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Chapter 92: No resistance is like this

What kind of self-restraint?

What kind of calmness?

Does a duel need this kind of thing?


Chen Yan now only wants to summon his Flame Paladin to chop Lu You and the elf who can only taunt into two halves.

Completely crazy!

Seeing that Lu You increased the resistance of the library and also eliminated 3 of his cards, Chen Yan immediately turned red and warmed up, wishing that it would be his turn now and start killing.

Just when Chen Yan broke the defense, a tall figure suddenly appeared behind him, holding a huge sword in his hand.

That was...

Lu You narrowed his eyes and found that it seemed to be the elf that Chen Yan had contracted, the Flame Paladin.

As for which knight it was, it was not clear for the time being.

The Flame Paladin patted Chen Yan on the shoulder. After a brief exchange, Chen Yan finally calmed down and shook his head slowly.

Although he was quite annoyed, it was not the time to fuse now.

He would only use this method when facing an absolute disadvantage. If he was disgusted by the opponent several times, he would not be able to bear to start the fusion.

Wouldn't that be too cheap?

However, invisibly, the rhythm of the entire duel has been controlled by Lu You. In the case of no resistance from the opponent, there will be no factors that interfere with his card drawing.

Lu You smiled and glanced at the cards in his hand, and directly drew out [Holy Grail A] and put it into the duel disk.

"Activate the magic card [Holy Grail A] in your hand!"

"Toss a coin. If it is heads, we draw 2 cards. If it is tails, the opponent draws 2 cards."

Using the Holy Grail to draw cards is Lu You's old operation, but only Ge Bingyue knows this in the duel field.

Whenever the effect of Holy Grail A is activated, the result is heads without exception.

It can be called Lu You's unique [Pot of Greed].

However, Chen Yan didn't know this. Just when he was still wondering why Lu You used a high-risk card, the coin had been thrown out.


It was a familiar sound again. The coin rolled to the ground and soon stopped.


Chen Yan stared at Lu You as he drew two cards, and suddenly showed a look of astonishment.

How did he know it would be positive?


But the second [Holy Grail A] that Lu You activated later completely overturned Chen Yan's guess.

It was still positive, and Lu You had added 4 cards in total.

This obviously abnormal luck caused exclamations from the audience. It was obviously beyond their understanding that they could take advantage of the elf duelist by luck.

But Lu You was not surprised.

It was just that his "bond" was better!

Among the cards Lu You drew, one was the trap card [Big Collapse]. When the opponent's hand number exceeded 8 cards, all of them could be returned to the deck, and then two cards could be drawn.

Unfortunately, Chen Yan's hand was not enough for 8 cards for the time being.

As for the other [Divine Monument] quick attack magic cards in his hand, they had all been used. There was a limit of once per turn for the card name, so even if the same card was drawn, it could not be activated.

Now is undoubtedly the best time to activate [Handbook Obliteration].

"Continue to activate the magic card [Handbook Obliteration] in your hand!"

"Players with cards in hand discard all those cards, and then draw the same number of cards from the deck!"

When Lu You finished speaking, he put the scattered cards into a stack and stuffed them into the graveyard.

Then he looked at Chen Yan with a smile.

Chen Yan had no choice but to follow Lu You to discard all the cards in his hand and then draw the same number.

But it doesn't matter. When the Flame Paladin exists in the graveyard, it can become a monster's equipment card and return to the field.

This is the "tacit understanding" of the knights!

But this time and again, the number of decks has been reduced by half again.

Chen Yan vaguely felt that something was wrong. Lu You would not really intend to empty his deck and then win a special victory, right?

I can't let Lu You continue to draw cards!

Thinking of this, Chen Yan glanced at the hand he had just drawn. There were [Value-added G] and [Infinite Bubble], and he finally drew some resistance.

Since the Flame Paladin can't break through many points, he also brought some general-purpose cards.

It's just that Lu You doesn't special summon monsters at all, so [value-added G] is temporarily unusable.

But he can soak the Royal Magic Library!

As long as the effect of this monster is negated, Lu You can't accumulate magic counters when he activates magic cards.

And when there are no cards on the field, this card can also be activated from the hand.

"At this moment, activate the trap card [Infinite Bubble] from the hand!"

"I choose [Royal Magic Library] on your field as the target, and the effect will be negated until the end of the turn!"

I saw a burst of illusory bubbles covering the entire library, and the light symbolizing the magic counter suddenly dimmed.

Now the Royal Magic Library is just a blank monster with zero attack power but resistance.

Ge Bingyue, who was watching the game, nodded secretly when she saw Chen Yan's operation.

If it were her, she would probably target the Royal Magic Library.

Or the field magic card [Fountain of the Divine Monument].

She vaguely felt that it was the core of the Divine Monument.

Recovering 3 family magic cards from the graveyard at once, and then drawing the same number of cards from the deck to replenish the hand, the effect is really powerful.

And for Lu You, it is normal for an opponent of this level to use [Infinite Bubble], and when he was pointed out in the live duel, he expected that other general-purpose cards would appear.

But it is a bit late to invalidate the library now.

His card draw will end soon.

"Activate the magic card, [Purgatory of Nothingness]!"

"You can activate it when the number of cards in your hand is more than 3, and draw a card from the deck."

"At the end of this round, all the cards in your hand will be discarded!"

Lu You suddenly drew a card, and after thinking for a moment, he put all the magic and trap cards in his hand into the duel disk one after another.

"I will cover 5 cards, and the round will end like this."

The covered cards on his field are basically the original fast-attack magic cards of [Divine Monument]. With the current number of cards in the opponent's deck, one more round will be enough.

What's more, he also activated [Temporary Truce] in this round, and the damage to both sides will become zero before the end of the opponent's next turn.

Besides, the Flame Paladin deck used by Chen Yan cannot produce the 600-blood burning Hei Jiaolong, and there is no other way to bypass [Temporary Truce] to cause damage.

Hearing Lu You announce the end of the round, Chen Yan's face suddenly showed joy.

But looking at the 5 unfamiliar covered cards, his expression became complicated again.

Who knows what other deck-destroying effects there will be.

Chen Yan glanced at the thin deck, which was obviously unable to withstand Lu You's tossing.

In a trance, he realized that his situation had long become very dangerous, and the power of the Divine Monument to reduce the deck was greater than he thought.

No, no...

How could he lose to the Divine Monument?

He must win the first place in this training invitation!

Chen Yan's eyes became sharp, and he made a card-drawing action again. At the same time, his body shape gradually changed, and the duel disk on his arm seemed to become a burning long sword.

The figures of the knights appeared one by one from behind him, and slowly merged with Chen Yan.

"My turn, draw a card!"

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