You are not allowed to play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 85 Now is the time for the carnival of the tombstone friends!

Did he really hit it?

Seeing Lu You attack with the Candy Clown, there was a burst of exclamations from the audience. If they hadn't known that they had to sign a contract for the live duel, they would have thought it was a fake match and they deliberately lost the duel.

Even Yao Zhi, who was familiar with Lu You, felt puzzled. She glanced at the barrage subconsciously, but found that it was all exclamation marks.

"He really took the initiative to attack! I can't understand what the Pachycephalus Boy is going to do..."

"Facing the Naughty Fairy Star, it is very stupid to reduce your own life value!"

"Wait, that magic card is..."

At the moment when Lu You activated the magic card [Hellstorm] from his hand, there was a brief silence in the live broadcast room. It was a card that they could not imagine at all, and they did not expect Lu You to successfully activate it at this time.

[Lava Demon], 3000 points of combat damage, [Candy Clown] with zero attack power...

Knowledge is flowing into their brains in a despicable way.

So, it turns out to be like this...

Adding these three elements together, there is only one possibility left!

"According to the effect of this card, when you receive 3000 points of battle damage, you can activate it, and all monsters in both decks and graveyards will be excluded!"

Exclude all monsters in the deck and graveyard?

Angel's face turned pale immediately. You know, the Naughty Fairy Star monsters are the main body of the deck, and there is no way to recover them from the exclusion zone. If all of them are excluded, then she will have no chance to play.

But she currently has no Magic Trap, and she can't stop Lu You from successfully activating this effect.

The next moment, her duel disk sounded a melodious melody again, and all the monsters in the deck and graveyard were retrieved.

Angel gritted her teeth and took out all the monsters and put them into the card box on her waist.

Feeling the thick stack of cards in her hand, her whole arm was shaking.

This is trouble...

And Lu You also excluded all the monsters in the deck freely, but unlike Angel, most of these monsters have effects that can only be activated when they are excluded.

After all, only activating [Hellstorm] to banish monsters from both sides will not lead to a quick victory, and will only lead to a long tug-of-war.

This is not what Lu You wants to see.

"I activate the effect of the banished [Faces of the Dead]!"

"When this card is banished, both players banish 5 cards from their own decks!"

Banish more?

After hearing Lu You's words, Angel came to her senses. She guessed that the opponent had a backhand, but she didn't expect it to be deck destruction.

Banish 5 cards...

Angel looked at the thin deck on the duel board nervously. If she banished a few more times, she would lose the next round because she had no card draw.

This method is more unacceptable than burning blood.

At this time, the full picture of Lu You's tactics was also displayed in front of everyone, and the series of incredible operations just now also had a reasonable explanation.

The professional commentator in the live broadcast room was shaking with excitement, and his lips were flying, quickly explaining the ins and outs of Lu You's tactics.

He even couldn't breathe for a while.

"Hurry up and prepare the oxygen cylinder, don't die in my phone!"

"[Hellstorm] plus [Face of the Dead], how did this chain come up? I reasonably suspect that it was a real swollen-headed dragon dueling!"

"Haha, the stage of the live broadcast room has become a library, why did the singing stop just now?"

Yao Zhi was so happy at this time, how could she have time to pass the oxygen cylinder to the commentator?

Look at Angel's expression!

Like a zombie, it seems that he just crawled out of the ground.

Lu You did not disappoint her!

Of course, Lu You's monster effect has not yet been activated. Of course, there is not only one [Face of the Dead] in his deck, but three, and a total of 15 cards need to be excluded.

Haha, is the deck's reserve enough?

"Chain the effects of the other two [Face of the Dead], and both players will exclude 10 cards from their decks again!"

Hearing that Lu You brought 3 dead faces, Angel's pupils seemed to tremble.

Even if she didn't count carefully, she knew that her remaining deck was not enough to exclude.

Are you going to lose?

And you lost in such an important live duel...

In a trance, Angel felt that the familiar lights around her became unfamiliar and dazzling. From this moment on, the stage that belonged to her suddenly changed its owner.

Whether it was a live duel or a formal duel event, this stage would always belong to the winner.

And she became the loser.

The next moment, the chain began to settle, and Lu You and Angel simultaneously excluded the cards in the deck.

They did not stop until the effects of the three dead faces were settled.

At this time, Lu You still had some cards in his deck, but Angel's duel disk was empty.

In other words, as long as Lu You announced the end of the round now, Angel would lose in the next round because he had no card draw.

What a plain and boring way to win.

Lu You felt that his mentality had changed a little, and even felt that the traditional way of winning by reducing life points could no longer satisfy him.

Just treat it as getting familiar with the way to win the monument in advance.

"My turn is over."

The moment Lu You announced the end of the turn, the audience was immediately excited. This unexplained combo instantly conquered them.

I thought this duel was Angel's blood-burning performance, but I didn't expect it to end like this.

Countless fluorescent sticks were waved again, and even the spotlight was on Lu You.

Angel bit her lip and spoke after a moment:

"My turn..."

She subconsciously wanted to draw a card, but she drew nothing.

Then she showed a bitter smile.

"I lost this duel."

When Angel admitted defeat, the sky rang with a harsh sound of fireworks, and countless gold foil-like colored paper fell, as if a golden rain was falling.

Cheers and applause came one after another, and even Yao Zhi's live broadcast room was full of barrages, and she couldn't see the face at all.

Angel's face was complicated. After struggling for a moment, she adjusted her mentality as soon as possible and walked in front of Lu You.

"Very wonderful tactics, congratulations on winning the live duel."

According to Angel's experience, it is the best choice to admit defeat now. Refusing to admit it and making a fuss will only make her lose popularity and look very ugly.

The most important thing is that she must maintain her own personality and not collapse.

What's more, she is also a part-time host on the stage, and she will be needed to go through the process of the next award ceremony.

"In order to reward the winner, the protagonist of this live duel, the [Emperor's Monument] company has also prepared a bonus."

"Of course, the company also provides other options for duelists, and they can choose a deck equivalent to the bonus."

"There are two decks in total, namely [Emperor] and [Divine Monument]. You can choose a set according to your preferences."

Is there an emperor deck?

This surprised Lu You a little. This deck does not need additional, the focus is on the upper summon, but the resource operation is relatively poor, and the whole family has no resistance.

He has no interest in this deck.

Besides, Lu You's goal has always been clear. He only has one reason to participate in this live duel, which is...

"I choose the [Divine Monument] deck!"

I accidentally got too excited writing and forgot the restrictions of the Lava Demon. I will modify it slightly, which will not affect the overall plot

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