You are not allowed to play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 9 Do you like small animals?

Yang Chentian also got the news that someone came to challenge him, but he was in a high-speed duel at the time and could not go back for the time being.

As the person in charge of Chenxing Club in Beijiang City, Yang Chentian had to deal with the commission assigned by the club first. As for the challenge duel, it was not a high priority.

This commission originated from a business competition. Two well-known listed companies both took a fancy to an undeveloped piece of land in the suburbs and kept arguing between building a duel venue and a residential building. They could not reach an agreement anyway, so they finally decided to solve it by duel.

Each side hired a professional duelist, and whoever won the land would own it.

It was so simple and crude.

It happened that one of the companies commissioned Chenxing Club. After analyzing the other party’s possible personnel, the headquarters sent him to fight, and he naturally won in the end.

Otherwise, he would still be scolded by his employer, and he would not have time to come back to deal with the guy who challenged him.

However, the challenge duel seemed to be over...

Since the other party was the rising star of the Shenglong Club, Li Yuande should not be a match.

Alas, it seems that Beijiang City's enrollment work will be stagnant again in the future.

Yang Chentian sighed and went up to the second floor, organizing his words in his mind, intending to stabilize the students' emotions first. According to his experience, after failing the duel, a group of people will definitely choose to quit the class and join the other party.

But when he stood at the door of the practical teaching room, he suddenly widened his eyes. The scene in front of him was completely opposite to what he imagined.

All the students in the training class, plus Li Yuande, were surrounded by a high school student.

And the rising star of the Holy Dragon Club was kneeling on the ground in a daze, and he didn't even notice that the cards in the duel disk had spilled out.

What's going on?

I just went to a high-speed duel, not hit by a mud truck.

"Boss, you're back!"

Li Yuande saw Yang Chentian standing at the door, and hurriedly pulled Lu You to the other party.

"This is the Lu You I mentioned to you before. He is also the one who defeated Wu Long. I have used my authority to change him to a temporary member of Chenxing. I guess there will be no problem in becoming a regular member."

Is this the high school student that Li Yuande mentioned?

Yang Chentian's eyes fell on Lu You. At first, he just thought he was a good seedling worth cultivating. Who knew it was so exaggerated that he actually defeated the three-star duelist Wu Long as a temporary member.

At this time, Yang Chentian seemed to remember something and frowned at Li Yuande.

"Lu You should not have a star level yet? Why did Wu Long agree to duel with him?"

"Uh, hehe, maybe Wu Long misunderstood something?"

Li Yuande laughed awkwardly. Strictly speaking, his hint was no different from deception. But the situation was urgent at the time, and he couldn't care so much.

Fortunately, Yang Chentian didn't mean to pursue it. Although he didn't witness the duel with his own eyes, according to Li Yuande's description, he could also realize Lu You's amazing talent for construction.

People with innovative construction ability are very rare even in the five major duel academies.

No matter what, he will keep Lu You in Chenxing.

"Lu You, I am glad that you can join our Chenxing Club. As the person in charge of Beijiang City, I welcome you here."

"Although you are still a temporary member now, you can become a regular member as long as you pass the assessment of the headquarters. I believe it is not difficult for you. After becoming a regular member, you can use all the equipment and resources of the Chenxing Club. Of course, these are just basic rights and interests."

"In addition to the reward promised to you by Li Yuande, I will also give you an additional reward personally."

As he said, Yang Chentian took Lu You to the office on the third floor, where he stored his cards and property.

Lu You followed the person in charge wearing a high-speed duel suit, but his thoughts drifted to other places.

He can now be completely sure that the power of "bond" really exists. Even the unique skills of "lucky cat king" and "dark attraction" have been successfully used. He really doesn't believe that it is just pure luck.

However, he could not feel any signs of adaptability of awakened elves, not to mention that according to the frequency of his deck changes, he did not meet the standards of an elf duelist.

After all, most elf duelists use the same deck until death, and are completely bound to elves.

And he can form a "bond" with any deck at random.

Hiss... Why does it feel a bit scum?

Wait, what if he can also form a "bond" by using someone else's deck?

Yu-Gi-Oh finally showed another way of Minotaur besides taking control of the opponent's monster.

When Lu You and others followed Yang Chentian to the third floor, Wu Long, who was forgotten by everyone, slowly stood up from the ground, slumped his shoulders, and left the practical teaching room with a decadent look.

