You became a lawyer and sent the judge in?

Chapter 110 Supreme Court: Nandu High Court, retrial!

Chu Lei's mood was very unstable, but he could understand Su Bai.

After a few seconds.

Chu Lei spoke slowly: "Lawyer Su...I'm sorry, I was a little emotional just now..."

Su Bai smiled and comforted: "It's human nature, it's okay."

"However, the relevant evidence of the other party asking you for a letter of understanding must be kept."

"Okay Lawyer Su, I understand."

Facing Su Bai's words, Chu Lei took a deep breath to calm down his emotions.

After hanging up the phone.

Su Bai took a deep breath. The preliminary preparations for this case have been completed.

Just wait for the response from the Supreme Court of Justice.

However, there is clearly something wrong with the judges in this case.

Especially the judge Chu Lei mentioned has a bigger problem.

But Su Bai didn't know the specific situation very well, just... based on the current situation.

If you want to send in judges like the other party who undermine the order of the trial and the fairness of the law, there is still something missing.



Because the case of Nandu Pregnant Woman is representative in itself.

When the second-instance verdict came down, the case still caused a wave of discussion on the Internet.

After Su Bai submitted the new evidence and legal defense, the Supreme People's Court quickly determined that the second-instance judgment had certain problems and requested the Nandu High Court to re-hear the Nandu Pregnant Women's Case!

As soon as this news comes out!

The relevant judges of Nandu High Court and Qin Xiaofeng’s family exploded instantly!


The Supreme Court asked the Nandu High Court to re-hear the case? !

But the second instance has already decided...

If the retrial continues...

After learning the news, Wan Yuping was the most impatient.

At home, he faced Chu Lei and Bai Jun Law Firm.

"What does that Chu Lei want to do?! We have agreed to give him 800,000 yuan as settlement fee, but he is still unwilling?"

"What does he mean by this? Does he want to steal more money from us?"

"How about we backtrack and sue him for blackmail!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Regarding Wan Yuping's words, Qin Anhai directly reprimanded him.

Facing the scolding, Wan Yuping didn't take it seriously and continued to speak:

"Now that the Nandu High Court is going to retry this case, won't our Xiaofeng have to face certain risks again?"

"And that Bai Jun Law Firm, didn't that person say that it is very difficult to appeal to the Supreme Court? Why is Su Bai, the lawyer from Bai Jun Law Firm, so relaxed? Does he have anything to do with it? Do you want to sue him...?"

Wan Yuping looked at Qin Anhai and frowned.

Qin Anhai was speechless about Wan Yuping's thoughts, ever since Qin Xiaofeng was prosecuted for the first instance.

Wan Yuping seemed to have changed into a completely different person, and she started to act recklessly and say some random things.

"What are you suing for? You think the Supreme Court is just a freeloader. I checked this Bai Jun Law Firm. It is indeed a very powerful law firm, and it is the top criminal law firm in Southern Capital!"

"That Chu Lei, the appeal this time is definitely not for money, and I heard that Bai Jun Law Firm usually wins the cases it takes."

"What Chu Lei wants is to save our son's life."

"According to what He Hui said, the other party's claims in this case were not fully protected and they wanted to sentence our son to death..."

He Hui, the judge of the second instance of Qin Xiaofeng's case and one of the three members of the collegial panel.

and Qin Anhai are university alumni.

The same student union at that time.

The relationship between the two was considered good. After learning that He Hui was the judge of Qin Xiaofeng's case, Qin Anhai went out of his way to contact He Hui.

A request from an old friend.

on this case.

He Hui was biased to a certain extent, and in the second instance judgment, he gave a biased judicial interpretation of Qin Xiaofeng's judgment.

After Qin Anhai finished speaking to Wan Yuping, he rubbed his temples and took a long breath. There was no big solution for the time being.

Wan Yuping immediately became anxious when she heard that the other party wanted to sentence her son to death.

"Can this still be punishable by death? What about He Hui?! Can't He Hui help?"

When Qin Anhai heard the question asked by Wan Yuping, his face was serious and his voice was cold: "You think the court is your home?!"

"He Hui is just a judge, he is not the presiding judge. Besides, can he decide this case however he wants?"

