The battle was over, and the battle was over.

Ning Fan killed someone!

And he killed several gods in Wudi City!

This scene not only frightened the other powerful people around, but also made Master and others look solemn, with spiritual power in their bodies surging, ready for a big fight at any time.

Fighting is not allowed in Wudi City. This has been a rule for hundreds of years. No matter who it is, anyone who has taken action in this city will have a tall grass on his grave.

But Ning Fan was still fearless and took action brazenly!


Deep pit?

He ignored them all. For him, the person he wanted to kill could not be saved by the king of heaven, not to mention the broken rules of a Wudi City.

As for the Master and others, the Majesty who dared to provoke them like this, these people deserved to die.

Even if Ning Fan did not take action, someone among them would definitely take action!

The power of Daning cannot be insulted.

No matter what position they were in Daning, they could leave Daning and come to the territory of the three dynasties, and the word Daning would always be on their heads.

What’s more, most of them had a relationship with Ning Fan where they would rise and fall together. If Ning Fan got into trouble and Daning was in turmoil, their interests would naturally suffer the greatest loss.

Therefore, they did not hesitate to fight with Wang Xianzhi!

Even Mu Niu’s chest was roaring with fighting spirit at this moment. He didn’t want to stand up for Ning Fan, he just wanted to fight with Wang Xianzhi again!

All around, the onlookers looked at Ning Fan who was walking towards the city with horror.

In their opinion, Ning Fan’s behavior was too crazy!

Killing people, he vented his anger, it was satisfying, but next, facing Wang Xianzhi’s anger, how will he end up? The consequences will be disastrous!


The moment Ning Fan and others walked into the city, a strong wind suddenly rose from the vermilion Wudi Tower in the distance, sweeping across the city!

The people watching the excitement had different expressions, but most of them wanted to watch the excitement. They really wanted to know how the new emperor of Daning would behave in the face of Wang Xianzhi’s arrival.

Will he still dare to be arrogant?

The faces of Master and others became extremely solemn. This wind was not normal. It must be Wang Xianzhi who came, and he was definitely not here to say hello.

Ning Fan not only took action in Wudi City, but also killed people, and even killed several people in a row!

This behavior was a slap in Wang Xianzhi’s face.

Wang Xianzhi, who has been invincible for hundreds of years, would not tolerate such behavior even if he was a good man. He had to defend his dignity as the second best in the world!

But Ning Fan waved his hand at everyone, asking them to stop temporarily. He himself strode forward and strolled leisurely in the wind.

In the center of the city.

When Ning Fan walked here, a man in white appeared in front of him.

It was an old man who looked very kind, without any domineering attitude, and not as domineering and arrogant as Ning Fan imagined!

It was like an old man next door, who had no invincible spirit.

But it was precisely because of this that Ning Fan would be more careful, because he knew too well that the more such people were, the more terrible they were.

On the contrary, the kind of guy who was arrogant and looked down on everything all day long was most likely a paper tiger that would break with a poke, and there was no threat at all.

“You killed someone in Wudi City, which violated the rules.”

The seemingly amiable old man in front of him spoke in a light tone, but Ning Fan felt that there was an invisible force that seemed to weigh billions of pounds, which instantly pressed on him.

This invisible force could easily kill a ninth-level saint, no exaggeration.

Ning Fan raised his eyebrows, but grinned: “Kill them, if I don’t even have the courage to kill those trash who dared to provoke me in person, then I don’t deserve to come to Wudi City.”



The eyes of the old man in front of him, that is, Wang Xianzhi, jumped slightly: “There must be rules in this world, and I always abide by the rules.”

“So, in Wudi City, no matter who you are, you have to abide by the rules.”

As he spoke, Wang Xianzhi stepped forward and walked towards Ning Fan.

Boom! ! !

Then a breath that was enough to shake the world suddenly rose in his body and rushed straight to the sky, as if the world began to shake.

This terrifying aura made the city’s giants breathless and suffocated.

“Wang Xianzhi, it’s time to take action. No one in this world can break the rules in Wudi City. He would rather

So what? If you make a mistake, you will still be punished! ”

“Haha, he will have to pay the price for his arrogance just now.”

“People should not be too impulsive. Sometimes the price paid for impulsiveness is unacceptable to him.”

“What does it mean? Liu Taibai hasn’t even made a challenge yet, but a real world-renowned battle is about to begin. It’s exciting. Who will win and who will lose? ”

For a moment, those powerful people who were watching the excitement were extremely excited.

Finally, they were going to witness Wang Xianzhi’s attack again!

The faces of Master and others were even uglier, especially Mu Niu. When Wang Xianzhi’s aura burst out, his pupils shrank suddenly.

He felt that Wang Xianzhi, who had not been seen for 600 years, was even more terrifying. He seemed to have reached a truly invincible state, and even made people lose the courage to challenge him.

Too scary!

But the fighting spirit in Mu Niu’s eyes became more and more fanatical.

After all, he was reincarnated to practice, how many years had he practiced in this life?

Wang Xianzhi has not stopped for 600 years!

In other words, Wang Xianzhi was ahead of him for 600 years, so it was normal that he couldn’t beat him. The more this happened, the more excited he was about the next battle.

“Why are you pretending to be a saint in front of me? ”

Suddenly, Ning Fan’s cold and contemptuous voice resounded through the world.


Ning Fan’s words were like a thunderbolt that split the sky and earth, instantly tearing the invincible force that Wang Xianzhi had burst out into pieces, leaving nothing behind!

The sound, like a huge bell, also frightened the people in the city. They couldn’t imagine how Ning Fan dared to shout like that when Wang Xianzhi was about to take action!

How dare he!

“You, Wang Xianzhi, follow the rules?”

“When the Great Zhou was in turmoil, your Wu slave Chen Polu went into the turmoil alone, killed his way into my camp, and used the three words “Wu Di City” to force me to divide the world into two.”

“What is this? ”

Ning Fan sneered, not afraid of Wang Xianzhi’s might in front of him.


The next second, Ning Fan stopped and stepped in. The spiritual power, physical body, and divine power in his body were combined into one, bursting out with a force that could break the sky!

The second in the world?

I’m fighting the second in the world!

But Ning Fan moved, and Wang Xianzhi stopped.

He knew what Ning Fan said!

If it was according to what he said just now, then this matter was indeed a violation of the rules by Wudi City, which instantly made him lose all his excuses.

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