The old man was very angry.

“Promise to kill Wuxin?”

Ning Fan pretended to be confused: “No, I didn’t understand what you said. Why should I promise to kill Wuxin?”

“I have no grudges against him. The biggest grudge between us is that we only fought once on the battlefield. It’s not good to fight to the death for this, right?”

Huang Yazi sighed: “Okay, stop acting, I’m not a fool.”

“From now on, I, an old man, don’t want to wander anymore, so I will follow you, live under your command, and be your knife.”

“Although I’m a little older, I can still kill people movingly.”

Uh, embarrassing.

He actually saw it.

But it is also true that a great ninth-level saint, a powerful being who cultivates the supreme way, how could he not see the true intention behind Ning Fan’s words.


“If I meet Wuxin again, I promise to twist his head off!”

Ning Fan grinned.

The two drank for a whole night and talked happily, and learned some more unknown things from Huang Yazi.

That is the difference between Da Zhou and Daliang.

Da Zhou has a stronger overall military force, while Daliang is much more powerful than Da Zhou. The most obvious one is the existence of top giants.

A giant like Huang Yazi, thrown into the Da Zhou, is an existence that ranks at the top. Although he is not as good as the monk Kufan, he is second only to him.

But thrown into Daliang, although he is still in the top ranks, he cannot sit alone at the top.

Because there are many people with the same combat power as him.

The three dynasties have their own characteristics.

As for Beimang… it was even more different. It was different from the other two dynasties. The rivers and lakes and the court there complemented each other and merged into one.

The strong men of Beimang were proud of being able to fight for the country. One of the motivations for them to practice martial arts was to step into the court one day.

Moreover… how did Beimang get its name? You can see it from the entire Beimang people.

Two days later, Zuo Shan’s 450,000 troops were less than 100 miles away from Quzhou.

With such a short distance, for an existence of Zuo Shan’s level, a night attack could flash to Quzhou, and the army could swallow wolves and drive tigers.

But surprisingly, Zuo Shan did not choose to send troops immediately, but temporarily stationed in the city closest to Quzhou.

The 450,000 troops were divided into five routes, each of which was in an offensive position.

Once Zuo Shan issued an order, the five armies would attack together, and Huang Feng, who only had 130,000 troops, would be unable to resist.

Meeting room.

Ning Fan, Huang Yazi, and Huang Feng were sitting.

“Master, what should we do? Zuo Shan’s 450,000 troops are coming aggressively. Our 130,000 troops are not enough.”

Huang Feng said with a worried look on his face.

At this moment, he had a new understanding of the difficulty of rebellion. It was too damn difficult. There were hundreds of thousands of troops at any time. It was too scary.

Ning Fan was silent, looking at the defense map of Zuo Shan’s army transmitted from the dome.

Among the 450,000 troops, 150,000 were in the center, under the control of Zuo Shan. The target was the city where they were now. The purpose was very clear, to attack Huanglong directly!

The other 300,000 troops were divided into four places, wrapping up.

Under the absolute suppression of this number, Ning Fan and his men seemed to have no chance of escape except retreating.

“Have you heard a saying?”

Ning Fan put down the defense map and suddenly spoke.

Both of them shook their heads in a daze. How could they know what Ning Fan wanted to say?

“To capture the thief, first capture the leader!”

As he spoke, Ning Fan pointed at the Zuoshan tribe, which was the closest to them, while pointing his finger at the defense map!

Hiss! ! !

When the two saw the place where Ning Fan pointed, they felt cold all over. Even Huang Yazi found it unbelievable and could not believe it.

Brother, that is their main army, with 150,000 elite soldiers.

They can’t avoid it, but you are going to kill them?

Isn’t this just giving yourself a head!

“Master, isn’t it too dangerous?” Huang Feng swallowed his saliva quickly to hide his fear and smiled awkwardly at Ning Fan.

Ning Fan shook his head: “Dangerous? If we play step by step, when their five armies come together, it will be dangerous.”

“If this game is in Youzhou, some of it can be broken, but here, it can’t be broken!”

“Since it can’t be broken, then we should gather our strength together.

, turned into a sharp spear, and stabbed at their main force fiercely! ”

“If it pierces, the situation will be broken!”

Ning Fan’s voice was so cold that the two people felt cold on their backs.

This plan was too crazy. Even in their opinion, there was no possibility of winning.

“Send 15,000 people to guard the four places where Zuoshan divided his troops. Tell them that they must hold the city no matter what, even if the city is broken and the people die!”

“As for whether they can hold it, it doesn’t matter.”

“The remaining 70,000 people, don’t do anything, tomorrow night, night attack! ”

Ning Fan’s eyes were filled with madness.

He also felt crazy. It was very difficult for 70,000 troops to attack Zuo Shan’s 150,000 at night.

After all, the troops in their hands were almost all newly recruited, and they had not undergone a few days of training. It was no different from sending them to the battlefield.

On the other hand, Zuo Shan had elite troops.

So, even if it was a night attack, it would be easy to be wiped out by surprise.

Once the other four major parts reacted, and they were surrounded by dumplings, it would be a disaster.

This is why Ning Fan felt that he was crazy.

But as Ning Fan said just now, if their five armies came together, it would be a real disaster.

“Okay! ”

Huang Feng also gritted his teeth and spoke.

Things have come to this point, there is no way back, if that’s the case, then give it a try!

The worst that can happen is death!

Then, Huang Feng quickly left and began to dispatch the army.

“Are you really going to attack Zuo Shan’s main force?”

Huang Yazi still couldn’t believe it.

Ning Fan raised the corner of his mouth: “When you return to Da Zhou, you will see many times, crazier than this!”

“This world is intoxicating because of its madness! ”

At the same time, a hundred miles outside Quzhou.

Zuo Shan’s main army camp.

Zuo Shan, with gray hair and beard, stood in the tent in black armor, looking at the sand table in front of him, his forehead furrowed.

Although his troops were four times more than the opponent’s at the moment, he still did not dare to take it lightly.

He was very clear about Dong Bodhi’s attainments in military law.

Facing Ning Fan, he was defeated in succession and was even devoured by hundreds of thousands of troops, which made him dare not have any contempt at all.

“Come on!”

“Order, all five divisions will attack tomorrow night and attack Quzhou at night!”

Zuo Shan raised his head suddenly and shouted in a deep voice.

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