite.

And the speculation of "Silver Hand" is indeed correct. Lu You has long planned to reduce the opponent's hand cards as much as possible, so that the opponent will be in a state of no cards available during his turn.

As we all know, the best way to win in a duel is to win without fighting.

Translated, it means that as long as the opponent can't play Yu-Gi-Oh, he can win without fighting.

Just in case, he also carries a large number of clear cards in the deck. Since his "bonds" can support the operation of three axes at the same time, these clear cards will not affect the performance of the hand-cutting system.

"Then activate the magic card from your hand, [Ruthless Obliteration]!"

"Send [Raging Dwarf - Rumble Gloves] on your field to the graveyard, and the opponent randomly selects a card and sends it to the graveyard."

Sure enough, it's another hand cut!

"Silver Hand" saw that his guess was correct, and he became nervous again.

After all, the hand sent to the graveyard by [Ruthless Obliteration] will not come back at the end of the turn.

This is equivalent to losing an important hand card before he has done anything.

The next moment, the eyes of the Angry Dwarf were red, and he rushed towards "Silver Hand" like crazy.

After the violent collision sound came, a card in "Silver Hand"'s hand turned into golden light and dissipated, and that card was a very important lower-level monster of his.

Damn, he still encountered a one-quarter chance.

"Silver Hand" was very depressed and began to regret letting Lu You be the first candidate for the practical assessment.

At least confirm the deck with Lu You in advance! .

As the duel progressed, several club leaders in the audience also saw the clues. Lu You launched the effect of reducing hand cards one after another, clearly wanting to make "Silver Hand" have no cards to use in the next round.

But relying on [Dragon Mouth Flower] and [Ruthless Eradication] alone is obviously not enough. Although "Silver Hand" only has 3 cards left in his hand now, when Lu You's turn ends, the excluded cards will return to the game. In addition to the card draw in "Silver Hand"'s turn, the hand can be replenished to 5 cards.

"This guy wants to clear the hand of "Silver Hand"!"

"It's a pity that his ability is limited, and he can only do this much."

Chen Xianlong shook his head with some disappointment. He had hoped to find a rising star to replace Wu Long from the third middle school, but now it seems impossible.

As for those students who have awakened adaptability...

Thinking of this, Chen Xianlong looked in the direction of the duel experimental class. According to the principal of the third middle school, those students had already been booked by major organizations and even signed contracts.

I can only give up temporarily...

After all, he is just a faction in the Holy Dragon Club. He can't provide more resources, nor can he pay the compensation for breach of contract.

Limited ability?

Yang Chentian doesn't think so. He knows Lu You's deck building ability. Even if he can't do it perfectly in terms of hand reduction, there will be other ways to win.

Abbreviated as plan B.

As for the specific content of plan B, only Lu You himself knows.

At this time, after using [Ruthless Obliteration] to send a card of "Silver Hand" to the grave, Lu You's turn is almost over. Unfortunately, he doesn't have enough funds left to fill the gap of 4-star Xyz monsters, otherwise he can temporarily give up card reduction and choose to Xyz a giant hand.

In this way, he can cut off all the unfolding routes while reducing the opponent's hand in the next round.

But it doesn't matter, he still has a combo called "Champion" as a backhand.

"I cover two cards and end the round."

Putting the two [Light Sealing Swords] in his hand, Lu You chose to end the round cleanly and did not continue to destroy the hand.

Even "Silver Hand" was a little surprised, but he was still alert.

He returned the excluded cards to his hand, then stretched out his finger and pressed the top of the deck, suddenly pulled out a card and said:

"My turn, draw a card!"

The card drawing phase ended, and the number of cards in "Silver Hand"'s hand returned to 5, which was considered to have made up for the resources that were deployed.

Looking at the card he drew, "Silver Hand" was sure that Lu You could not reduce all the cards in his hand. But if the key development points were all sent away, leaving him with only cards like [Electronic Technology Zone], it would actually be no different from clearing his hand.

Since the cards Lu You used were all randomly banished or sent to the grave, he could only rely on luck.

Wait, why did he suddenly have to rely on luck?

"Silver Hand" suddenly realized that something was wrong. Lu You had never lost when throwing coins and dice, so what could he use to compete with him?

And just when "Silver Hand" entered the main phase, he found that Lu You opened the trap card he had just placed without hesitation.

"At this moment, activate the trap card [Light Sealing Sword]!"

"The opponent randomly chooses a card in his hand and banishes it face-down!"

The effect of this card is not to completely banish the opponent's cards, but it will come back in the preparation phase of the fourth round.

But by then, the duel would probably be over.

In fact, Lu You did not intend to clear all 5 cards in the opponent's hand from the beginning, that would be too inhumane.

Of course, it is also because of the lack of some cards that the corresponding effect cannot be achieved.

Besides, it is impossible for all the cards in the hand to be used for expansion, and there are various resistances and hand pits.

After all, he has experienced the embarrassing situation of having all the traps in his hand in his previous life.

Unless he has enough money to expand with one card and pull out four 8-star bread men.

Of course, this possibility is very small.

Although the effects of [Light Sealing Sword] and [Dragon Mouth Flower] are indeed random for "Silver Hand", they are not for Lu You.

With the blessing of the power of "Bond", the only cards that can be excluded are the opponent's most critical cards!

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