You are not allowed to play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 98 Silver City: Are you thinking about me?

Is this the choice "Fetters" makes?

Before piloting the Gundam, do you want me to transform into a Kamen Rider?

Lu You opened the card tiles and inserted this card into the extra area. There is indeed a 4-star fusion monster in the main card of the sacred monument. Coupled with the 4-star [Ama Iwato], it is completely possible to super summon Reikishi.

As for [Lihuishi-Lord of the Flies], it is a very powerful removal card.

During your own main phase and your opponent's battle phase, if the opponent's hand and field cards are more than your own, you can remove an excess material and activate it.

All other cards on the field are destroyed.

However, after this effect is activated, all damage received by the opponent becomes zero until the end of the round.

Compared to Tian Ting, this monster has more restrictions on how to clear the field, but it is still quite powerful.

For this reason, he doesn't mind being a Kamen Rider for once.

The wind is starting to blow again...

After the rewards are distributed, the training camp starts again, followed by doubles and relay races, which are events that occur in large-scale duels and are also common training methods in the academy.

However, Lu You found that no one seemed willing to duel with him.

Everyone deliberately avoided him, for fear that the entire deck would also be cleared.

There is nothing we can do about it, after all, the strong are always lonely.

Anyway, he still has Hu Ji...

Wait, why does it feel more miserable?

Lu You actually didn't care. After getting the highest contract from Tiannan Duel Academy, his purpose of coming to the training camp had been achieved, and he also gained a lot.

Even if I don’t participate in subsequent projects, no one will say anything.

So he wandered around the academy and visited the dueling competitions on campus from time to time.

Soon, three days passed and the training camp finally ended.

Some people got satisfactory results in the training, but most people still came back disappointed and still had to immerse themselves in the college entrance examination.

Ge Bingyue also received invitations from the five major dueling academies. Although it was not the highest contract, it was enough. She knew that there was a gap between her own strength and what the other party required.

Then, under the leadership of "Silver Hand", everyone took the bus they came from and returned home.

After learning that both Lu You and Ge Bingyue had successfully entered the five major duel academies, "Silver Hand" rarely showed a look of relief.

One week later, Chenxing training class.

During Lu You's training, there were more students in the training class. It seemed to be the influence of his defeat of the official members of the Shenglong Club last time. The entire practical classroom on the second floor was packed with people.

Li Yuande is still showing newcomers the cruelty of Samsung duelists.

Lu You went directly to the office on the third floor. Yang Chentian had obviously been waiting for him for a long time.

"Lu You, congratulations on winning the contract from Tiannan Duel Academy. I would like to congratulate you on behalf of the headquarters!"

"Although it is not a mandatory requirement for the club to be admitted to the five major dueling academies, it is also an important bonus."

"If you could have participated in the training camp earlier, I guess there would be no need for Lao Song to come."

Recalling how Old Song drank alone in the bar after losing to Lu You, Yang Chentian couldn't help laughing.

If you don't listen to me, you will suffer the consequences.

"By the way, you still remember Honghui Personal Training Center, right?"

Yang Chentian changed the topic and his face gradually became serious. He took out a document from the drawer, which contained the information of some staff members in the personal training center.

Personal training center?

Lu You remembered that it seemed to be the stronghold of the rare card hunter organization. Wu Feng was bewitched by them, so he went around looking for students to compete in card gambling duels.

"After the investigation, I originally wanted to join forces with several other clubs in Beijiang City to take down this stronghold."

"I didn't expect that just when I was about to take action, Honghui Personal Dating Center suddenly closed its doors, and now the building is empty."

Ran away?

Lu You thought that the designation behind the rare card hunters' ability to stay in Beijiang City for so many years had something to do with it.

Unexpectedly, the yo-yo happened as soon as there was some trouble.

"Did they know your actions in advance?"

Hearing Lu You's question, Yang Chentian shook his head solemnly and turned on the TV screen. News was playing on it, and it was related to the Holy Dragon Club.

"According to the information I got, the rare card hunter organization is going to make a big move and will redeploy most of its manpower."

"And their target is most likely this wealthy businessman named Hong."

"The specific reason is unclear at the moment, but this wealthy businessman was also prepared and directly hired the entire Shenglong Club to protect him."

Can you actually book the entire club?

Lu You couldn't help but be speechless. He really couldn't understand the world of rich people.

"Hey, it's really not a good idea to have a full-scale confrontation with the rare card hunter organization."

"But for the current Shenglong Club, it is a shot in the arm, pulling it back from the edge of split."

"As for the outcome of this all-out confrontation..."

Yang Chentian shook his head. There were crouching tigers, hidden dragons in the rare card hunter organization, and there was also a mysterious sponsor behind it. The Holy Dragon's chances of winning were actually not good.

"Headquarters does not plan to get involved in this matter, and you should be careful not to get involved."

Having said this, Yang Chentian turned to look at Lu You, with a smile on his face.

"Now that you have signed a contract with Tian Nan, you can think about Round D in advance and prepare to learn high-speed duels."

Hearing Yang Chentian's reminder, Lu You remembered that his merit points had not been used, just to exchange for a handsome D wheel.

And now I finally have a chance to use it.

Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon, let's surpass even the light together!

"Haha, you look exactly as excited as I did back then!"

"Although the club will equip the new star with the latest model of D-wheel, they are all mass-produced and should not meet your requirements."

"Therefore, I still suggest that you use the merit points to exchange for customized D-wheel, and then use the new star's quota to exchange for a more powerful duel disk."

Lu You has no objection to this. Compared with mass production, customization is more in line with his appetite.

As for the merit points, they were originally prepared for the D-wheel, so it is not a waste.

"What are your requirements for the D-wheel?"

"Is there nitrogen acceleration? Can it fly in the sky?"

Yang Chentian: "?"

I'm talking to you about the D-wheel, and you're talking to me about fighter jets, right?

"Haha, Lu You, you have a rich imagination. Let's leave this question to the D-round manufacturers."

"But you are still short of merit points. You should be able to complete one more task, and you may even have a lot of surplus."

As he said this, Yang Chentian took out a stack of task reports and placed them in front of Lu You. This was a reason he carefully selected and more suitable for the present.

"This task is also relatively rare in the club. It concerns the legacy of a well-known duelist."

"Not long ago, this duelist died unexpectedly and did not leave a will."

"There was a huge disagreement among his children about who would inherit the mansion, various other assets, and the priceless card deck under his name. After the dispute did not produce any results, they planned to solve it with a duel."

Lu You picked up the report and glanced at it. There were also many photos in it, including the mansion that Yang Chentian mentioned.

The interior decoration was magnificent, filled with precious antiques and famous paintings.

Even the furniture was extremely luxurious, just like...

Wait a minute, why do these furniture look familiar?

Lu You suddenly frowned and stared at the photo carefully.

After a moment, he suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the familiar furniture in disbelief.

Dragon-decorated lamps, fire-blowing stoves, crazy clocks...

Aren't these all the native monsters of Silver City?

How come someone really made furniture in the image of monsters?

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