You are not allowed to play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 75 I bet the deck will respond to me!

I didn't expect that she, who always relied on strength to win, would also expect the deck to respond to her.

Is it really a matter of luck?

Duan Qing smiled bitterly. Now she was only one step away from successfully advancing. This card draw would directly determine whether she could successfully step onto the stage of the competition.

But this step was really far away, as if what was in front of her was not a narrow ravine, but a bottomless canyon.


Will the deck respond to her?

Duan Qing looked down at the duel disk. She was not an elf duelist, and she had not awakened other powers, so she could not answer this question.

However, this set of fantasy magic decks had faced many powerful enemies with her. Even if there was no "bond", there should be some "tacit understanding".

Now I can only choose to believe it...

"I activate the effect of [Corn Field Snake] in my hand!"

"Throw this card from your hand to the graveyard, and select a monster with the name of [Synthetic Fusion] in your deck to add to your hand!"

"The monster I want to add to my hand is [Baphomet of the Great Wings]!"

Duan Qing bit her lip and put [Corn Field Snake] in her hand into the graveyard. Then the automatic search of the duel disk started, and she successfully added the declared monster to her hand.

"Then set a card, and the turn ends."

Putting the [Synthetic Fusion] face down in the backfield, Duan Qing announced the end of the turn.

Since this fusion is a quick-attack magic card, it can be activated during the opponent's turn after being set, so she decided to perform a fusion summon immediately after destroying [Royal Edict].

Of course, the premise of all this is that she successfully drew [Galaxy Cyclone].

When Baphomet of the Great Wings is sent to the graveyard as a fusion material, it can special summon the fantasy monster in the graveyard.

When this effect is activated, the monster is not on the field, so it will not be restricted by [Skill Extraction].


Duan Qing breathed a sigh of relief. Now she has done everything she can do.

Next, it depends on the "tacit understanding" between her and the deck.

But the idea is beautiful, but the reality is quite cruel. Lu You naturally cannot give the opponent a chance to create a miracle.

The key to winning a duel is to ensure that only he can play Yu-Gi-Oh.

But the opponent actually wants to move?

And that cover card...

Does the Fantasy Magic deck need to cover the card?

In the previous life, the construction would bring two [Infinite Bubbles], but in this world, since you can't copy other people's decks at will, the construction will be more diverse.

It's not strange to bring any unconventional cards.

But the opponent doesn't seem to understand the Golden Kingdom. When the Conqueror is revealed, he didn't continue to summon monsters.

"My turn, draw a card!"

Lu You drew a card calmly, and the swollen-headed dragon helmet shook a few times, his eyes were full of wisdom, and one look at it made people's blood pressure soar.

He looked down at the card he had drawn, and it was the old man who was given as an extra reward.

God said... Stop it!

Sure enough, it was different with "bonds" by his side, and he could easily draw the cards he needed.

In the preparation phase of the round, Lu You's life value decreased by 700 points, paying the price for maintaining the existence of [Royal Palace's Order].

He had almost no magic cards in his hand and on the field, and there were still red potions in his deck, so there was no need to lift the restrictions for the time being.

At the same time, the attack power of the Golden Lord was restored to 2500 points. With an apprentice magician on the opponent's field, it was estimated that the duel could not be ended immediately.

However, the Golden Kingdom definitely had an advantage in the resource war. As long as the magic and trap cards of the main family were not used up, the little golden man could jump back and forth repeatedly.

And now, he wanted to know what card the opponent had covered.

At least he had to know which card would be countered by the old man next.

The effect was too long, so I countered it directly.

"I activate the Trap Card, [Conqueror of the Golden Country]!"

"After this card is activated, it becomes a normal monster and is Special Summoned on the field. When [Golden Lord - Golden Country Lich] is on the field, it can also destroy a face-up card on your field."

"I choose to destroy [Apprentice Magician of Illusion]!"

A golden warhorse jumped out of the card and charged towards the Apprentice Magician. Its sturdy body knocked the little magician away.


A sharp explosion sounded, and the Apprentice Magician was immediately destroyed. Duan Qing's field was empty except for the cover card.

And Lu You still had a red potion in the backfield that he hadn't used, so he could immediately pull out another Golden Lord from the deck.

"I'll cover a card."

Placing the Godhead he had just drawn on the field, Lu You immediately said:

"Then activate the trap card, [Red Blood-stained Golden Country Eternal Elixir]!"

"Special Summon another [Golden Lord - Golden Country Lich] in the deck!"

A golden light flashed, and another little golden man appeared in front of Lu You, with the same golden armor and precious gems of different colors.

As the number of Golden Lords gradually increased, Duan Qing's face became ugly.

However, her calculation of damage was still accurate, knowing that the opponent's combined attack power could not clear her life value.


Another unknown cover card.

With all of Lu You's trap cards exposed, Duan Qing once again had a bad premonition in her heart.

To be honest, she was already a little stressed about covering cards.

And Lu You also planned to activate the effect of the red medicine in the graveyard in the next round, excluding this card and retrieving [Guardian of the Golden Country] from the deck.

Under the blockade of [Skill Extraction], Lu You would not give the opponent a chance to attack.

The Guardian can make the attack of a face-up monster on the opponent's field become zero.

That is why he also used the attack position when he special summoned Conqueror.

The next moment, Lu You launched an attack declaration without hesitation.


"[Golden Lord - Golden Country Lich] directly attacks the opponent's player!"

The scarlet light on the chest of Golden Lord swept across Duan Qing. Although it did not turn into gold like the monster, its health value dropped rapidly.

The duel disk also kept ringing prompts.

And there was another Golden Lord on Lu You's field, and the same attack had to be carried out once.

"Then [Conqueror of the Golden Country] directly attacks the opponent's player!"

Duan Qing took a few steps back and almost fell under the charge of the golden warhorse.

After the battle phase, her health value was only 1,800 points, which was not enough to support the next attack of Golden Lord.

In other words, she only had one chance left.

"My turn is over."

After Lu You announced the end of the turn, Duan Qing quickly calmed down. There was no need to hesitate at this point.

She looked down at the card at the top of the deck.

There were not many [Galaxy Cyclone] cards added to the deck, only two.

She had no idea whether the card at the top was the real one.

But she was willing to take this gamble.

She was betting that the deck would respond to her!

"My turn, draw a card!"

Sorry, it's a little late

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