The imperial edict sent by the cabinet at an urgent speed of 800 miles has now reached the territory of Huizhou.

To go to Shanliang, this is the only way.

“800 miles urgent, 800 miles urgent, get out of the way, quick!!!”

The edict on horseback saw a large army moving forward, and his face suddenly changed, and he shouted hurriedly.

If it was peacetime, he would not be afraid, but now at this critical moment, in the midst of chaos, what if he encounters some rebels or something like that again.

He was also afraid, so he shouted loudly to remind the other party and to give himself courage.

But what he faced happened to be Ning Fan and his group.

800 miles urgent?

Ning Fan was confused after hearing this. Why was the court sending the troops 800 miles in a hurry at this time? Where was it going?

Behind him was the mountain ridge and Youzhou, but which of these two places could get around him?


Ning Fan looked at the messenger who was coming quickly and raised his hand.

“Get off the horse!”

Boom boom boom.

Behind him, 30,000 soldiers shouted in anger, and the sound shook the sky. The messenger was almost scared to death by this scene.

He quickly turned over and got off the horse, swallowing his saliva in panic, but when he saw the Ning character flag fluttering behind Ning Fan, he was also stunned.

Ning character flag?

In this world, besides Ning Fan, is there another Ning surnamed person who commands tens of thousands of elite soldiers?

“What are you sending in a 800-mile rush, where are you sending it, and who are you sending it to?”

Ning Fan frowned.

The messenger hurriedly put on a smile: “General, this 800-mile express is to be sent to the main city of Shanliang, to the Grand Commander of Youzhou, Marquis of Champion, and General of Tiance, Lord Ning Fanning.”



Isn’t this a coincidence, isn’t this a coincidence!

“Give it to me, I am.”

Ning Fan stretched out his hand to the messenger.

The messenger was also confused when he heard this, his eyes widened, looking at Ning Fan in disbelief, such a coincidence, he actually encountered it?

“Are you Lord Ning Fanning, the Grand Commander of Youzhou?”

The messenger hurriedly asked.

Gao Shun, who was beside Ning Fan, glared with a fierce look: “Nonsense, who in the world dares to pretend to be my master?”

“My lord, calm down, my lord, calm down!”

After hearing this, the messenger’s heart trembled wildly, and he hurriedly took out the imperial edict from his arms, held it with both hands, and respectfully walked to Ning Fan and raised it above his head.

“Congratulations to the Grand Commander, who is now the Grand Commander of Beiyou and controls six states!”

The messenger held up the imperial edict and hurriedly said some congratulatory words.

Grand Commander of Beiyou, controls six states?

Ning Fan took the imperial edict with a bewildered face. How could he not understand what this guy said, especially the Grand Commander of Beiyou? What place is Beiyou?

He had never heard of it.

“Sir, since the imperial edict has been delivered, I will go back.”

“Oh, by the way, Tian Mingtian, the elder, asked me to bring a message to you. Tian Mingtian asked you to rush to Jiangnan as soon as possible and make sure to resolve the disaster in Jiangnan.”

After that, the messenger bowed again and turned away.

Ning Fan opened the imperial edict with doubts. When he finished reading the contents of the imperial edict, he was still confused and his head was buzzing.

But he did understand what the so-called Grand Commander of Beiyou was.

To put it bluntly, the lands of the six states above Youzhou are all under Ning Fan’s control, so he appointed a Northern Youzhou Grand Commander who has never appeared before.

Controlling the six states and doing things according to his convenience is even simpler.

From this moment on, Ning Fan is the local emperor of the six states. The appointment of all officials is up to Ning Fan’s thoughts. He can promote or kill them. This is within his convenience!

Hiss! ! !

Even Ning Fan, seeing this imperial edict, also grinned and inhaled a little, but he still didn’t understand why he got this official position for no reason?

Is it true that when you sit at home, blessings come from heaven?

How could he know that he had been in seclusion in the mountain ridge for seven days, which was equivalent to a time difference in the eyes of the ministers in the cabinet. It seemed that he was arrogant and unwilling to take action.

But no matter what, this is always a good thing for Ning Fan. Next, he will take action in the other three states, which is also justified.

Although it is a chaotic time, excuses are necessary. After all, the people need to be appeased, and only when the people are in favor can we truly sweep the country.

“Keep going.”

Ning Fan raised his hand, and the army continued to move forward.

Half a day later, the cabinet in Beijing.

Tian Ming and others are still discussing whether Ning Fan will continue to be arrogant after receiving this imperial edict. If

If they continue to be arrogant, what should they do?

Could it be that they will confer an imperial title on a king of a different surname?

If it really comes to that, do we need to let the King of Backer come out of the mountain in advance? Even if his injuries have not healed, it is better than having another king of a different surname, right?

Although the title of the Grand Commander of Beiyou sounds more powerful than the king of a different surname, it is just an empty title.

But the king of a different surname is different. This is a real title of king, and they dare not confer it again.


Just when everyone was lost in thought, a young official came in quickly from outside, looking at Tian Ming who was silent in the corner with a complicated expression.

“What happened?”

Tian Ming raised his eyebrows and asked in a deep voice.

The young official said with a complicated expression: “Minggong, the messenger who went to Shanliang to deliver the imperial edict is back.”

“What? Back?”

In the room, even the other people were stunned and spoke one after another.

The capital is not close to Shanliang. Although they sent experts to deliver the imperial edict, they should not be able to reach Shanliang in such a short time.

“Yes, he is back. According to the messenger, he did not reach Shanliang at all, but met Ning Fan’s army in Huizhou.”

“At that time, Ning Fan was heading towards Jiangnan.”



Inside the house, there was a deathly silence.

The ministers who controlled the cabinet looked at each other, and their expressions were so wonderful.

“You mean, Ning Fan has actually set off, even without this imperial edict, he is already heading towards Jiangnan?”

One person asked unwillingly.

The young official nodded.

Bang! ! !

At this moment, it seemed as if something broke in the hearts of the ministers.

They actually miscalculated?

It was an indescribable feeling that made them unwilling, aggrieved, and unable to speak out.

“Very good, very good.”

“It shows that General Ning is concerned about the country and the people!”

Tian Ming in the corner also came back to his senses from the brief shock and laughed repeatedly.

But it is obvious that his smile is also full of complexity.


The three major forces are still fighting fiercely.

No, it should be said that Mingxuan is struggling in the fierce fighting.

Chu Yanbing and Jiang Tian are too strong. The army under their command and the strong people behind them are all outrageous!

If Jiang Lan had not found him a nine-level saint to protect him before he came, he would have died long ago.

But now, the nine-level saint is also injured, and his combat power has been reduced by more than half.

It seems that there is only one desperate road in front of him!

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