The more you fight, the more you lose.

Wang Xianzhi’s terror can be seen from this!

Before, Ning Fan didn’t quite understand why the Master was so proud when he said that he fought Wang Xianzhi for sixteen moves.

He didn’t understand. You have lost, and you only fought for sixteen moves. Is there anything to be proud of? This is simply a shame.

But now he understands.

When facing an absolutely invincible existence, being able to fight for sixteen rounds in a row is already a great honor for others, and it is worth bragging about.

“Wang Xianzhi is so strong?”

Everyone looked uneasy.

“Then tomorrow’s battle, if… we must ensure Taibai’s safety. A war of this magnitude, if you are not careful, it may be a matter of life and death.”

“Besides, we had a conflict with Wang Xianzhi during the day, although we don’t know how Wang Xianzhi and His Majesty resolved it.”

“What is certain is that Wang Xianzhi must have hated us, so if he attacks, he must be full of strength!”

The Demon Lord on the side was a little panicked.

Why did Wu Suzhi, Master Kufan ​​and others have such a strong reputation in the three dynasties? It was because they challenged Wang Xianzhi and left alive.

Being able to leave alive is capital!

But what Ning Fan said now made them very worried. If there is a huge gap in strength, there may be a crisis.

“It doesn’t matter. I just said that Taibai is not his opponent. If he wants to kill Taibai, even if I’m not here, Taibai should be able to escape unscathed.”

“If he wants to kill me, it depends on whether I agree or not. If I don’t agree, Wang Xianzhi will have to watch Taibai leave!”

Ning Fan smiled indifferently.

Everyone was slightly stunned by Ning Fan’s confident expression.

“Your Majesty, how about you against Wang Xianzhi?”

Wuyazi asked softly.

Ning Fan frowned, thought about it carefully, and still didn’t dare to be too confident: “It’s about the same. I think it should be within this range. It’s a bit difficult for me to kill him.”

Hiss! ! !

Everyone took a breath and looked at Ning Fan in disbelief.

Brother, you are not kidding, right? When others are proud of challenging Wang Xianzhi and being able to leave alive, you dare to want to kill Wang Xianzhi?

“It’s a pity that my three-phase power has not been completely integrated. Otherwise, it shouldn’t be a big problem to suppress him.”

Ning Fan murmured, feeling very sorry.

But his words made everyone tremble with fear. How come you are out of breath when you are said to be fat?

“Come on, come on, drink and eat. Since I became the emperor, I have never drunk so happily and freely. Others are all submissive.”

“Alas, it’s hard to be a human being, it’s hard to be a man, it’s hard to be a man of a country.”

Ning Fan sighed.

The corners of everyone’s mouth twitched.

The next morning.

The giants in Wudi City woke up one after another and quickly gathered in front of Wudi City Tower, waiting here, waiting for Liu Taibai to fight Wang Xianzhi.

But…the expressions of everyone were not very expectant. Some even yawned and looked listless, as if they were not expecting anything at all.

They were most looking forward to Ning Fan!

But someone is challenging Wang Xianzhi, they can’t just ignore it, right?

How did that saying go?

It’s like chicken ribs, tasteless to eat, but a pity to throw away!

Well, just watch it, at least it’s worth it to see Wang Xianzhi’s invincible style.

After a while, there was some commotion behind the people surrounding the Emperor Wu Tower, and a road quickly appeared in the crowd. Ning Fan and others walked slowly under the attention of everyone.

“Ning Fan, tell your people to be careful!”

In the crowd, Wu Suzhi, holding a long sword, frowned and spoke.

Ning Fan grinned and nodded at Wu Suzhi. He knew that Wu Suzhi was worried about Liu Taibai, so he naturally didn’t think Wu Suzhi was provoking him.

Under the tower, Ning Fan patted Liu Taibai on the shoulder.

“Look, what a big scene.”

“Try harder, make these arrogant guys’ eyes explode!”

“But remember, face is nothing compared to your life, so if you feel you can’t win, withdraw immediately.”

Ning Fan warned.

Liu Taibai nodded, his expression serious, he took a deep breath, and looked at the teacher and others beside him.

At this moment, he squeezed out a smile: “I’m going!”

After that, Liu Taibai took a long

Sword, paced.


As he took a step, the sword energy rushed into the sky, gushing out a terrifying momentum, like a sword emperor, appearing in the world at this moment, to patrol the heavens!

With every step he took, the sword energy in Liu Taibai’s body became stronger, and the sword energy surrounding his body even tore the space apart in an instant!

“This Liu Taibai… is strong enough!”

“It seems that this battle is not so boring.”

“Hehe, don’t just use a wax spear head, it looks good but is useless. If you can’t even climb the tower and can’t pass the level of the six martial slaves, it would be ridiculous.”

“It shouldn’t be!”

“Look, the six martial slaves have appeared!”

Everyone had different expressions and started to discuss.

On the tall vermilion tower, when Liu Taibai stepped onto the steps, the six martial slaves headed by Chen Polu appeared on the tower.

“If you want to challenge my master, you must first pass the level of the six of us.”

“And, if you choose to move forward, don’t worry about life or death!”

Chen Polu looked down from above, and there was a trace of spiritual power in his body that shook the eight directions, and it was still boiling.

These six martial slaves are all ninth-level realm!

Before, the six martial slaves were just ordinary great saints, and there was even a martial slave of the first level.

But as more and more giants came to challenge, the martial slaves would also die, and they could be said to be consumables.

With the consumption and the increasing number of challengers, the terrible situation of six ninth-level holy martial slaves was finally formed, deterring the villains from all directions!

One person fought against six martial slaves alone, and the leader was Chen Polu, who had the ultimate combat power!

This difficulty was enough to persuade many people to retreat.


Liu Taibai’s eyes were erected, and he shouted angrily. The next second, the terrifying sword energy wrapped around him burst out at this moment, like a rainstorm of pear blossoms, killing in all directions.

Clang clang!

I saw a flash of sword light tearing through the sky and soaring into the sky.

Then, Liu Taibai’s figure had already killed the six martial slaves.

The battle begins!

Liu Taibai is going to climb the Wudi Tower!

Except for Ning Fan, everyone else in Daning had an extremely serious expression. They stared at the scene on the tower, trembling with fear.

The six martial slaves were in a siege, and they also burst out with invincible killing when they raised their hands!

The overwhelming and killing magic power completely blocked Liu Taibai’s way.

Boom! ! !

The magic power fell, and the earth trembled.

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