"There needs to be evidence and judicial explanation, do you understand?"

"If the other party has very strict evidence and legal explanation, then He Hui has no choice!"

"do you understand?!"

"Besides, He Hui helped us so much because of my relationship with him. Now he is suspected of violating the rules. He is definitely not willing to take more risks and continue to help us!"

When Wan Yuping heard Qin Anhai's words, she couldn't help but have a trace of anxiety on her face.

As a mother, she certainly knew that her son had made a mistake.

She knew rationally that her son had made a mistake, but from an emotional point of view, she did not think that her son's mistake was enough to warrant the death penalty.

After Qin Anhai told her the reality, Wan Yuping just wanted a way to solve the dilemma her son was facing.

"Now what.…?"

"Now, we can only contact Bai Jun Law Firm and ask them not to entrust Chu Lei's case, or let He Hui try to talk through Chu Lei and find another lawyer."

After Qin Anhai finished speaking, Wan Yuping looked anxious, nodded heavily, and agreed:

"That Chu Lei probably won't be able to pay much for legal fees. I don't believe that Bai Jun Law Firm wouldn't be tempted if I paid ten times or a hundred times!"




Su Bai was indeed not too excited.

The legal fees of ten times and a hundred times are indeed very high, but as an excellent lawyer, the legal fees are nothing compared to violating one's lawyer's bottom line.

Baijun Law Firm.

Inside the office.

Su Bai took a sip of tea and listened quietly to Wan Yuping's words.


The more he listened, the tighter his brows furrowed.

After Wan Yuping described the entire lawsuit, Su Bai thought for a few seconds.

Isn't this the perpetrator of Chu Lei's case?

Did you go to him directly?


"Your case should be the recent murder of a pregnant woman...?"

Wan Yuping smiled and said: "Yes, Lawyer Su, that's right, this is the case. I am Qin Xiaofeng's mother."

“I came to Bai Jun Law Firm one time because I wanted to entrust Lawyer Su to help with a defense case.”

Su Bai:? ? ?

Come to him for a defense lawsuit?

The other party is Qin Xiaofeng's mother and has certain connections.

You must know that he is the attorney appointed by the injured party, right...?

The Supreme Court now requires the Nandu High Court to review the verdict.

Wan Yuping came over immediately...this...

You really want to poach someone?

Seeing that Su Bai was silent, Wan Yuping smiled directly and expressed her intention, and offered a million in legal fees.

"Lawyer Su... As long as you no longer entrust Chu Lei's case and entrust my son Qin Xiaofeng to defend his case on commutation of sentence, I can give you one million in legal fees!"

"Lawyer is it?"

Wan Yuping looked directly at Su Bai.

Su Bai smiled slightly and glanced at this woman who was wearing designer clothes all over her body.

Without any hesitation in his heart, he shook his head and rejected the woman's request.

Millions of dollars in legal fees is indeed a lot...

But more important is the reputation and reputation of the law firm.

If they accept Wan Yuping's commission, how will their law firm develop in the future? How to expand?

What do others think of their law firm?

It is equivalent to buying the future development potential of their law firm for 1 million.


Su Bai looked cold and shook his head. He absolutely could not accept this.

"Excuse me.…"

"This lawyer's fee is indeed very high, but our law firm has accepted Chu Lei's commission..."

"Ms. Wan, please leave."

"Xiao Li, see off the guests!"

When speaking, Su Bai waved his hands crisply and had no intention of continuing the conversation.

"Okay Lawyer Su..."

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously.

At this time, Wan Yuping continued to speak: "Lawyer Su, you have to know that this is a lawyer's fee of 1 million. This lawyer's fee is not low..."

"If Lawyer Su feels that the lawyer's fee is not enough, then we can offer 1.5 million or 2 million. If Lawyer Su agrees, we can pay the lawyer's fee immediately."

"Lawyer Su, that Chu Lei can't afford such a high legal fee!"

Su Bai:? ? ? ?

No, what is this woman thinking?

Is this an issue of attorney fees?

This is the basic ethics of a top lawyer!

Su Bai frowned and waved his hand without saying anything, signaling Li Xuezhen to take the person away quickly.

Want to buy his bottom line as a lawyer for one million? !

What are you thinking!