He really couldn't accept being defeated by the monster he regarded as a small fish.

Back at the door of the training class, Wu Long couldn't hold it anymore, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Coach Chen, I... I don't want to be a duelist anymore."

Coach Chen: "?!"


At this time, Yang Chentian opened the door of his office. There was no luxurious decoration in the room. There was only a set of ordinary office equipment. The only thing that looked valuable was the safe embedded in the wall.

"As a reward for defeating Wu Long, in addition to the ones promised by Li Yuande, you can also choose five cards from my personal collection at will."

"Of course, if you don't have the card you want, you can also choose to cash it out, and I will also provide you with channels to buy other cards."

As he said, Yang Chentian opened the safe and pulled out a suitcase from it.

The box seemed quite sturdy, and there was a combination lock, which looked very similar to the box that Kaiba often carried in the animation.


The combination lock opened, and Yang Chentian turned the box to face Lu You.

I saw a large number of cards neatly placed inside, all kinds of cards, and not even one was a mortal bone.

Lu You saw several very expensive cards on the market at a glance, but he was not in a hurry to choose. After all, even if he got these cards, he had no channels to sell them for money, so it was better to choose the ones that suited him.

"Can I take a look first?"

"Of course."

Yang Chentian made a gesture of invitation.

Lu You walked forward and picked up the cards to check them one by one. For him, the quota of five cards was enough to build a unique deck. With the blessing of the power of "bonds", there is no such thing as a card hand.

Suddenly, his eyes focused on a card with a cute furry little animal.

Is this... [Fairy Tale Animal Puppy]?

He remembered that this card was the core monster in the little animal deck, and Lu Siyan's deck was just missing it. He didn't expect to see it here.

Lu You nodded secretly, and then his eyes came to a magic card [Great Ace Attorney], and he quickly thought about the construction of the next deck.

After a moment, he picked out five cards and looked at Yang Chentian.

"Teacher Yang, I'll choose these five cards."

"No problem."

Yang Chentian smiled, but he was a little confused. In his opinion, the cards selected by Lu You had no connection in essence, and he couldn't guess how to build them together to form a usable deck.

At first, he thought Lu You would specifically choose the expensive ones and then turn around to sell them.

It turned out that he was overthinking. Lu You knew what he needed.

After a few more pleasantries, Lu You left the training class. As for Li Yuande's reward, he chose to cash it. After all, although the cards sold in the mall are not as rare as Yang Chentian's collection, they are more diverse and his choices are richer.

However, in exchange, he also has to complete the assessment of the headquarters before the college entrance examination and be promoted to a formal member.

When Lu You returned home, it was completely dark.

The table was full of steaming hot meals. Zhang Qiuhong was wearing an apron, standing in front of the gas stove, boiling a pot of chicken soup.

"Xiao You, you are back. You can eat in a while. Go and call Siyan down."

Lu You responded and came to Lu Siyan's door with his schoolbag. Before knocking on the door, he took the [Fairy Tale Animal Puppy] in his hand as a surprise for the other party.

Dong Dong——

"Yanzi, I have a surprise for you too."

Hearing Lu You's voice, Lu Siyan's room suddenly heard hurried footsteps, and then the door opened, and the girl with a single ponytail stood in front of Lu You, looking forward to it.

"This, this is [Fairy Tale Animal Puppy]? Where did you get it, brother?"

Lu Siyan took the card from Lu You with a shocked face and said in disbelief.

The monsters in the fairy tale field are very popular and rare. She asked many people for help but couldn't get it.

"It's all thanks to you for giving me the card pack. I beat the teacher in the training class with the cards I opened. This is the reward from him."

Lu You didn't tell his family about becoming a temporary member for the time being. He planned to give him a surprise after he became a regular member.


Lu Siyan was skeptical. She knew her brother's duel level very well.

"Of course!"

"Humph, I believe you this time! Brother is awesome!"

Lu Siyan looked at the little animal in her hand happily. Suddenly, as if she remembered something, she looked up and said to Lu You:

"By the way, brother, the school sent a message saying that your suspension punishment is temporarily over. You can take the mock practical test tomorrow normally. I heard that there is also a test for the adaptability of the elves."

Hearing Lu Siyan's words, Lu You was stunned.

Going back to school tomorrow?

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