Li Xuezhen curled her lips: "Ms. Wan, please leave..."

But I was thinking in my heart.

What’s the bottom line for wanting to buy Lawyer Su as a lawyer for only 1 million?

Who do you look down on?

She wanted to invest 5 million in the law firm but failed to do so... Asking for 1 million in legal fees for this kind of thing is really too much...

If Lawyer Su can be bought with money...

Then Lawyer Su doesn’t have to struggle at all, he can definitely... support Lawyer Su.

Do you still need to spend 1 million in legal fees? !

Li Xuezhen's little head did not continue to think about it, but she felt a little irritated by Wan Yuping's behavior.

Isn’t this looking at Lawyer Qingsu?

Wan Yuping wanted to say something more, but Li Xuezhen didn't give her a chance at all. Her face was serious and her voice was light:

"Ms. Wan, please leave!"

Facing Li Xuezhen's words and Su Bai's cold attitude.

Wan Yuping had no choice but to hold back her anger and left Bai Jun Law Firm.

It's such a nice thing to give money, but you don't even agree!

Forget it if you don't agree, do you think I have no other option?

Just wait and see!

After Wan Yuping left Bai Jun Law Firm, she looked back at the building and drove back home angrily.



Qin family.

Wan Yuping's face was ashen. She really couldn't understand. She had already spent 1 million in legal fees, or even higher.

Why did the other party reject her directly? !

Chu Lei is just an ordinary person. How much can he spend on legal fees?


At this time, Qin Anhai also brought back the news. After learning that Wan Yuping went to Bai Jun Law Firm and was rejected, he was not too surprised.


“A good law firm must take its reputation into consideration.”

"But I have asked He Hui for help and asked him to tentatively let Chu Lei change to a law firm."

"This Su Bai is not easy to deal with, so just find someone who is easier to deal with."

"What about us, should we still go to the same lawyer as last time to plead?"

Wan Yuping asked.

"Well! The criminal lawyer at Nanyuan Law Firm is good, and he is also one of the top criminal lawyers in Nandu. He should be the one to retrial."


"But how did you arrange it...? It won't cause any problems, right?"

"Don't worry... I just asked. He Hui said there is no big problem."

"Ah That's good."

Wan Yuping nodded, as long as there won't be any problems.

She went to Bai Jun Law Firm and spent 1 million to no avail. As long as she could arrange for Chu Lei, the 1 million cost would be saved!


More importantly, she was very angry at Bai Jun Law Firm!

With this tone, she will definitely come back! .


And the facts proved that she might not be able to get out of this mood again.



In a certain community.

After receiving Qin Anhai's call and plea, He Hui rubbed his brows.

Qin Anhai presented him with a difficult problem this time.

This case...

how to say.…

As the son of an old friend committed a crime, he did have a certain tendency during the trial.

However, it did not violate legal regulations. Even if it was a review and supervision, he could generally guarantee that there would be no major problems and no evidence would be left.

I originally thought that the second trial had been finalized and no other problems could arise.


Now Chu Lei applied to the Supreme Court for retrial procedures, and the Supreme Court agreed to this request.

The case was dismissed and they were asked to be retried by the Nandu High Court.

There is actually no problem with this. The Nandu High Court has already made a second-instance verdict on this case.

The verdict is at best between the death penalty and life imprisonment.


The most important point is...

This case was entrusted by Bai Jun Law Firm!

As the judge of the second instance, He Hui certainly knew what crime Qin Xiaofeng should be sentenced to.

to be honest.…

The crime that Qin Xiaofeng should be sentenced to is between death and suspended death.

He Hui knows something about Su Bai from Bai Jun Law Firm.

He is a ruthless lawyer.

In order to avoid unexpected situations in the retrial.

So he specifically notified Qin Anhai and asked him to write a letter of understanding or find a way to get Chu Lei to change a law firm.

Otherwise it will be difficult to deal with.

But what he didn't expect was that Qin Anhai had no choice but to throw the problem to himself again.

"This problem is not easy to solve..."

He Hui sighed, picked up the phone, and put it down again.

After being stunned for a few seconds, I picked up the phone again...

Forget it, it's not considered a violation...just treat it as a small favor.

PS: Please vote for me~

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